
1 天內
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1 年內
UK school head found dead with husband and daughter
What a tragedy! Epsom College head found dead with husband and daughter aged 7. The college head has been found dead along with her husband and their seven-year-old daughter in a property on school grounds. Emma Pattison aged 45, her husband George, 39,
A Blockbuster Battle between Samoa and Ireland! | Men’s Day 1 Sydney Highlights
Samoa and Ireland face off in an opening day blockbuster battle to start the HSBC Sevens Series event in Sydney. Here are all the key highlights from Day 1 in the Men’s series! #Rugby #Sevens #Highlights SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube: @Worl
[Xmas vlog] 豬隊友爭啲穿煲 • 平價自家聖誕大餐 31/12/2022
#Christmas #HomeParty #聖誕大餐 #HomeMadeDinner Hayley👧🏻每年最期待嘅節日就係聖誕節🎄,因為會收到好多禮物🎁,我哋同大部分家長一樣都會扮聖誕老人🎅🏻送禮物俾自己小朋友氹佢哋開心,誰不知今年走佬爸化身豬🐽隊友,爭啲就穿煲。。。🤦🏻‍♀️ 另外走佬爸
Dame Vivienne Westwood dies aged 81
1 年前
 • 43 次觀看
Dame Vivienne Westwood has died at the age of 81. The pioneering fashion designer made a name for herself on the fashion scene in the 1970s, with her androgynous designs, slogan t-shirts and irreverent attitude towards the establishment. Dame Vivienne di
工作太閒不開心,還氣到要告公司?!還是小編跟你換(誤 【年薪4百萬「上班只要看報紙、吃三明治」 男不滿太閒怒告公司】 https://t.co/ThjNnI7jbS
工作太閒不開心,還氣到要告公司?!還是小編跟你換(誤【年薪4百萬「上班只要看報紙、吃三明治」 男不滿太閒怒告公司】https://t.co/ThjNnI7jbS#Ireland pic.twitter.com/8weBOsDSGj— 鏡新聞mnews (@mnews_tw) December 7, 2022
[旅遊vlog] 威爾斯古堡遊 • Hayley疑似撞鬼 • 全世界最高運船水道 8/11/2022
#Chirkcastle #Pontcysyllte #Wales #Wrexham 秋天🍂時National Trust有免費飛派發,我哋當然唔執輸,約埋朋友一齊去咗威爾斯🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿參觀城堡🏰,其實我哋都係去到先知係威爾斯😅,參觀嘅途中仲發生咗靈異事件喺Hayley身上🥶🥶 之後我哋就去咗附近嘅Pont
Queen Elizabeth II: Tributes paid to Queen as King Charles travels to London
Tributes are being paid to Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday in Balmoral. (Subscribe: https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe) In the Houses of Parliament, a minute’s silence was held before MPs and peers began paying their own tributes, led by Prime
Markiplier and JackSepticEye Compete to Make a Game in 2 hours
Join OUR WEBSITE ► https://www.corridordigital.com/signup THIS EPISODE ► Sam and Peter have lost use of their hands in a horrifying hand tools accident. The only way they'll be able to create a cool video game in Unreal Engine is with the help o
[走佬兩週年] 咁快就過咗兩年了 • 重遊利物浦感覺有咩唔同? 6/8/2022
#兩週年紀念 #利物浦 #故居 #LiverpoolONE 嚟咗英國🇬🇧兩年,大家都睇到我哋一早已經適應哂,完全冇捱嘅感覺,反而係好享受呢度嘅生活😌😌😌 ⚠️大家記得出片呢日嘅🕛12nn(英國時間)/🕖7pm(香港時間)會同大家live chat同Q&A,到時見‼️ 💡Youtube新出咗Super Th
PROTO and NEO Forms are potentially PROBLEMATIC
1 年前
 • 107 次觀看
Proto and Neo forms are cool - if not risky Check out Elesteva076!: https://twitter.com/elesteva076/status/1535723551696773121 Consider supporting the channel on Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/DeadBedSpread Join my Discord!: https://discord.gg/PJXhW
母親節Crewe友開心聚會 29/3/2022
2 年前
 • 174 次觀看
#hongkongers #party #Crewe 一季一度嘅Crewe友聚會剛剛喺英國🇬🇧母親節正日舉行,今次出席嘅朋友都接近有8️⃣0️⃣人, 雖然唔係個個住Crewe,有部份係住其他CW嘅地區,不過大家都無分你我, 大人有大人嘅吹水聊天,細路有細路嘅玩樂,真係超級開心🥳🥳🥳 最開心嘅係
【 の風景】 アイルランド南部の小さな村。茅葺屋根の建物が多く残るアイルランド独特の村。アイルランドで最も美しい村の一つとされており、政府によって”遺産の町”として指定されている。
【#アデア の風景】 #アイルランド🇮🇪アイルランド南部の小さな村。茅葺屋根の建物が多く残るアイルランド独特の村。アイルランドで最も美しい村の一つとされており、政府によって”遺産の町”として指定されている。#旅らび #tabirabbi #travel #trip #海外旅行 #Adare #I
Why is COVID surging in Ireland despite high vaccine uptake?
