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No Tax Credit For Model Y!? | Tesla Time News
1 年前
 • 149 次觀看
Fix the Inflation Reduction Act EV Tax Credit: https://www.change.org/p/fix-the-inflation-reduction-act-ev-tax-credit Tesla Supercharger Location Voting: https://www.tesla.com/supercharger-voting/overview To get the 100 pk of blades for free, make sure
1 年前
 • 51 次觀看
This submitter has a home surveillance camera mounted on his garage and it gives us a great view of an Amazon delivery driver arriving—in a rented van—before crashing into his neighbor’s Tesla Model Y! The submitter contacted his neighbors and told th
Does Model Y Pass the Test? | Tesla Time News
1 年前
 • 88 次觀看
Thanks Birch for sponsoring! Go to https://birchliving.com/nowyouknow to get $400 off your Birch mattress, plus two free pillows ATV Laws by State: https://offroad.polaris.com/en-us/articles/riding-tips/atv-sxs-utv-laws-by-state/ Svea Solar Deal: https
nextnews: Tesla Model Y 2x Sieger, kostenloses Laden, Preistrends E-Autos, Diebesbande, V2L Blackout
Das Tesla Model Y fährt 2 Spitzenplätze ein. Kostenloses Laden beim Einkaufen stirbt aus. Bei Zulassungszahlen gibt es einen Wechsel an der Spitze. Wir geben ein Update zu den Preistrends bei E-Autos und teilen unser Einschätzung mit euch. Wir zei
How This Vietnamese Carmaker Is Trying To Beat Tesla In The U.S.
The Vietnamese EV brand VinFast is an unknown name from a country with a tiny auto industry. But the company has already opened six stores in California and has plans for many more. It also is building a $2 billion factory in North Carolina and is plann
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台積電回穩不敵群創、廣達拖累 台股萬六曇花一現 《57股市同學會》王兆立 連乾文 鄧尚維 20220516
※本節目與分析師所推介個股,無不當之財務利益關係,資料僅供參考,投資人應獨立判斷,審慎評估並自負投資風險。 台積電回穩不敵群創、廣達拖累 台股萬六曇花一現 護國神山穩了?! 台股拚戰萬六有信心 520不落空? 兆立哥怎看! 上海解封 IC設計先衝!? 矽力漲停拱千金股行情? 阿文師挑誰? 鴻海退出群創 專心攻電動車? 洩選股密碼? 鄧老師解密! 台股反彈秀不會一波到底? 反彈一段一段做 買黑賣紅安全? 台股萬六站不回? 還是再等等? 電子、航運得一起動才夠穩? 護國神山穩了?! 台股拚戰萬六有信心 520不
Rivian今年股價狂跌74%!索羅斯上季狂加碼賠慘了..特斯拉爭取降低關稅失敗 暫停印度銷售|非凡財經新聞|20220514
美國電動車製造商Rivian,今年股價大幅下跌,不過早在2月就已經購買近2000萬股的億萬富豪索羅斯,絲毫不受影響,更持續加碼買進Rivian的股票。另一頭,電動車大廠特斯拉,因為無法說服印度政府降低進口關稅,而暫停在印度銷售電動車的計畫,促使馬斯克把目光焦點轉向印尼。 #索羅斯#Rivian#特斯拉#美股 更多內容 敬請鎖定 【非凡新聞台】【非凡商業台】 非凡電視台YouTube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/ustv 非凡電視台IG https://instagram.c
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※本節目與分析師所推介個股,無不當之財務利益關係,資料僅供參考,投資人應獨立判斷,審慎評估並自負投資風險。 00:00 美國CPI創30年新高!黃金、白銀、美元狂飆 台股熱錢受影響? 09:28 元宇宙過熱天量大震盪!抗通膨概念崛起 誰才是下波主流? 12:43 「元宇宙」明天最關鍵?!宏達電出關、概念股暴天量 多空怎判斷? 17:51 缺料害的!?台積電10月營收低於預期 暗示 IC設計接棒? 20:54 台積電被缺貨打敗卻好了它!?晶片荒掀漲價潮 帶旺IC設計? 28:42 元宇宙大地震 還能勇敢作夢?
Tesla Earnings, $GME, Model S and X Refresh, FSD Beta - Live Stream Q+A Grounded E
☀️Looking for solar energy? Get $100! https://ts.la/chris41676 My favorite Tesla and YouTube Accessories: https://www.amazon.com/shop/dirtytesla (Amazon Affiliate Link) Ordering a Tesla? We'll both get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging with my referr
Lordstown Motors Stock Analysis! The Next Big Ev? Buy DPHC Stock Now?!
Lordstown Motors Stock Analysis! The Next Big Ev? Buy DPHC Stock Now?! - Today we're taking a deep dive into Lordstown Motors investor presentation and deciding whether or not we want to invest in them! With me being so interested in Workhorse Stock / WKHS
Is the Tesla CyberTruck Worth it?! - A Truck Owners Thoughts
The Tesla Truck is here. And... its... different. Elons CyberTruck has broken the internet with its unique polarizing design. The Electric Tesla CyberTruck might look futuristic and funky, but its whats under the hood that maters. Figuratively speaking of