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Young Royals: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix
When you lose yourself…you find what matters. Young Royals season 2 is coming on November 1, only on Netflix. 👑 Song: https://umpgscand.lnk.to/MostBeautifulBoyID About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 221
Young Royals: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix
When you lose yourself…you find what matters. Young Royals season 2 is coming on November 1, only on Netflix. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 221 million paid member
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Best LGBTQ+ Comedies Ranked | Countdown | Rotten Tomatoes
This list is filled with tears of joy and laughter with our ranking of the Best LGBTQ+ Comedies of all time. Find this series and more on 'The Rotten Tomatoes Channel', now available on: Peacock: https://www.peacocktv.com/channels/rotten-tomatoes The
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LGBT Pride T-Shirt : bit.ly/HelloKittyLGBT Pansexual Pride T-Shirt : bit.ly/pansexualhellokitty Trans Pride T-Shirt : bit.ly/transpridecat ==================================== ❤️ Don't forget to like the video, subscribe for daily dose of TikToks and turn
喜劇天王鬧出「恐跨」風波 Netflix員工醞釀罷工抵制 言論自由與冒犯界線在哪?【TODAY 看世界|人物放大鏡】
美國喜劇演員 #戴夫查普爾(Dave Chappelle),在最新推出的喜劇特輯《The Closer》中大開 #LGBTQ+ 族群的玩笑,引發不少網友和媒體抨擊,連 #Netflix 內部員工都醞釀10月20日集體罷工,要求自家平台下架這部特輯。 現在最新傳出,有一名員工因為洩漏節目製作費等商業機密給
"PINK" | An LGBTQ Short Film (2021)
3 年前
 • 47 次觀看
Elody is realizing that finding love is a gift not to be ignored. Being happy and living without fear is what matters and will make you the person you are destined to be. For our LGBTQ community - enjoy finding the love of your life without guilt, without
▶觀賞《我的靈魂是愛做的》:https://reurl.cc/V65KDZ Leo編🐣:這場景大家應該很熟悉吧XD現在想想我也真的好久沒去泡溫泉了♨ 當全世界都反對時,愛一個人是這麼困難 Kevin,26歲,公民老師,同志,溫和有禮、參與同運、在茫茫人海中尋找愛情。他與患有愛滋的已婚男人展開戀情,母親不諒解,又遭感染恐懼與男友怨妻的夾擊,校園更傳出流言蜚語。《我的靈魂是愛做的》是陳敏郎導演琢磨三年的動人第二部長片,《台北物語》邱志宇首度躍升男主角即大膽挑戰全裸床戲、獲金馬獎最佳新演員提名,飾演妻子的實力派演
Pulse | Award-Winning LGBT Short Film
4 年前
 • 38 次觀看
Based on a true event. In honor of the LGBTQ+ community. #LGBT #pride #lesbiancouple A Double A Films production, directed by Alejandra Hou. Award-Winning from film festivals. _______________________________________________________________ Double A Films s
Tales of the City | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
5 年前
 • 34 次觀看
Inspired by the books of Armistead Maupin, the new Netflix Limited Series Tales of the City begins a new chapter in the beloved story. Mary Ann (Laura Linney) returns to present-day San Francisco and is reunited with her daughter Shawna (Elliot Page) and e
Tales of the City | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
5 年前
 • 39 次觀看
Terinspirasi dari serial novel karya Armistead Maupin, Serial Terbatas Netflix baru, Tales of the City, memulai bab baru dalam cerita favorit ini. Mary Ann (Laura Linney) kembali ke San Francisco masa kini dan berkumpul lagi dengan putrinya, Shawna (Elliot
《舊金山物語》 | 前導預告 [HD] | Netflix
全新 Netflix 迷你影集《舊金山物語》由亞米斯德的書作改編,為深受大家喜歡的故事開始了新的篇章。瑪利·安(Laura Linney 飾)在為了追求事業而拋夫棄女二十年後,回到今日的舊金山,與女兒夏娜(Elliot Page 飾)和前夫布萊恩(Paul Gross 飾)重新聚首。逃離了貌似完美的康州生活所導致的中年危機,瑪利·安很快就被拉回安娜·馬德里哥(Olympia Dukakis 飾)、她所選擇的家庭,還有巴貝瑞巷 28 號新一代奇特年輕住戶的生活軌道。