Waterford, in south-eastern Ireland, epitomises the country's coronavirus conundrum. Why is there a surge in COVID-19 in a nation where around 92% of adults are fully vaccinated? A huge 99.5% of over-18s in Co Waterford are double-jabbed, but the easing
ATLAS Language School 愛爾蘭 都柏林
2 年前
 • 124 次觀看
→ ATLAS 最新優惠 搶先看 ← ATLAS Language School 學校官網點選前往 愛爾蘭共和國與英國隔著愛爾蘭海,因為有大西洋的暖流,屬於多雨的溫帶氣候,7.8月的時候最溫暖,不過均溫也只有攝氏15-20度左右,相當舒適。1.2月則為最冷的時候,約攝氏3-6度;冬天常颳大風大雨,不
One of the places I found when visiting Ireland’s Ancient East. There is so many ...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jonas Furstone (@furstonetravels)
[曼城] 罕有現樓即買即收租 25/9/2021
2 年前
 • 21 次觀看
#曼城 #M50 #現樓 #即買即收租 #贊助片 今次介紹呢個盤真心超值💰唔使港幣160萬就可以買到咁近曼城市中心又肆正嘅apartment😍🤩 重點係全部已經租出❗️所以絕對係即買即收租,將來用嚟自住亦得(buy to let mortgage除外)⚠️ 💡如果睇完大家有興趣嘅話不妨到以下連結了解更多 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3BUIYd9 👈🏻 大家睇完記得俾comment、like同share出去❕未subscribe既就快快subscribe支持我哋🥰 #LOTR #BNO #UK #生
[英國] Staycation Part 2 • 拜訪米豬蓮推介餐廳 3/8/2021
#英國 #第一次 #Staycation 呢集part 2係講食為主😋😋 尾站就去咗Crewe附近嘅一個超大嘅園藝中心🌺🌸🌼 如果想睇返part 1可以click呢度: https://youtu.be/xEL3mECB5O0 大家睇完記得俾comment、like同share出去!未subscribe既就快快subscribe支持我哋 ^_^ #LOTR #B
[英國] Hemel Hempstead罕有新盤 • 抵過曼城 19/6/2021
#HemelHempstead #GreaterLondon #Newbuild #廣告 今次我哋第一次去Hemel Hempstead,發覺呢個地方都好適合香港人,就算唔識揸車都冇問題🙅🏻‍♀️步行就可以去到shopping centre🛍樓下又有巴士站🚍真係超級方便👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 雖然呢度並唔係咩名校區,但附近學校都唔係差架,如果名校林立,邊有可能咁平廿幾萬鎊就可以住近倫敦‼️ ⚠️有興趣嘅香港朋友不妨參加以下呢個展銷會了解多啲⚠️ 【Hemel Hempstead物業- The Gade展銷會及講座】