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Real Vision Daily Briefing: Finance & Investing
4 個月前
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Real Vision Daily Briefing: Finance & Investing Understand the complex world of finance, business, and the global economy with real in-depth analysis from real experts. We unlock access to the leading financial minds in the world to provide unbiased, in-de
Renova Invest
4 個月前
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Renova Invest O Morning Call da Renova Invest traz, logo no começo do dia, as principais notícias e fatos que podem impactar seus investimentos. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renova-invest 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Morning Call - 17/01/2024 com João Vítor Card
4 個月前
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十分鐘經濟新聞 你好,這是個每天為你講解一則世界經濟新聞的頻道。我將自我平時看的「日本經濟新聞」中挑選一篇記事,透過這個頻道傳達給你,並分享我對這篇報導的看法。 我是GO,在股票市場有三年以上的投資經歷。由於目前定居日本的緣故,我主要的操作標的是日本及美國的股票市場。2020年10月,在不論買什麼股票都會賺大錢的大牛市,我進入了市場。當時的我初期靠一些K線技術操作,賺了一點錢,以為自己很厲害,殊不知自己只不過是乘上了這一波牛市的順風車而已。結果當市場開始走熊時,就毫無保留地把賺來的錢全部吐回去,馬上被市場教
The Sustainability Story
4 個月前
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The Sustainability Story The Sustainability Story features intimate conversations with thought leaders from the world of ESG investing and sustainability. The topics include anything and everything about where finance intersects with the environment, gover
KBS京都 角田龍平の蛤御門のヘン
5 個月前
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KBS京都 角田龍平の蛤御門のヘン 【KBS京都ラジオ 水曜日 19:30~21:00 オンエア】お騒がせのニュースやスキャンダル、日常のささいな出来事も法律目線でとらえることで、より深くより興味深い案件に大変身!元芸人というユニークな経歴を持つ現役弁護士が、世にあふれる「ヘン」な事件に、法律の知識で挑みます。 https://www.kbs-kyoto.co.jp/radio/hen/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 12/27 歴史的和解を目指して Fri, 29 Dec 2023 09:55:00 +0900
Guiding Assets
5 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
Guiding Assets Formerly Take 15, Guiding Assets is the flagship podcast of CFA Institute and the definitive program for the investment management industry. As stewards of the investment industry, Guiding Assets will feature intimate conversations with some
Rubberband LIVE - The Australian Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Podcast
Rubberband LIVE - The Australian Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Podcast 🇦🇺 Welcome to Rubberband LIVE.The Australian Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Podcast.We host panel style round tables, regular "chinwags" with Industry leaders and provide you t
ジャーナル経済 NHKラジオ「NHKジャーナル」
ジャーナル経済 NHKラジオ「NHKジャーナル」 NHKラジオ第一で放送している「NHKジャーナル」の人気コーナー「ジャーナル経済」をポッドキャストでお送りします。今気になる経済やお金の話題を取り上げ、山崎淑行ニュースデスクが深掘りします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ポッドキャストと共に、是非、下記番組もお聴き下さい。 【NHKジャーナル】NHKラジオ第1 月~金 22:05~55OA https://nhk.jp/nhkjournal キャスター:打越裕樹/結野亜希 https://nhk.jp/nhk
Women in Economics
5 個月前
 • 111 次觀看
Women in Economics In the Women in Economics podcast series from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, we highlight the research and careers of those blazing a trail in the field of economics. (Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fe
On Cloud
6 個月前
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On Cloud Reimagine what cloud can do for your business. The On Cloud Podcast decodes the state of cloud computing in the enterprise today with leading practices, real-world examples, and candid advice from industry leaders and specialists. Hosted by David
6 個月前
 • 32 次觀看
WorkWell On the WorkWell Podcast, Jen Fisher — Human Sustainability Leader at Deloitte and Editor-at-Large, Human Sustainability at Thrive Global — sits down with inspiring individuals for wide-ranging conversations about how we can develop a way of living
What the Block|區塊夜未眠
6 個月前
 • 44 次觀看
What the Block|區塊夜未眠 區塊鏈|加密貨幣|投資理財|技術應用 【你想了解的區塊鏈、加密貨幣大小事,點開WTB都能收聽】 WTB 由 Grenade手榴彈 監製,固定主持人 Alvin、66。我們希望透過 Podcast,用輕鬆的方式傳遞更白話、有趣的內容,帶領更多人進入區塊鏈的世界。 有話想說、有問題想問、有合作想聊嗎? 歡迎和我們聯繫 👉 info@grenade.tw - ‣ WTB Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wtb.crypto/ ‣ 手
ChatGPT: News on Open AI, MidJourney, NVIDIA, Anthropic, Open Source LLMs, Machine Learning
ChatGPT: News on Open AI, MidJourney, NVIDIA, Anthropic, Open Source LLMs, Machine Learning Welcome to the ChatGPT podcast, where we explore the exciting and ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence. Each episode, we invite experts and thought leader
The Pivot with Ken Evans
6 個月前
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The Pivot with Ken Evans Looking to push the marketing envelope? Want to find new ways to evolve your brand? Or simply want to hear those best in market speak to communications? Tune in to one of Canada’s top marketing and communications podcasts with host
6 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
WorkLab AI is changing the way we work at an unprecedented speed. How can business leaders stay ahead of the curve and champion emerging technologies to benefit themselves and their teams? On WorkLab, we talk to experts about the work trends you need to kn
6 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
WorkWell On the WorkWell Podcast, Jen Fisher — Human Sustainability Leader at Deloitte and Editor-at-Large, Human Sustainability at Thrive Global — sits down with inspiring individuals for wide-ranging conversations about how we can develop a way of living
CoinDesk Podcast Network
6 個月前
 • 848 次觀看
CoinDesk Podcast Network The top stories and best shows in the blockchain world, delivered daily from the team at CoinDesk. https://art19.com/shows/late-confirmation 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 UNCHAINED: How Can OpenSea Regain Dominance After Layoffs and the NFT Market D
6 個月前
 • 111 次觀看
虚構新聞ニュース 「虚構新聞社」とインターネット放送局「プレイ」がお届けするニュース番組。世の中の様々なニュースをお届けしていきます。虚構新聞については虚構新聞ホームページなどでご確認ください。 http://plray.jp/listen/kyoko 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 第276号「虚構新聞ニュース」2023年11月5日 この番組は、他の新聞メディアにはない独自の取材網を持っている虚構新聞社がお届けする音声ニュース番組「虚構新聞ニュース」です。 虚構新聞最新記事や、虚構新聞については虚構新聞社のウェブ
FTX on Trial
6 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
FTX on Trial This is the FTX on Trial podcast and here are the Updates from the Sam Bankman-Fried trial:Jury selection began on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, and is expected to last several days. The trial itself is expected to last up to six weeks.Bankman-Fri