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The Fall Line
3 年前
 • 77 次觀看
The Fall Line The Fall Line® is a deep-dive true-crime podcast focused on missing people, unsolved homicides, and unidentified persons whose cold cases have gotten little—if any—media attention. Through narrative storytelling, primary and archival research
Chronic Chills - A Hair Raising 4/20 Friendly Podcast
Chronic Chills - A Hair Raising 4/20 Friendly Podcast Get cozy, spark one up and listen to some chilling tales from the past! Chronic Chills covers anything creepy, spooky, weird or downright crazy. From tales of murder to ghost encounters, you will find i
Prash's Murder Map: True Crime Podcast
3 年前
 • 83 次觀看
Prash's Murder Map: True Crime Podcast Pack your passport and jump on a plane, because we're going on a journey to investigate some of the most heinous, macabre and enigmatic murders across the globe and throughout history. We'll look at forensics, psychol
Indian Murder Curry
3 年前
 • 73 次觀看
Indian Murder Curry This podcast is a spicy stew of bone chilling cases of brutality, executed by some peculiar people of India. Because if you thought serial killers were just a western phenomenon, you need to think again! https://anchor.fm/onecurrytorule
《未解之謎》第 2 輯 | 正式預告 | Netflix
最令人毛骨悚然的謎團仍在苦等真相大白。六樁全新懸疑事件將於 10 月 19 日在 Netflix 全球上線。 觀賞《未解之謎》:https://www.netflix.com/unsolvedmysteries 訂閱:https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Netflix: Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有 1.93 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上網功能的裝置,隨時隨地不限時數盡情觀賞,亦
Testimonio 2 De Octubre De 1968
3 年前
 • 41 次觀看
Testimonio 2 De Octubre De 1968 Experiencia de cuando mi abuelo tenía 14 años y lo que el vivió. https://anchor.fm/dafne-garcu00eda8 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Entrevista 2 de 0ctubre de 1968 Marcha estudiantil de 1968 desde la experiencia de mi abuelo cuando tenía 14 añ
Vegas Fed: An Inside Look at Federal Criminal Prosecutions in Sin City
Vegas Fed: An Inside Look at Federal Criminal Prosecutions in Sin City The podcast that gives you an inside look at federal criminal prosecutions in Sin City with retired federal prosecutor, Tom O'Connell. Tom spent nearly 30 years in law enforcement, as a
Brave Girls Club Podcast
3 年前
 • 74 次觀看
Brave Girls Club Podcast Welcome to the Brave Girls Club with Lyndsie, Kelly, and Khrysta! Three best friends who tell each other stories of violent crime, murder, demons, the occult, aliens, urban legends, the unexplained, and more. https://play.google.co
The Walkers Switch
4 年前
 • 53 次觀看
The Walkers Switch 2 out of 3 people remember Walkers switching the colours of their Cheese and Onion and Salt and Vinegar crisp packets. But Walkers deny it ever happened. Are they lying? If so, why? The Walkers Switch investigates the greatest hoax in Br
《失蹤的女孩:長島連續殺人事件》| 正式預告 | Netflix
《失蹤的女孩:長島連續殺人事件》靈感來自真人真事,由榮獲奧斯卡提名的麗茲·賈伯斯執導,並請來同樣榮獲奧斯卡提名的艾美·萊恩飾演瑪莉·吉爾柏。瑪莉的女兒離奇失蹤,警方卻無所作為。她於是自行展開調查,循著女兒最後可知的蹤跡來到位於長島的門禁社區。瑪莉的發現迫使執法單位和媒體揭露十幾起未偵破的謀殺案,而受害者皆為性工作者。 訂閱: https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Netflix: Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.67 億名付費會員,內容
Sweet Home Missing and Murdered
4 年前
 • 55 次觀看
Sweet Home Missing and Murdered Sweet Home Missing and Murdered is an investigative podcast that hopes to shed new light on missing persons cases and murders throughout the state of Alabama. Join us as we take a deep dive into a different case each week by
《亞倫·赫南德茲:美國橄欖球星殺人案》| 主要預告 | Netflix
此部震撼人心的紀錄片影集《亞倫·赫南德茲:美國橄欖球星殺人案》共有三部,為您探究前 NFL 超級球員如何從體壇巨星淪為殺人犯,以及他震驚全美的死訊。1 月 15 日首播。
The case of Byron Halsey
4 年前
 • 80 次觀看
The case of Byron Halsey This is the case of a man who was charged with sexual assault of his room mate's children. https://anchor.fm/joshua-d-graham 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The Case of Byron Halsey This is the case of Byron Halsey, a man convicted of killing and sexu
《貓不可殺不可辱:網絡殺手大搜捕》| 正式預告 | Netflix
神秘男子殺害兩隻貓貓的影片在網上曝光,全球網民誓言找出行兇者。然而,殺手因自己的一夕成名大受鼓舞,繼而在網上放上更多殘忍的影片,甚至引發謀殺。《貓不可殺不可辱:網絡殺手大搜捕》為《The Imposter and Silk Road》製作團隊最新力作,將於 12 月 18 日在 Netflix 上線。 關於 Netflix Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.58 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上
《別惹喵皇:肉搜網際殺手》| 正式預告 | Netflix
神秘男子殺害兩隻貓咪的影片在網路上曝光,全球網民誓言找出行兇者。然而,殺手因自己的一夕成名大受鼓舞,繼而在網上放上更多殘忍的影片,甚至引發謀殺。《別惹喵皇:肉搜網際殺手》為《The Imposter and Silk Road》製作團隊最新力作,將於 12 月 18 日在 Netflix 上線。 關於 Netflix Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.58 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上網功能
Home Sweet Homicide
4 年前
 • 52 次觀看
Home Sweet Homicide A true crime podcast series created by honors students at the University of West Alabama https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lesa-shaul 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 “Fowl Play: The Murder of Andy Whitten” This episode is part of a podcast series cre
Норд-Ост. 23.10.2002 - ∞
4 年前
 • 48 次觀看
Норд-Ост. 23.10.2002 - ∞ Мюзикл «Норд-Ост» – одно из самых ярких событий московской сцены, в одночасье обернувшееся трагедией, которая навсегда изменила жизни более чем тысячи человек. Новый подкаст SoundStream расскажет о захвате заложников в театральном
Perfidy and Pickles
4 年前
 • 69 次觀看
Perfidy and Pickles A podcast about crimes, cons, escapes and fakes. http://perfidyandpickles.com - 未知的檔案類型。
《難,置信》| 正式預告 | Netflix
4 年前
 • 26 次觀看
《難,置信》的靈感來自真人真事,一位青少女報案稱自己遭受強暴,但最終又撤回報案。位在不同州的兩位女警抽絲剝繭,冀望找到能夠還原真相的證據。 本劇改編自 The Marshall Project 和 ProPublica 出版的普立茲獎得獎文章《令人難以置信的強姦故事》(作者為 T·克里斯欽·米勒和肯·阿姆斯壯),以及 This American Life 廣播劇《懷疑的解析》,並由入圍奧斯卡的蘇珊娜·葛蘭特和莉莎·蔻洛丹柯執導。故事中無以言表的創傷、堅定不移的決心,以及令人敬佩的韌性讓人低迴沈思。節目統籌蘇