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Знакомимся с Азией с борта МКС!🚀 (English text below⬇️⬇️⬇️) На первых трёх фото...
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"最強外送"登場! 太空貨船天鵝號"載披薩送到太空站" "一飽口福"ISS太空人"漂浮披薩趴"歡樂聚餐|【國際大
#三立新聞 #消失的國界 #李天怡 ➲ 深度節目及國際時事都在這裡 【從台灣看見世界的故事】 ➲追蹤消失的國界粉絲團:http://bit.ly/SETBorderlessWorld
Gökyüzünde bu ışıkları görürseniz korkmayın! STARLINK Uydu Treni
Storytel'i bu döneme özel 14 gün yerine 30 gün denemek için: http://bit.ly/2pnE2NS --- Bugünlerde gökyüzünde arka arkaya dizilmiş ışıklar görürseniz korkmayın. Bunlar UFO yani tanımlanamayan uçan nesneler değil. Tanımlanabiliyorlar. Peşpeşe gönderilen Star
4 年前
 • 76 次觀看
太空人在發射的時候所穿的亮橘色稱之為國際橘,而且這跟日本東京鐵塔以及舊金山金門大橋的漆是同一個色調。然而,太空人一旦到了太空,他們就會把橘色換成雪白色的夜間服飾。那麼,不同顏色的用途是什麼呢? 其實太空裝有兩種主要類型。第一種是高階組員逃生裝,也就是「橘裝」
4 年前
 • 47 次觀看
沒有任何環繞地球運行的人造物體比國際太空站更大了。它在太空中的速度為每秒5英里,是一個真正的高速物體,在地球上方約250英里飛行。且別忘了,那裡面還有一群太空人呢!太空站由美國、加拿大、歐洲、俄羅斯和日本的太空機構共同分享,因此是為「國際」太空站。 此聯合目的是
[SpaceX] Splashdown of Dragon in Pacific Ocean After Record Breaking Mission
The SpaceX Spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean around a minute earlier than planned after an extremely successful mission to the International Space Station, becoming the first Commercial Company to send a vehicle to the complex.Live views of
[SpaceX] Dragon Unberthed From Station
8 年前
 • 87 次觀看
The SpaceX Dragon was unberthed from the International Space Station today, May 31st 2012, at 08:03 UTC ahead of it's planned landing in the Pacific Ocean, also today at 15:44 UTC.The Dragon flew up cargo to the complex on it's first test mission, be
[SpaceX] HD Aerial Footage of Dragon Splashdown
HD video from the P-3 Orion Cast Glance Aircraft shows Dragon deploying it's parachutes and then the capsule in the water.The capsule splashed down at 15:42 UTC after a historic mission, achieving all milestones and becoming the first commercial vehicl
[SpaceX] Dragon Released & Performs Departure Burns
The SpaceX Dragon was released from the Station's Robotic Arm at 09:49 UTC today, May 31st. Slowly backing away from the arm the Spacecraft then conducted two short departure burns, seen visibly in this video as small white dots in the Draco thrusters.
All Alone in the Night - Time-lapse footage of the Earth as seen from the ISS
FAQ: https://randomphotons.com/alone Images: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ Music: 'Freedom Fighters' by Two Steps from Hell Editor: David Peterson Serving Suggestion: 1080p, lights off, volume up :) Inspired by a version of the opening sequence of this cli