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Weltmarkt – der Podcast der deutschen Außenwirtschaft
Weltmarkt – der Podcast der deutschen Außenwirtschaft Fast jede Unternehmerin und jeder Unternehmer in Deutschland träumt vom Weltmarkt - will skalieren, international expandieren. Wir zeigen, wie es geht. Woran es hapert, wenn es nicht klappt und wo die G
5 天前
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逃离元宇宙 《逃离元宇宙》是国内首档95后和00后分享关于跨境电商领域的工作与生活类的播客节目。 在这里,只有一群朋克年轻人对于工作和生活的讨论。我们没有商务背景,也没有中年跨境老板的油腻感,我们不制造焦虑,也不卖弄经验;更没有无休止的职场PUA。我们能做的,就是在这个快速发展的网络时代,脱离“美颜滤镜”畅聊跨境电商的人与事,带你们一起“逃离元宇宙”。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/56622810 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 跨境中小公司的生存之路与跨境从业者的光怪陆离瞬间 假
1 個月前
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中信房屋蘇主任房訊網 中信房屋蘇主任房訊網-優質房屋仲介,推薦,豪宅,買屋,賣屋,租屋 https://www.0968797090.com.tw 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 內政部修非都市土地使用管制規則 這次修法新增地方政府可主動辦理使用地變更,並依實際狀況將毗鄰多筆土地合併成為一筆基地,做為法定空地保留的計算基礎,必要時也能辦理地籍分割等作業,以加速輔導土地合法化。 https://www.0968797090.com.tw/%e5%85%a7%e6%94%bf%e9%83%a8%e4%bf%ae%e9%
The Peter Schiff Show Podcast
1 個月前
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The Peter Schiff Show Podcast Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, and host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast. The podcast focuses on economic data analysis and unbiased coverage of financial news,
世界の最新ニュース「DAILY BRIEF」
2 個月前
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世界の最新ニュース「DAILY BRIEF」 世界の最新ニュース「DAILY BRIEF」テックもスタートアップも、株式市場もカルチャーも。日々変化し続けるグローバルニュースを毎朝アップデート。「DAILY BRIEF」は、世界が見ている"世界の今"を伝えるポッドキャストです。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アフリカ、中東でその日報じられた最新ニュースをいち早く、そしてお手軽に、声でお届けします。Illustration by Unpis■DAILY BRIEF SUPPORTERShttps://spine
BTC-ECHO Recap | Top-Themen zu Bitcoin, Blockchain & Krypto
BTC-ECHO Recap | Top-Themen zu Bitcoin, Blockchain & Krypto Bitcoin, Blockchain & Krypto generell zählen zu den innovativsten Themen unserer Zeit. Sei es im Bereich Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Politik oder Gesellschaft. Aufgrund der immer schneller voranschreite
NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo
2 個月前
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NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo The mantra of this podcast is simple: WE is greater than Me... NFTs 365 is a daily podcast hosted by Brian Fanzo, aka @iSocialFanz. Brian is a Digital Futurist and Web 3.0 Visionary with a passion for exploring the world of NFTs
2 週前
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Perspectives From equities and fixed income to commercial real estate, ESG and climate change, join us as we explore the issues global investors are talking about and uncover insights from industry experts that help keep it all in perspective. https://www.
BTC-ECHO Experts | Insights aus der Bitcoin- & Blockchain-Szene
BTC-ECHO Experts | Insights aus der Bitcoin- & Blockchain-Szene Wer nicht nur an der Oberfläche mitschwimmen möchte, sondern wirklich verstehen will, was im Krypto-Sektor passiert, der ist auf das Wissen von Brancheninsidern angewiesen. Ganz gleich, ob CEO
State of Affairs
2 個月前
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State of Affairs A podcast discussing the 2024 election, the latest polls, and things happening inside the DC beltway and around the world. Join us for live conversations with guests who know what's happening and what will happen next. https://wsau.com/pod
ChatGPT: OpenAI, Sam Altman, AI, Joe Rogan, Artificial Intelligence, Practical AI
ChatGPT: OpenAI, Sam Altman, AI, Joe Rogan, Artificial Intelligence, Practical AI The ChatGPT podcast is a cutting-edge podcast exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and technology. Each episode delves into how AI is revolutionizing the ind
On The Tape
2 個月前
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On The Tape Each week, CNBC Fast Money contributors Dan Nathan and Guy Adami, along with former hedge fund manager Danny Moses (as featured in The Big Short), and SoFi’s Head of Investment Strategy, Liz Young, break down market-moving headlines, provide th
AI Chat: ChatGPT & AI News, Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI, Machine Learning
AI Chat: ChatGPT & AI News, Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI, Machine Learning AI Chat is the podcast where we dive into the world of ChatGPT, cutting-edge AI news and its impact on our daily lives. With in-depth discussions and interviews with leading expe
The Media Copilot
2 週前
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The Media Copilot Hosted by journalist Pete Pachal, The Media Copilot is a weekly conversation with smart people on how AI is changing media, journalism, and the news. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-media-copilot 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Hunting AI Content
4 週前
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静言股市 节目简介股市投资涉及到的知识方方面面,然而很多人进入股市前都没有进行系统性的学习。不少新手甚至一些老手在参与股市投资中都会有很多的疑惑与不解,甚至发生严重的亏损。于是我希望能够通过自己的经验让大家少走一些弯路。在这里:我会把我十多年的股市投资经验进行总结,分享给大家,帮助大家打好基础。我会根据每日的行情有针对性的进行一些点评,帮助大家更好的理解市场走势。我还会及时的分享我在投资中的新收获,新想法。让大家能迅速获得最新的投资理念和方法主讲人许遵静,拥有十余年投资经验。在技术分析方面有深入的理论和实践
ETF of the Week with Todd Rosenbluth
3 個月前
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ETF of the Week with Todd Rosenbluth ETF Trends and Moneylife team up to bring you the ETF of the Week with Todd Rosenbluth. https://www.etftrends.com/etf-of-the-week/ Fri, 09 Feb 2024 20:07:49 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 ETF of the Week: Natixis Vaughan Nelson Sele
eCommerce Evolution
3 個月前
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eCommerce Evolution eCommerce Evolution is hosted by Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce. Tune in for fresh interviews with the merchants, vendors, and experts shaping the eCommerce industry. We take an in-depth look at what's new and what's next in eCommerce
Apple Vision Pro
3 個月前
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Apple Vision Pro Apple Vision Pro Explained: A Dive into the Future of Computing Apple's Vision Pro, launched in June 2023, isn't just a new gadget; it's a bold foray into the world of spatial computing. Unlike traditional computers confined to screens, Vi
3 個月前
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行銷大小事 我們將分享行銷核心概念、實際案例,並了解心理學原理,這裡都有豐富的知識和策略等待您的探索。 定期邀請業內專家,以簡單輕鬆的方式,剖析行銷成功要素,教你如何結合市場趨勢與消費者心理,設計吸引人的行銷活動,並利用數據分析優化策略。 《行銷大小事》是您行銷學習的理想伴侶,讓您在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出。現在就開始收聽,拓展您的行銷視野! Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/clr3j57mw02sc01tz0gie9dfc