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How Microsoft Is Taking On Apple: New AI-Powered Copilot+PCs
Microsoft introduces Copilot+PC: Microsoft stuns in the AI space once again, introducing a new lineup of PCs centered around AI-powered features. They're supercharging their new surface laptop with Copilot AI experiences, making them super fast and super i
Build intelligent collaborative apps with Copilot + Fluid Framework | OD510
Add a intelligent AI collaborator to your collaborative application to allow users to get feedback, suggestions, and support in real-time using Copilot and Fluid! Adding a live AI collaborator will 10x their workflows. 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘀: * Nick Simons 𝗦𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿
Shaping next-gen development: the future of Copilot in Power Platform | BRK211
AI is transforming the way we work, and organizations need cutting-edge AI solutions to stay competitive and meet increasing demand. Copilot in Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Copilot Studio enable developers to build powerful and effective applicat
Developer deep dive on building plugins for Microsoft Copilot | BRK151
If you have an API you have most of the ingredients for building a plugin for Microsoft Copilot. In this session you’ll have a comprehensive understanding on how to build plugins with Visual Studio Code and how these extend Microsoft Copilot and your own c
Microsoft Copilot + PCs VS. Apple Macbook - The Best AI PC Ever
Tenorshare PDF AI: https://bit.ly/3yvaCAU The Microsoft Copilot + PCs feature advanced hardware, including the latest Intel or AMD processors, discrete GPUs, and high-resolution displays, coupled with robust AI capabilities for enhanced productivity and co
Take the friction out of work with the Moveworks AI Copilot | ODFP634
The Moveworks Copilot is your employees’ central place to search, take action, and streamline work across countless business applications. Employees at companies like Salesforce, Toyota, GitHub, Broadcom, and Hearst use the Copilot to search and request in
1 週前
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Microsoft might have just changed the game in a BIG WAY! 👀👀👀 During their recent event @Microsoft announced a whole new category of computers they’re calling “Copilot+ PCs” which will feature high end AI enhancements and an ARM based chipset from @snapdrag
Copilot: Bring protected AI chat to your organization at no additional cost. | OD511
Learn how IT teams are rolling out AI-powered chat to thousands of users quickly at no additional cost. Discover an easy first step to stopping data leaks from unsanctioned AI services in your organization. Check out the commercial data protections that Co
Revolutionize Manufacturing with Copilot custom copilots in Teams | OD518
Learn how key manufacturing customers deployed Copilot plugins and custom copilot solutions integrated with Microsoft Teams to speed up product searching, solution selection, order processing and inventory analysis using search based message extensions and
Dynamics 365 test automation with ACCELQ Copilot | ODFP605
ACCELQ CoPilot-360 for Dynamics 365 is a wholistic incorporation of Generative AI in full cycle test automation design, development, maintenance. and reconciliation aspects. In this session you will learn about AI-driven development with everyday English s
Unlock your team's potential with Mural Microsoft Teams and Copilot | ODFP624
Here’s the honest truth about teamwork: it’s broken. With more than half of knowledge workers unhappy with how their teams work together, and 63% of workers looking to leave their current company, something must change. This session will cover the ways Mur
Aisera AI Copilot - Enterprise-wide and Heterogeneous | ODFP609
Organizations are drawn to Gen AI Copilots for productivity gains but face challenges with disjointed virtual agents across domains. Join this session to learn how an enterprise and heterogenous AI Copilot with a unified interface, powered by domain-specif
Enhance Engineering Team efficiency with Loop and Copilot | OD509
Accelerate project management and developer workflows with the Loop app and Copilot. Build Adaptive Card-based Loop components to surface actionable business content to users in M365 Copilot. 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘀: * Swati Jain * Muthurathinam Muthusamy 𝗦𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮
Microsoft CEO: New Copilot Assistant Will Be 'AI Teammate'
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discusses the launch of Team Copilot, a new version of its Copilot assistant that will serve as a designated meeting minder, taking notes, summarizing the most important information and tracking deadlines. He speaks with Emily C
Empowering Robust Engineering: Visual Studio Code with GitHub Copilot | OD505
Explore how to use Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot together to enhance your software engineering projects. Learn how these tools help build robust applications following engineering best-practices. Discover how to create unit tests, document code, an
微軟與蘋果從1980年代纏鬥至今 AI成為PC世紀對決最新決戰點 微軟組成Copilot Plus PC生態圈 蘋果也積極備戰 台廠左右逢源成最大贏家|鏡轉全球 #鏡新聞
PC兩大陣營微軟與蘋果從1980年代纏鬥至今,這場世紀對決將隨著新決戰點AI出現,再度趨於白熱化,微軟聯手9家公司共組Copilot Plus PC生態圈,未來1年要賣出5000萬台,蘋果也積極備戰,最後無論誰輸誰贏,台灣廠商都將成為這股AI PC熱潮的最大贏家。 台積電幾乎包辦AI晶片商機,還準備切入高頻寬記憶體(HBM)領域,傳將與SK海力士及輝達組成3方同盟,讓三星備受威脅,三星電子無預警撤換半導體事業負責人慶桂顯,改派三星SDI前執行長全永鉉接任,試圖在HBM追趕SK海力士,防範台積電瓜分商機。 全
航空雙雄飛不動?聯電有望解套?2024/05/21【老王不只三分鐘】 00:59 大宗商品一堆又轉強創高了,您又一次印證大多頭了! 11:37 董哥,520之後連續二天盤中都急殺,你會不會擔心看錯了? 14:49 很多人都在問,台積電、鴻海都漲翻了,大型權值股難道沒有聯電的機會嗎? 22:23 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 23:58昨天520觀光股急殺,航空雙雄好像也被拖累了? 05/21 本集談及個股有以下: 2303聯電、2489瑞軒、3042晶技、2408南亞科、2351順德、2743山富、2745五
Microsoft Build 2024: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes
At Microsoft Build 2024, CEO Satya Nadella discusses with developers the company’s strategy to add AI throughout its product lineup, from the cloud to the desktop PC. In addition, Nadella talks about its recent partnerships with Nvidia and AMD. 0:00 Micros
the Windows 11 SPYWARE UPDATE
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microsoft made windows 11 co-pilot features basically just spyware twitter: https://twitter.com/spatnz1 subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/spatnz/ oh hello there.