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銀魂 斉藤隊長が喋った!「295」
2 年前
 • 59 次觀看
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 真っ白になった「338」
2 年前
 • 87 次觀看
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
下のチャンネルがサブチャンネルになります! 他のアップされてない架空請求動画はサブチャンネルに上がりますのでチャンネル登録よろしくね!! サブチャンネル 【はやスマのホームルーム】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjXSD5tLlsW719-kTm1frQg?view_as=subscriber
銀魂 夢は木と似ています「75」
2 年前
 • 54 次觀看
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 少しは読んで​こいよ!「183」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 いいことあって良かったねお坊さん「231」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 おい、あれ! あれ!!「231」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 もうお坊さんを許してあげてください「231」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 あ、そうか「231」
2 年前
 • 72 次觀看
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 いちご牛乳「11」
2 年前
 • 86 次觀看
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 あいつ3億の宝くじ持ってるぜ「273」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
銀魂 エリザベスがまだ食べてるでしょーが!「98」
☆ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)Like, subscribe, comment, and enjoy.(ノ⌒∇)ノ☆ Gintama News Promoting Gintama Since 2010. Gintama by the people, to the people, for the people! Feel free to inbox me with your fav scene, I'll do my best to comply. As long as it's under 25s
板井迫神楽@大分豊後大野 「柴曳」~第22回深山流神楽大会~
2019.11.23、@大分市戸次本町ふれあい広場 第22回深山流岩戸神楽交流大会 ※ダイジェスト動画です。 〇「板井迫神明社神楽社(いたいざこしんめいしゃー)」(豊後大野市朝地町) 深山組、若宮組、綿田組と並び深山流神楽を守りはぐくんできた神楽。 昭和40年代、後継者不足によ