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#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Tsim Sha Tsui Duty Free Shop 1️...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Tsim Sha Tsui Duty Free Shop 1️⃣DFS Duty Free Shop (Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong). Chinachem Plaza, 77 Dongmen Tunnel
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Browse the charming shoe and ba...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Browse the charming shoe and bag area and stumble into a luxury goods shop, Shop 25-30, G/F, LAFORET, East Point, 24-26 East Point Road, Causeway Bay
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I really like this restaurant, ...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I really like this restaurant, it’s the best Michelin restaurant I’ve ever had! The location is above the ICC, on the 102nd floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. It is the tallest building in Hong Kong and is qu
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#This location is amazing. Of co...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#This location is amazing. Of course I want to make a reservation in advance. The food quality is pretty good and the price is not expensive. Shop No. 2, 1/F, Ling Xiao Court, 128 Peak Road, The Peak
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#🇭🇰A cheap seafood restaurant cr...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#🇭🇰A cheap seafood restaurant crowded with locals in Hong Kong... ‼ ️The evening market is very smooth, and the tea table fee is free No wonder there are so many diners... everyone knows how to eat! 📍Jinmanl
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Michelin-starred Cantonese Cuis...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Michelin-starred Cantonese Cuisine·Tianbao Pavilion, the environment is comfortable and the taste is good. I had a great time eating.
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I have been bookmarking this re...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#I have been bookmarking this restaurant for a long time, and finally went here with my friends this weekend. This time I reserved an open-air night view seat. The atmosphere is super romantic and relaxing!
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Thai food with a chilled atmosp...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Thai food with a chilled atmosphere! ! ! There is also resident singing in the evening! ! Delicious🎵sounding! !
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Long-legged crab specialty stor...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Long-legged crab specialty store If you want to eat delicious long-legged crabs and lobsters in Hong Kong, you must choose "Harbor". It's a great and enjoyable dinner.
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#At K11 Musea, a new-style Sichu...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#At K11 Musea, a new-style Sichuan restaurant on the seaside, you can enjoy both delicious food and beautiful scenery. Tang Kee Sichuan Cuisine (4/F, K11 Musea, Tsim Sha Tsui)
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外Delicious food should be eaten i...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外Delicious food should be eaten in the stomach, and lovely people should be kept in the heart. The world is not worth it, but I and the food are worth it.
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#The most beautiful thing today ...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#The most beautiful thing today is to eat delicious food with friends, relieve yourself of fatigue, and enjoy all the beauty in the world.
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#After a busy day, we will final...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#After a busy day, we will finally be healed by food when we return home at night.
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#To enjoy the pleasure of slowin...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#To enjoy the pleasure of slowing down time, you can only live up to the food and love.
环球旅行1-5天:准备从中国境内骑车去巴黎 从北京一路骑行到内蒙古 又热又渴 | 鞋底 | 环球旅行 | 骑行中国 | 北京 | 内蒙古
我是创作者鞋底,从2019年7月12日开始旅行,旅行超过58个国家~ 😎欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube唯一官方频道http://bit.ly/3Mt6bKS #鞋底骑车环球旅行 #穷游 #旅游攻略 #环球旅游 #旅行 #穷游 #骑行 #骑行中国 #北京 #内蒙古 每天8PM(GMT+8)更新视频,追剧粉们可以主动进入主页观看最新视频,记得点赞评论一下哟! 🩴播放列表里有按照旅行国家分类好的往期精彩视频! 🩴 鞋底旅行大合集 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpwppA
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Keep moving forward towards a g...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Keep moving forward towards a goal and keep working hard. Even if your life is starting from scratch, you can do it. Let your dreams come true. This is the most important thing to do now!
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Give life a smile, face life wi...
#風景#攝影#照片#自拍#日常#生活#美食#早餐#午餐#晚餐#旅行#咖啡#下午茶#打高爾夫球#戶外#Give life a smile, face life with a smile, just like the goshawk confidently fights the sky, just like the river happily merges into the sea, the reason for fighting is for the beauty of the future
宜蘭 / 有可愛水豚的水岸餐廳 水岸森林物語的餐廳景觀好美 可以在水岸旁用餐非常愜意 餐廳有鹹食也有下午茶 這次點了蜜香魚套餐附小菜和湯 他們家是全台最大的香...
宜蘭 / 有可愛水豚的水岸餐廳 水岸森林物語的餐廳景觀好美 可以在水岸旁用餐非常愜意 餐廳有鹹食也有下午茶 這次點了蜜香魚套餐附小菜和湯 他們家是全台最大的香魚養殖廠 用最棒的柯林湧泉香魚製作 醃漬過後的香魚酸甜口感很下飯哦 特製紹興燉飯很濃郁~剛上桌就聞到香味 小菜還有宜蘭必吃的鴨賞哦 湖畔小食光下午茶非常豐盛 有泡芙、千層蛋糕、馬卡龍、蛋塔、和三明治 可以點一份下午茶跟朋友一起享用 用餐完還可以到可愛動物園區 可以看到站立討吃的小水豚~太呆萌了 還有很多種小動物可以近距離互動和餵食 黑面羊、草泥馬、梅花
给狗狗拍写真,拍成这样一定会被投诉的#puppy #cute #golden #vlog #funny
记录狗狗的每天日常,记得关注我哦!Record the daily life of the puppy, remember to follow me!