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#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Browse the charming shoe and ba...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Browse the charming shoe and bag area and stumble into a luxury goods shop, Shop 25-30, G/F, LAFORET, East Point, 24-26 East Point Road, Causeway Bay
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I feel that when eating delicio...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I feel that when eating delicious food in Hong Kong, you must choose an elegant environment so that you can feel good while eating. The restaurant I chose this time has a view of Victoria Harbor directly fr
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#In the evening, I went to Abalo...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#In the evening, I went to Abalone on the first floor in Wan Chai. Just by looking at the name of the store, I knew I had to order abalone for this meal😍📍No. 222 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Keep moving forward towards a g...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Keep moving forward towards a goal and keep working hard. Even if your life is starting from scratch, you can do it. Let your dreams come true. This is the most important thing to do now!
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#This location is amazing. Of co...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#This location is amazing. Of course I want to make a reservation in advance. The food quality is pretty good and the price is not expensive. Shop No. 2, 1/F, Ling Xiao Court, 128 Peak Road, The Peak
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Missed the sunset coffee time. ...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Missed the sunset coffee time. I found a place in Harbor City where I could have dinner while enjoying the beautiful view. This restaurant is on the OTE1 floor of Ocean Terminal. You need to walk all the wa
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#🇭🇰A cheap seafood restaurant cr...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#🇭🇰A cheap seafood restaurant crowded with locals in Hong Kong... ‼ ️The evening market is very smooth, and the tea table fee is free No wonder there are so many diners... everyone knows how to eat! 📍Jinmanl
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I really like this restaurant, ...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I really like this restaurant, it’s the best Michelin restaurant I’ve ever had! The location is above the ICC, on the 102nd floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. It is the tallest building in Hong Kong and is qu
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#At K11 Musea, a new-style Sichu...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#At K11 Musea, a new-style Sichuan restaurant on the seaside, you can enjoy both delicious food and beautiful scenery. Tang Kee Sichuan Cuisine (4/F, K11 Musea, Tsim Sha Tsui)
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I have been bookmarking this re...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I have been bookmarking this restaurant for a long time, and finally went here with my friends this weekend. This time I reserved an open-air night view seat. The atmosphere is super romantic and relaxing!
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#It’s been a long time since I’v...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#It’s been a long time since I’ve tried a leisurely stroll in the supermarket 🛒BTW Wellcome’s broccoli is really cheap 💰9.9 for two pieces (cheaper than those sold in the market) This is one of the reasons w
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Give life a smile, face life wi...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Give life a smile, face life with a smile, just like the goshawk confidently fights the sky, just like the river happily merges into the sea, the reason for fighting is for the beauty of the future
【新竹】全台連鎖~紅橘子精緻早午餐|新竹早午餐推薦 平價早午餐 推薦必點香濃豆漿及蘿蔔糕 文末菜單2022
有著超特別#貓咪生吐司 的#紅橘子早午餐 鄰近新竹馬偕醫院及清華大學, 平實的價位有著份量超大的美味餐點, 連飲料都好喝都不行XD 推薦給想找高CP值早午餐的朋友們~ 路口是怡客咖啡,從光復路轉進來馬上可以看到紅橘子招牌。 醬料餐具都是自助式取用 餐點會使用電子號碼牌的
週末早午餐時間 想到竹北「 #包果 」還沒吃過 那天看到浮誇大雞排就順手收藏 剛好現在吃吃看 「脆皮燕麥雞排」套餐 有薯條飲料和超大片雞排 外皮實在有夠脆 現炸...
週末早午餐時間 想到竹北「 #包果 」還沒吃過 那天看到浮誇大雞排就順手收藏 剛好現在吃吃看 「脆皮燕麥雞排」套餐 有薯條飲料和超大片雞排 外皮實在有夠脆 現炸拿到手上還是超級燙的 配木瓜牛奶的吃法很爽 比較適合下午茶 中午吃把皮全吃完的話有點膩 「⭐️燒肉三明治」鹹香還滿好吃 半熟蛋有加分 肉量很足很鹹讚讚 另外飲料是「香檳紅茶」 還真的有香檳的感覺!!? 還滿特別 沒有無糖選擇有點可惜 ⚠️粉絲專頁在這邊 baoguo_hsinchu baoguo_ 🙋🏻‍♀️下午茶點雞排木瓜牛奶好像滿爽的 💁🏻原來這
【宜蘭礁溪】3美食景點《空ㄟ農場》百萬夜景《Wa Cow Brunch》超大份量早午餐《食聚》水果千層蛋糕(CC字幕)
礁溪一日遊,爬完抹茶山後我們到礁溪吃吃喝喝,有幾個不錯的熱門景點推薦給大家,Wa Cow Brunch超大份量早午餐,爬山累了需要補充熱量,大拼盤有多種口味牛排、鮪魚、水果、薯條吃完真是大滿足。晚上到空ㄟ農場欣賞夜景,這裡有美麗的百萬夜景也有美味窯烤披薩美食非常推薦。 回程可以來點食聚下午茶,好吃又好看的千層水果蛋糕是必點甜點,少女們最愛美食不可錯過。 #空ㄟ農場 地址:宜蘭縣礁溪鄉白石腳路157巷31號 (地圖) 門票低消:大人300元、8-13歲150元,7歲以下免費 營業時間:15:00-23:00
氣氛舒服的新店咖啡廳推薦,飲料跟餐點都是4、50元起,也有好吃的甜點, 來吃個蛋餅配紅茶還能享受這麼好的氣氛真不錯~ 新店家樂福附近的巷弄中藏了一間氣氛不錯的咖啡廳, 有提供早餐、早午餐、簡餐、下午茶甜點等, 綠色植物牆佐上花卉,精緻又浪漫, 重點是有一些銅板價的餐點! 像是三明治、脆皮蛋餅、小點心、紅綠茶等, 不強迫點一杯飲料也不收服務費, 三明治的吐司用的是挺香的丹麥吐司, 飲料加餐點百元內就能順便享受好氣氛真不錯喲~ *食物類供應到晚上六點半 *其他玩樂參考: 新店吃喝玩樂必看:新店景點/美食一日遊推
🤎 / #台中#台中景點#台中美食 #早午餐#下午茶#咖啡廳 #甜點#早餐#咖啡#美食 #taichung#taiwan#food
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素食肉排佐黑松露菌菇醬 Veggie patty with black truffle sauce #早餐 #早午餐 #下午茶 #三san #東門市場 #東門...
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吃貨一姐精選14家部落客推薦的嘉義早午餐店!一整天活力的來源,就要從豐盛的早午餐開始!推薦店家名單包括新生早點、小自由廚房、暖肚皮咖啡、吐司男 嘉義民生店...等,看完就趕快訂位吧!不然就吃不到囉~ 新生早點 小自由廚房 暖肚皮咖啡 吐司男 嘉義民生店 桔吉力早餐廚房 艾