
1 天內
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1 年內
Giant Peanut Candy is Made - Taiwanese Traditional Food花生麥芽糖
Giant Fried Oyster Omelet - Taiwanese Street Food
Oyster Omelet :NTD60(USD2.14)
Nanfang-ao Seafood Market & Fish Cutting(Bonito/Cuttlefish/Pufferfish)
#Bonito fish #Cuttlefish #Pufferfish
Amazing Cutting Live Big Cuttlefish Skills - Taiwanese Seafood Market
#Cutting # Seafood Market
Giant Ocean Sunfish (Mola Mola)曼波魚 - Taiwanese Fixed fishing ground
Giant Ocean Sunfish (Mola Mola)曼波魚 - Taiwanese Fixed fishing ground. Subscribe👉 https://reurl.cc/YO1XQL Hi, there! I'm iTravel 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comme
Fillet a Emperor angelfish - Taiwanese fish market
#angelfish #fishmarket
Salmon Cutting Skills 鮭魚切割技能 - How to Cut a Salmon for Sashimi
鮭魚切割技巧Salmon Filleting Skills 東港魚莊 華僑市場 魚莊生魚片 握壽司 丼飯 專門店(212) ***位置資訊***Location information*** GoogleMap : https://goo.gl/maps/jQePxnsyUdV5rfFH8
Taiwanese Street Food - Fruits Cutting Skills / 水果切割技能
#pineapple #Jackfruit #Guava #Watermelon #pitaya / dragon fruit #Sugar cane #Coconut #Durian #Litchi #Mango 1.Pineapple鳳梨NTD100(USD3.57) 2.Coconut椰子NTD150(USD5.35) 3.Guava紅心芭樂NTD50(USD1.78) 4. Fresh Jackfruit波羅蜜NTD100(USD3.57) 5.Wate
Harvesting Bananas台灣南投中寮香蕉 - Taiwanese Street Food
#Harvesting Bananas - Taiwanese Street Food 台灣素有「香蕉王國」的美譽。 南投縣產量居全國第三位,而中寮則為本縣最大產地。 香蕉含有三種天然糖份: 蔗糖、果糖和葡萄糖;再加上纖維質。
Pineapple Cutting台灣金鑽鳳梨 - Taiwan Street Food
#Pineapple #鳳梨 #台灣
Fried Bread Stick / 炸油條 - Taiwanese Street Food
Fried Bread Stick / 炸油條 - Taiwanese Street Food Subscribe👉 https://reurl.cc/YO1XQL Hi, there! I'm iTravel 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below
How to cut Shark - fish market in Taiwan
3 年前
 • 38 次觀看
合發漁食(海鮮熱炒) ***位置資訊***Location information*** GoogleMap :https://goo.gl/maps/C97jgyC8W5UfSa8X6
Giant Turkish Chicken Shawarma 沙威瑪 - Taiwanese Street Food
***Location information*** Google Map:https://goo.gl/maps/8zd24gpkfLkqco587
How Soup Dumplings Are Made - Taiwanese Food胖包子 vs 鼎泰豐
胖包子港式飲茶 https://goo.gl/maps/a6751kP2W4nJ58KB7
Lobster /crab/Mullet roe -Taiwanese Chef Cooking Traditional Food Show總鋪師
The chief astant is one of the professional titles in Taiwan's catering industry, referring to the chef in charge of the table service (similar to Western catering).