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Japan Earthquake Today | Japan Hit by 7.4-Magnitude Earthquake, Major Tsunami Warning | N18V
Japan Earthquake Today | Japan Hit by 7.4-Magnitude Earthquake, Major Tsunami Warning | N18V Strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits Japan, tsunami warning issued. 7.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Japan, triggering immediate tsunami warnings. Details
Japan Earthquake 2024 Live | Japan Earthquake Today News Live | Japan Earthquake Live Stream | N18L
Japan Earthquake 2024 Live | Japan Earthquake Today News Live | Japan Earthquake Live Stream | N18L Tsunami waves hit several parts of Japan’s coastal areas and urgent evacuation warnings have been issued after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit north-central
Japan Earthquake News LIVE: Japan Hit By Series Of Earthquakes, Japan Hit By 7.4Magnitude Earthquake
Japan Earthquake News LIVE: Japan Hit By Series Of Earthquakes, Japan Hit By 7.4Magnitude Earthquake Japan was hit by a series of earthquakes with Noto in Ishigawa prefecture seeing five-foot tsunami waves and a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, the highest. Bulle
Japan Earthquake | Eyewitness Account Of The Japanese Tsunami | N18V | Japan News | News18
Japan Earthquake | Eyewitness Account Of The Japanese Tsunami | N18V | News18 Strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits Japan, tsunami warning issued. 7.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Japan, triggering immediate tsunami warnings. Details on the seismic
【獅航610空難】剛升空就失控,一場人機大戰上演,最終189人墜海而亡,波音737Max墜機真相Lion Air Flight 610
波音737 max 墜機事件,這是獅航歷史上最為慘烈的空難,也是波音737 系列飛機中遇難人數最多的空難。 一架載有189人的波音客機,剛剛升空就突發意外,一場人和飛機「殊死搏鬥」開始, 可機師沒能阻止墜機的命運,最終飛機扎進茫茫大海,機上所有人全部遇難-Lion Air Flight 610 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「我是長風,和我一起探索事件真相」 點擊下
19歲中國留學生魂斷美國,兇手潛逃回中國,一場國際大搜捕正式開始-case of Tong Shao
一位年僅19歲的中國女留學生,在美國離奇失蹤,警方經過層層調查,終於確定了兇手身份,但為時已晚,兇手已經逃回了中國。 一場跨越萬里的國際搜捕開始了,這引起了國際社會的廣泛關注。The Case Of Tong Shao 李向南 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「我是長風,和我一起探索事件真相」 點擊下方訂閱?????? https://bit.ly/2MLZO6m =
The sky is turning red. Live footage of the volcano eruption in Iceland today. Grindavik has started
Information the sky is turning red in this country. Live footage of Iceland's Grindavík volcano erupting today. A volcano in southwest Iceland began erupting on Monday, 18 December 2023. The location of this fissure threatens the neighbouring Svartsengi Po
Cruel False Hope ☂️ The Awful Story of the New York Mid-air Collision - DISASTER BREAKDOWN
This video went out to my Patrons on Patreon Two Days before going out publicly. Consider joining here from £1 per month: https://www.patreon.com/DisasterBreakdown Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chloe_HowieCB BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/chloehowie.bsky
【惊悚灾难】《蛇之战 / Battle Of Snakes》游轮遭受海底巨蛇袭击 船员展开惊险刺激的求生之战!| full | 魏巍 / 邵帅 / 沈陶然
【欢迎订阅企鹅大影院YouTube官方频道】http://bit.ly/40mk96p 导演: 钟未溪 主演: 魏巍 / 邵帅 / 沈陶然 类型: 惊悚 / 灾难 剧情简介: 吴老板是一名借运送动物为名将大批重度污染废水运送到公海处理赚取佣金的倒爷,长期的非法倾倒导致生活在附近的海洋生物产生变异且极具攻击性。林浩东为了弥补患有假性自闭症的女儿,带她登上了豪华邮轮“平安号”。出海的过程中,邮轮遭受海底巨蛇突袭,在这场灾难面前,林浩东与众人开启了一场惊险刺激的求生之战。 #蛇之战 #企鹅大影院 #Tencent
【沙航163空難】飛機剛升空就起火,雖安全着陸但301人全部遇難,史上第六大空難-Saudia Flight 163
這本是一起完全可以避免的空難,飛機剛升空就出事,在3個「精明」的機組人員的神操作下,飛機驚險的降落到了機場,可最終還是機毀人亡的結局。Saudia Flight 163 disaster -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「我是長風,和我一起探索事件真相」 點擊下方訂閱?????? https://bit.ly/2MLZO6m =====================
Typhoon volcano Merapi: The sun disappeared in Indonesia after a powerful eruption
News natural disasters today: about natural disasters every day. December 4 disaster. Live broadcast, bad weather, CNN news. The pain of the Earth will cleanse the Planet of humanity. In the world in a day about harsh nature. Disasters happen here and now.
