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G7 leaders insist they’re united over Ukraine War - BBC News
Leaders of the G7 group of the world's richest nations began a three-day summit in Bavaria, southern Germany, with the war in Ukraine top of the agenda. They are expected to promise further military support for Kyiv and impose more sanctions on Moscow. W
James O'Brien tears apart Oliver Dowden's defence of Boris Johnson | LBC
James O'Brien tears apart the 'big calls' Oliver Dowden thought Boris got right on Brexit, vaccines, reopening, and Ukraine #jamesobrien #borisjohnson #LBC LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs. We let you join the conversatio
Andrew Marr's instant reaction to Boris Johnson's by-election defeats | LBC
This is Andrew Marr's instant reaction to Boris Johnson's by-election humiliation and what it could mean for the next general election. #shelaghfogarty #andrewmarr #LBC LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs. We let you join the
Russia tells BBC “we did not invade Ukraine” and there is “no war” there - BBC News
Since the Russian army attacked Ukraine, thousands of civilians have been killed and cities reduced to rubble, while millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes. However Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has told the BBC: "We didn't invade Ukr
Omicron: Boris Johnson holding press conference on new Covid variant – watch live
Boris Johnson, accompanied by the chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and the chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, are holding a news conference to 'set out further measures' after two cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant were detected in
超強實力太圈粉!戴資穎「1對4」仍完勝藝人隊 網讚:球后絕非浪得虛名-民視新聞
【#民視快新聞】影音中心/吳靜宜報導世界球后戴資穎在東京奧運中勇奪女子單打銀牌,創下台灣羽球女單的最佳紀錄,比賽成績相當亮眼的她,在賽後人氣大漲,臉書爆增50萬粉絲,成為全球運動之最。而她過往的比賽以及受訪片段,甚至是參與過的節目都陸續被挖出,在去年為代言品牌拍攝的網路節目中,只見小戴以1個人之姿,輕鬆完勝共4人的藝人隊,強大的實力讓網友大讚「世界球后絕非浪得虛名」。 -- 看新聞:https://www.ftvnews.com.tw/news/detail/2021810W0231?utm_source=
WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 : HIV & COVID-19
If you are living with HIV, what are your risks? Should you be prioritized for vaccination? Are vaccines safe for you? WHO’s Dr Meg Doherty explains in Science in 5.
Boris Johnson and Joe Biden discuss Brexit and Northern Ireland at G7 summit - BBC News
Boris Johnson has held his first face to face meeting with President Biden ahead the G7 summit in Cornwall. They committed to working together on a number of global challenges. The Prime Minister described their meeting this afternoon as a “breath of f
President Biden arrives at G7 with warning on Northern Ireland - BBC News
The President of the United States has arrived in the UK ahead of a meeting with world leaders at the G7 summit this weekend. Joe Biden's first overseas trip as president begins with a meeting with Boris Johnson — and and a message that the trade row b
India’s G7 delegation forced to self-isolate after positive Covid tests - BBC News
The entire Indian delegation to the G7 summit of leading economies in London has been forced to self-isolate after two members tested positive for Covid-19. The news came as foreign ministers met for the last day of the talks, which had been hailed as a
“Don’t book a summer holiday” says UK government - BBC News
You should not be booking a holiday this summer - in the UK or abroad - according to the UK government. Going on holiday is currently illegal in the UK. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was too soon to say whether holidays would be allowed by t
[MLB經典戰役] 小於0.1%的奪冠機率真實上演 | 2019年正義●國民
大家好~我是一貧伏特加 2019國民系列第二集 就直接來解說正義之師國民的奪冠之旅吧! 第一集先介紹國民新招牌Juan Soto:https://youtu.be/ngFriy4OHUU 第三集還會再介紹一位2019國民大咖球星! 如果覺得有重要的事情我沒有提到的話記得留言和我討論喔! 最後不要忘記Like & Subscribe 搞運彩官網:https://lihi1.cc/OxVsA 參加百萬預測爭霸賽:https://lihi1.cc/SooU6 透過平台預測,成為預測鑽石大神 不分聯盟,取勝注前5名
Khabib Nurmagomedov - Journey to UFC Champion
4 年前
 • 26 次觀看
Khabib Nurmagomedov became the first UFC champion from Russia with his victory over Al Iaquinta at UFC 223 in 2018. Take a look back through Nurmagomedov's journey to UFC gold. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: http://bit.ly/2uJRzRR Experience U
Epic Movie Review - Savages (2012) Movie Review
11 年前
 • 125 次觀看
Watch all Savages clips: http://goo.gl/WzoxB Watch the Savages Ultimate Trailer: http://goo.gl/7LY7M Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMINGSOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Watch more INSTANT TRAILER REVIEWS: http://goo.
Clapton Robert Johnson sessions-Dallas
12 年前
 • 79 次觀看
Eric Clapton, de son vrai nom Eric Patrick Clapp, est né le 30 mars 1945 à Ripley, une petite ville située à 45 kilomètres de Londres. Pour ses 3 ans, ses grands-parents lui offrent sa première guitare. A l'adolescence il découvre le blues et plu
Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)
A woman wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there... This is a short set in the world of the Portal video games created by Valve Software. Recommend viewing in HD in FULLSCREEN with sound UP...
狂野時速5 首條電影預告 FAST & FURIOUS 5 Movie Trailer A
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK 《狂野時速》系列主角雲迪素、保羅獲加再次攜手,聯同電影原班人馬傾力炮製《狂野時速》全新一集,今集更遠赴巴西里約熱內盧拍攝。型男索女、令人目不暇給的新型號戰車和一貫火爆刺激鬥車和槍戰追逐場面,保證滿足一眾賽車迷和動作片迷! 導演:林詣彬 主演:雲迪素、保羅獲加、《蠍子王傳奇》狄維莊遜 香港上映日期:2011年5月5日
季小薇Zee Avi - " 心都涼了Bitter Heart " 中文字幕MV
台灣官方部落格 Blog http://zeeavi.pixnet.net/blog 全世界最棒的工作 傑克強森亞洲辦事處 音樂創作 唯一員工 一年四季最舒服的歌聲 微風女孩 季小薇 白線條樂團經紀人發掘、海灘男孩傑克強森旗下第一位創作女生 YouTube網路傳奇超過150萬網友相挺推薦、告示牌新人榜no. 2