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[Full Movie] 火云邪神之修罗面具 The Mask of Shura | 功夫动作电影 Kung Fu Action film HD
Synopsis: The kung fu & fantasy action movie "The Mask of Shura of Fire Cloud 火雲邪神之修羅面具" is about the story of the Fire Cloud Demon, who is the protector of the city. These people have both the body of ordinary people and the power of gods, and they act "b
[Full Movie] 巨兽来袭3 Monster Attack 3 | 探险电影 Adventure film 4K
Synopsis: The adventure film "Monster Attack 3 巨獸來襲3" tells the story of a local citizen, Su Jinfeng, who contracted a deserted island in the sea from his village. He has been planting coconut trees and picking coconut fruits on the island for severa
最新视频:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL64GZ2GGe4T1b9sSt5suq0fD_bifCMrTH&playnext=1 有了宠物,生活就会变得更加有趣。如果宠物不是一只,而是三只,你就再也不会感到无聊了。 用品和工具: ● 珠子 ● 装饰宝石 ● 发夹 ● 泡沫片 ● 食物碗 ● 饰品水晶
[Full Movie] 异兽之捕龙令 Dragon Hunter | 探险动作电影 Adventure Action film HD
Synopsis: The adventure action movie "The Dragon Hunter 異獸之捕龍令" tells a story happened in the late Qing Dynasty. A biological expedition led by Qin Xiaofeng's father was attacked by a mysterious dragon in Kunmai Mountain and all members disappear
[Full Movie] 武动乾坤 The Immortal Stone of Nirvana 涅槃神石 | 玄幻动作片 Action film HD
Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Martial Universe 1 武動乾坤之涅槃神石 The Immortal Stone of Nirvana" is about a story of a young hero Lin Dong, who fought for the freedom of his clan and against the oppession of Lei's family in Qingyang Town. Lin D
[Full Movie] 重启地球 Restart The Earth | 科幻灾难电影 Sci-fi Disaster film HD
Synopsis: The sci-fi disaster movie "Restart The Earth 重啟地球" tells that due to the leakage of the newly developed "super auxin", the cell activity of plants has been greatly enhanced, and they have begun to grow and spread rapidly. Humanity is facing
[Full Movie] 大唐天下 Rise of Tang Dynasty 2 帝王末路 | War Action film 历史战争电影 HD
Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Rise of Tang Dynasty 2 大唐天下之帝王末路" tells that in 617 AD, Li Yuan uprose in Taiyuan and won the support of the people of Taiyuan. People actively volunteered for the Righteous Army and the soldiers of t
[Full Movie] 美人鱼 The Mermaid | 奇幻爱情电影 Fantasy Romance film HD
Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "The Mermaid 美人魚" tells a story of marine biology researcher Yang Fan who fell into the sea while chasing a mermaid and was saved by a mermaid named Xiaoyu who dressed as a human. After experiencing the hardships of
[Full Movie] 跨过400亿光年来看你 Alien Girlfriend | 科幻爱情电影 Sci-fi Romance film HD
Synopsis: The sci-fi romance movie "Over 40 Billion Light Years to See You 跨过400亿光年来看你 Alien Girlfriend" tells a love story of Tang Mengyan and Ye Chenfeng. Tang Mengyan is from the Blue Planet, which is 40 billion light years away, and has b
[Full Movie] 人骨邪咒 Human Bone Curse 骨瓷 | 惊悚恐怖电影 Horror film HD
Synopsis: The thriller and horror movie "Human Bone Curse 人骨邪咒" is also named as "Bone China 骨瓷". It tells a story of a pure and kind-hearted girl, Qihua whose fiance, Qingwen fell into the sea and died in an accident. Following the suggestion of
[Full Movie] 九尾狐传 Nine-Tailed Fox | 玄幻爱情电影 Fantasy Love film HD
Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "Nine-Tailed Fox 九尾狐傳" tells a story of the fox demon (fairy fox), Xiu, who came into the human world for the first time. She was tricked by the scholar, Jiang Wanyun into believing they had something real between
[Full Movie] 少林寺十八罗汉 Shaolin Temple | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD
Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple 少林寺十八羅漢" tells a story in the 33rd year of Jiajing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1554), at the behest of the Emperor 18 Shaolin kung fu monks (using the long stick as the
[Full Movie] 工厂怪物 Factory Monster | 恐怖探险电影 Horror film HD
Synopsis: The horror adventure movie "Factory Monster 工廠怪物" is about a supernatural Wandering Monster story. It said that there is a Wandering Monster near a disused factory. Some persons near there disappeared in past every year. So six young perso
粵語 2022; 林家棟, 警察 動作片, 完整電影; 香港電影, 中文字幕; Police Action Movie, Full Movie; China, English Subtitle
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十兄弟 (1995) | Ten Brothers ( 張敏、鐘鎮濤、釋小龍、郝劭文、 羅家英、徐錦江、 黃一飛、苑瓊丹) | 經典搞笑香港喜劇片
訂閱頻道,更多華語電影隨心看👉https://bit.ly/3a9pAAl Facebook主頁👉https://bit.ly/3ySlqay 【內容介紹】 老爺百歲大壽時被小兒子大蝦(鐘鎮濤 飾)氣死,根據族規,家財由大哥全權管理,而大蝦只分得瘦田一畝及老牛一條。十分奇怪的是,這片瘦田裡種出的蔬菜瓜果都特別巨大。於是,大蝦和大蝦嫂(張敏 飾)刨開土一看,發現地裡原來埋藏著十顆寶珠。可惜此事被無惡不作的大帥得知,於是帶領兵馬前來搶寶珠。情急之中,大蝦與大蝦嫂各吞寶珠五粒,分頭逃走。大蝦不幸被大帥捉去,大蝦嫂
[Full Movie] Tennis Girl 网球少女 | School Youth film 校园青春片 HD
Synopsis: The school youth movie "Tennis Girl 網球少女" is about a school girl Deng Jia who is good at study but not good at sports. One day she finds out she loves tennis very much by chance. Then she joins the tennis club and have opportunities to practice t
阿金(1996) / Ah Kam(許鞍華/楊紫瓊/洪金寶)| 如果他沒死,我說不定會跟他一世【1080P】 #經典華語老電影
訂閱頻道,更多華語電影隨心看👉https://bit.ly/3a9pAAl Facebook主頁👉https://bit.ly/3ySlqay 【內容介紹】 來到香港討生活的大陸武術高手阿金(楊紫瓊 飾)起初只能去攝影棚做電影替身演員,由於身手不凡又能吃苦,不久她就成為女武師,與武術指導霹靂(洪金寶 飾)成為配合默契的搭檔。阿金偶識SAM(黃家諾 飾)後墮入愛河,離開片場隨SAM來到深圳,協助他料理卡拉OK廳的生意,慢慢發現自己在SAM心中的位置類似看場子的“保鏢”,加上SAM風流成性,阿金在忍無可忍之時帶
Movie 电影 | Subduing Dragon Palms 降龙神掌苏乞儿2 | Action film 动作片 Full Movie HD
Synopsis: The new Wuxia Martial Arts Action movie "Master So, Subduing Dragon Palms 降龍神掌蘇乞兒2" is about a story in Qing Dynasty. Two magistrates of the remote Linjiang County were successively killed by a python, which caused great panic among t
Movie 电影 | Drunken Master Su Qier 醉拳苏乞儿 | Martial Arts Action film 武侠动作片 Full Movie HD
Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "Drunken Master Su Qier 醉拳蘇乞兒" tells the story of Su Can, born in a family of officers and had a love for martial arts since he was a child. When he went to the capital to get the martial arts exam, he was fr