西雅圖飛機大盜,偷走飛機卻感動眾人,生前絕望對話到底說了什麼……Richard Russell -sky king
一位29歲的小伙,從來沒有接受過飛行培訓,竟然在眾目睽睽之下從機場偷了一架客機,並飛上藍天,更令人想不到的是,第一次開飛機的他,竟然完成了桶滾飛行等危險動作。 他的偷機行為,雖然給社會造成了不好的後果,但大眾給與了他一邊倒的同情和支持,也引起了人們的反思。Richard Russell-sky king -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「我是長風,和我一起探索事件真相
Flight MH370 | The Unsolved Mystery
6 個月前
 • 56 次觀看
The vanishing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 stands as one of the most perplexing aviation enigmas worldwide. In 2014, the flight, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, entered the realm of mystery when it abruptly disappeared from radar screens. Desp
男人犯案后故意讓人發現,然后到人多的地方瘋狂拍照! No.1 | 萬人敬重的警察,每晚卻要假裝出正義感! https://youtu.be/9Wa7ufPgdwA No.2 | 柯南作者暗示灰原哀結局,透露眾多名柯訊息! #柯南 #灰原哀 #毛利蘭 #動漫 #少兒 https://youtu.be/-B7RdGKcjDQ No.3 | 灰原哀喜不喜歡柯南?柯哀的二十年感情史! #名偵探柯南 #柯南 #動漫 #灰原哀 #工藤新一 https://youtu.be/3ZYVQfJxveY No.4 | 一個動作
《斷網假期》| 正式前導預告 | Netflix
8 個月前
 • 60 次觀看
一對夫妻(茱莉亞羅拔絲 Julia Roberts、伊芬鶴基 Ethan Hawke 飾)與兒女正在歡度假期,兩個自稱受到網絡攻擊的陌生人(馬許沙拉艾利 Mahershala Ali、麥哈娜哈洛 Myha’la 飾)某夜登門並尋求庇護,事態隨即急轉直下。威脅步步進逼,每個人終究要面對如何在逐漸崩壞的世界安身立命。 觀賞《斷網假期》| Netflix 官方網站: https://www.netflix.com/in/title/81314956 訂閱: https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Ne
Dozens of houses went unde rwater! Heavy rains and flooding in Libya
Dozens of houses went under water due to heavy rains and flooding in Libya. This video features the latest news and updates from the country.Flooding is a major problem in Libya, and this video captures the extent of the flooding and the damage it's causin
Houses and cars are underwater! Terrible flooding in Libya after storm Daniel
Houses and cars are underwater! Terrible flooding in Libya after storm Daniel Natural disaster 10 September 2023. Al Bayda, Libya is grappling with severe flooding following the aftermath of Storm Daniel. Torrential rains have inundated streets and homes,
Folding Helmet For Disaster Preventions Flatmet #shorts
Folding Helmet 'Flatmet'. It's for disaster preventions. long version https://youtu.be/_Pp2TgDMib0 #helmet, #disaster
Ukraine War: Drone strikes hit Russian oil refineries
Two Russian oil refineries have been hit in apparent Ukrainian drone strikes. Sky News defence analyst, Prof Michael Clarke, says the attacks are aimed at damaging Russian infrastructure ahead of the expected offensive by Ukraine. #ukraine #russia #nuclear