
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
Don’t Hide The Scars
1 年前
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Don’t Hide The Scars Connecting with celebrity guests, leading experts and everyday people to discuss the widespread illicit drug culture ripping through families, businesses, sports, entertainment and even the safest communities. Discussing the fentanyl a
Getting to know you (Greater Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley)
Getting to know you (Greater Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley) Long time Palm Springs Resident and Marketing Guru Jeff Hocker will introduce Alan Potash, Jewish Federation of the Desert CEO to local leaders, programs and highlights to living and worki
Getting to know you (Greater Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley)
Getting to know you (Greater Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley) Long time Palm Springs Resident and Marketing Guru Jeff Hocker will introduce Alan Potash, Jewish Federation of the Desert CEO to local leaders, programs and highlights to living and worki
Recovery Road
1 年前
 • 73 次觀看
Recovery Road Welcome to Recovery Road, a podcast from Hazelden Publishing. Here you'll find the best thoughts, excerpts, and reflections from our most popular resources. These words, feelings, and insights from world-renowned authors have helped millions
TSM Podcast
1 年前
 • 47 次觀看
TSM Podcast TSM is a podcast created to Train your minds, Support your goals, and Minister to your visions. On this podcast, I will challenge the listeners to embrace conflict and uncomfortable topics as we turn oppositions into opportunities. https://podc
Let's Talk Addiction & Recovery
1 年前
 • 85 次觀看
Let's Talk Addiction & Recovery Hear what leading addiction and recovery experts are talking about—addiction trends, topics and challenges as well as research, practices and advances that point the most promising way forward. Author and recovery advocate W
1 年前
 • 22 次觀看
Sustenta Todo lo que tiene que ver con sustentabilidad en un solo lugar. Economía circular, construcción y tecnologías sustentables, cambio climático y otros temas alrededor de lo que necesitamos hacer para reducir nuestra huella de carbono en nuestro plan
BlackPink.org presents... The Rhythm Notes of Health Podcast
BlackPink.org presents... The Rhythm Notes of Health Podcast BlackPink.org’s initiative to educate our community on health matters that affect Black people. We are here to take the intimidation out of your health concerns and your relationships with health
1 年前
 • 17 次觀看
圓夢大播客 創新公益教育思維,翻轉志工服務模式, 積極、創意、溫暖的圓夢故事,都在《圓夢大播客》 EP01:山林教育-不只是登山 EP02:不一樣的社會企業 EP03:安星一畝田,星銀安心共居 EP04:翻轉邊陲 科普教育七十二變 EP05:漂流木小提琴 奏出社區創生進行曲 節目監製:元大金控暨元大文教基金會 企畫統籌:合拍創意行銷有限公司 主持人:蕭彤雯 收聽頻道:Spotify、SoundOn、KKBOX、Firstory、Google Podcast、Apple Podcasts歡迎免費訂閱與分享。
The Black Fundraisers' Podcast
1 年前
 • 48 次觀看
The Black Fundraisers' Podcast Black fund development professionals and fundraisers bring invaluable perspective to their roles, especially within nonprofit agencies serving the Black community. Unfortunately, their perspective isn’t always welcomed, heard
Tony Jones Show
1 年前
 • 75 次觀看
Tony Jones Show YOUR destination for best in local and independent music https://www.rifreeradio.org/ https://www.spreaker.com/show/tonyjonesshow 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Tony Jones Show #221 Tony Jones Show #221 - With music from: Umbrella Co., Russ Carrick, The Benji
The Strategic Board Podcast
1 年前
 • 89 次觀看
The Strategic Board Podcast AMC Governance Solutions https://www.amcnposolutions.com/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Importance of Director & Staff Manuals for Effective Board Orientations While it’s a kind of a boring topic, having clear guidelines and a direction for your
1 年前
 • 1917 次觀看
東京メトロチャーチ ようこそ東京メトロチャーチのPodcastへ。 こちらは東京メトロチャーチの礼拝、賛美のPodcastです。 どうぞお気軽にお聴きください。 https://tokyo-metro-church.jp 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 「やり直しが出来る人生」メッセージ:主任牧師 林 幸司師 「や
1 年前
 • 8 次觀看
猴面包特派 【猴面包树上的亚非拉故事大会】由三个结识于非洲的女生发起的沙龙对话节目。聚焦亚非拉,我们想和你一起聊聊关于国际发展、社会创新、学术研究的前线故事。在这个疫情划出边界的时代,我们依然相信,“无穷的远方,无数的人们,都与我有关。” https://www.ximalaya.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 从世界银行到国际NGO,在流动中拥抱生命的馈赠 | 猴面包特派004 本期节目,我们的好朋友Lucy和大家分享了她在国际发展道路上的旅程:从新闻传媒到国际发展,从世界银行到国际NGO,从华盛顿到柬埔
Podcast Tier & Haltung
1 年前
 • 26 次觀看
Podcast Tier & Haltung Eine Schweizer Volksinitiative fordert die Abschaffung der Massentierhaltung. Bis zur Abstimmung im Herbst 2022 beleuchten wir mit zahlreichen Gästen jede Woche die unterschiedlichen Facetten der Initiative: Vom Initiativtext, über d
Podcast Tier & Haltung
1 年前
 • 26 次觀看
Podcast Tier & Haltung Eine Schweizer Volksinitiative fordert die Abschaffung der Massentierhaltung. Bis zur Abstimmung im Herbst 2022 beleuchten wir mit zahlreichen Gästen jede Woche die unterschiedlichen Facetten der Initiative: Vom Initiativtext, über d
Fork the System Podcast
1 年前
 • 7 次觀看
Fork the System Podcast Welcome to Fork the System, the podcast of national nonprofit GMO/Toxin Free USA. Join us for deep conversations about the systemic problems that prevent us from having the world we all want to see, with a clean food system, healthy
1 年前
 • 49 次觀看
燃亮的一生 宣教士生命见证 主持:武爽 https://729ly.net 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 燃亮的一生-20220807 《史怀哲自传:我的生活和思想》:进入史特拉斯堡大学,面对权威教授定论,史怀哲提出自己的质疑 https://page.1949ly.net/index.php?option=com_sermonspeaker&view=ser
1 年前
 • 115 次觀看
講講蔣萬安 ㄐㄧㄤ~ㄐㄧㄤ~ㄐㄧㄤ~ㄐㄧㄤˇ 這是蔣萬安和"辯論女神"畢盈盈共同主持的"講講蔣萬安"。 蔣萬安平常關心的氣候變遷、環境永續還有育兒、性平等議題,以及過去在美國新創公司的一些經驗,還有國際城市的一些創新治理,在節目中和大家分享。 畢盈盈則是關心性別、勞工、教育、低薪的議題,興趣則是年輕人喜歡看的漫畫和手遊! 這些內容且聽我們娓娓道來~~~ 當然,如果您有甚麼感興趣的主題,也歡迎讓我們知道喔~~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.faceboo