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Csodával határos kényszerleszállás Portlandben - megint egy Boeing 737 MAX a főszereplő
Az Alaska Airlines egyik Boieng 737 MAX 9 típusú gépéről leszakadt egy panel majdnem ötezer méteren, de a pilótáknak sikerült úgy letenniük a gépet, hogy senkinek nem esett baja. BŐVEBBEN : https://hu.euronews.com/2024/01/06/kenyszerleszallas-boeing-737max
شاهد: في أول رحلة خارجية .. الطائرة الصينية سي 919 محلية الصنع تصل إلى هونغ كونغ
ظهرت طائرة الركاب الصينية الجديدة المصنوعة محلياً لأول مرة خارج البر الرئيسي للصين الأربعاء، حيث ألقت وسائل الإعلام الدولية في هونغ كونغ أول نظرة عليهاعن قرب. لمزيد من القراءة : https://arabic.euronews.com/2023/12/13/china-shows-off-homegrown-c919-passenge
Berlin - Paris : le grand retour des trains de nuit
5 個月前
 • 33 次觀看
Berlin - Paris, le retour des trains de nuit : les liaisons sont à nouveau établies entre Paris Bruxelles et Berlin au grand bonheur des amoureux des couchettes et du rail. LIRE L’ARTICLE : https://fr.euronews.com/2023/12/12/berlin-paris-le-grand-retour-de
Settimana decisiva per l'Ucraina: in ballo oltre 100 miliardi di aiuti e l'entrata nell'Ue
Discorso al Congresso Usa di Zelensky martedì, mentre giovedì si tiene la riunione a Bruxelles per decidere sui negoziati per l'adesione di Kiev. Pesa l'incognita sul veto dell'Ungheria. Il presidente ucraino e il premier Orban si sono parlati domenica in
EU countries and MEPs strike deal on Artificial Intelligence Act after drawn-out, intense talks
Member states and the European Parliament have reached a preliminary deal on the Artificial Intelligence Act, the world's first attempt to regulate the fast-evolving technology in a comprehensive, ethics-based manner. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2
EU warns China it will 'not tolerate' unfair competition at high-stakes summit
European leaders will "not be able to tolerate that our industrial base is undermined by unfair competition," Ursula von der Leyen warned on Thursday after a highly anticipated meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com
EU warns China it will 'not tolerate' unfair competition at high-stakes summit
European leaders will "not be able to tolerate that our industrial base is undermined by unfair competition," Ursula von der Leyen warned on Thursday after a highly anticipated meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com
Sam Altman fired as CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI after board of directors 'loses confidence'
Altman, who is a co-founder of the company, was let go after the board found he was not "candid" enough in his communications with them. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2023/11/18/sam-altman-fired-as-ceo-of-chatgpt-creator-openai-after-being-pushed-ou
WeWork meldet in den USA Insolvenz an
6 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
Das Unternehmen zur Vermietung von Büroräumen hatte einst einen kometenhaften Aufstieg hingelegt. Doch der Trend zum Arbeiten im Home Office durch die Covid-Pandemie brachte den Absturz. LESEN SIE MEHR : https://de.euronews.com/2023/11/07/wework-meldet-in-
Casa Bianca 2024: Trump supera Biden nei sondaggi in cinque Stati chiave
Joe Biden è sotto nei sondaggi per le presidenziali del 2024: il presidente americano è dietro Donald Trump in cinque dei sei Stati chiave degli Stati Uniti. Per il "New York Times", Trump avanti di 3-10 punti in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan e Pennsy
Medio Oriente, incontro tra Blinken e Abbas. Per il leader palestinese subito il cessate il fuoco
"Gli abitanti di Gaza non possono essere sfollati con la forza", ha sottolineato Blinken ALTRE INFORMAZIONI : https://it.euronews.com/2023/11/05/medio-oriente-incontro-tra-blinken-e-abbas-per-il-leader-palestinese-subito-il-cessate-il- Abbonati : https://w
Gaza, un'escalation di violenza. Ancora attacchi al campo profughi di Jabalia
Il governo guidato da Hamas punta il dito contro Tel Aviv affermando che Israele ha colpito edifici residenziali nel campo di Jabalia, nel nord della Striscia, provocando molte vittime ALTRE INFORMAZIONI : https://it.euronews.com/2023/11/01/gaza-unescalati
Alla scoperta di Hong Kong, hub finanziario e culturale
Sempre più espatriati scelgono di stabilirsi qui: uno di loro ci ha mostrato alcuni dei luoghi simbolo della città. In collaborazione con Hong Kong ALTRE INFORMAZIONI : https://it.euronews.com/2023/10/30/alla-scoperta-di-hong-kong-hub-finanziario-e-cultura
US-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles used for first time in attack by Ukrainian forces
Special Operations Forces claim nine Russian helicopters, an anti-aircraft missile system and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed in an attack on the cities of Berdyansk and Luhansk in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine READ MORE : https://www.euronews.co
Ukraine setzt erstmals US-Raketen vom Typ ATACMS ein
Selenskyj dankt Biden und lobt die Raketen. LESEN SIE MEHR : https://de.euronews.com/2023/10/17/ukraine-setzt-erstmals-us-raketen-vom-typ-atacms-ein Abonnieren Sie! https://www.youtube.com/c/euronewsde?sub_confirmation=1 Sehen Sie Euronews live TV : https:
US-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles used for first time in attack by Ukrainian forces
Special Operations Forces claim nine Russian helicopters, an anti-aircraft missile system and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed in an attack on the cities of Berdyansk and Luhansk in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine READ MORE : https://www.euronews.co
David Beckham reveals 'clinical depression' after World Cup red card in Netflix documentary
David Beckham's new documentary series launches on Netflix on 4 October. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2023/10/04/david-beckham-reveals-clinical-depression-after-world-cup-red-card-in-netflix-documentary Spark your senses, wake your wonder. Euronews
Euronews Hoy | Las noticias del martes 3 de octubre 2023
Euronews Hoy | Las claves de la actualidad internacional. Una misión de la ONU en Nagorno Karabaj. El Parlamento armenio ratifica el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI. Pedro Sánchez candidato a la investidura a presidente del Gobierno. El Nobel de Física a los pi
Euronews Hoy | Las noticias del lunes 2 de octubre de 2023
Las claves del día en 20 minutos. Reunión de ministros de Exteriores de la UE en Kiev. La aviación turca ataca objetivos del PKK en el Kurdistán irakí, tras el atentado suicida el domingo. Una delegación de la ONU llega a Nagorno Karabaj cuando el número d