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Danielle Tucker’s The Golf Club Show
3 個月前
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Danielle Tucker’s The Golf Club Show Danielle Tucker's "The Golf Club" based in Hawaii, broadcasting state-wide and streaming world wide, talking to golf professionals, mental game professionals, golf equipment manufacturers, sports fitness professionals,
Dialed In: A Podcast by The High Cotton Club
3 個月前
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Dialed In: A Podcast by The High Cotton Club Dialed In is a podcast by High Cotton Club, the No Laying Up Roost based in Tennessee and stretching from Southern Indiana to Alabama. On this podcast, hosts Connor Hendrickson and John Stewart will preview and
Club Fitting Chronicles
3 個月前
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Club Fitting Chronicles Have you felt like your golf swing is good, but you're not totally happy with the results? Most golfers blame themselves. In my experience, often the golf clubs and their fit are to blame. So we are going to discuss just that with t
Fits with the Founder
3 個月前
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Fits with the Founder This show is the perfect fit for you...guaranteed. Fits with the Founder takes an unfiltered look at the golf industry with host and Club Champion founder Nick Sherburne. Join us every other Friday for expert insight into current golf
【地才養成術】辦公室政治學!同事抱怨訊息千萬別這樣回!回擊職場小人這樣做!5點職場菜鳥必懂的事(下)| 姊妹淘 babyou.me
在職場的五個階段中,最關鍵的莫過於菜鳥時期。 對於剛踏入職場的新鮮人來說,如何與同事建立良好的關係,展現自己獨特的價值,對於職業生涯的發展至關重要。 詹千雁從電視台記者入行,具有完整的記者、主播,以及製作人經歷,更從新聞業跨入地產業,不僅為廣告公司行銷總監、女性媒體總監,更是創業家。身兼多職的她,在菜鳥期間也曾跌跌撞撞,如果有機會回到過去,這五點是她最想提醒自己的。 「不是天才,但可以努力當地才」 ⸝ ​​​🛋️地才養成術📖 2024/1/5 起 每週五 晚上9點 上新片 職場 X感情 X 育兒 X 理財
Reversing Course
3 個月前
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Reversing Course Wakonda Club's golf course restoration project. How it all started and how it's going. http://www.wakondaclub.com Thu, 11 Jan 2024 13:43:35 -0600 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Connecting The Dots Special Guest, Nate McCoy, with the Iowa Golf Association, jo
Carcosa Country Club
3 個月前
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Country Club Adjacent
3 個月前
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Country Club Adjacent A podcast with comedians Aristotle Georgeson (aka Blake Webber) Jake Adams, Griff Pippin & Mark Smalls. Country Club Adjacent is changing the game of golf with a much edgier perspective on where the game is going. With an occasional c
親姊哽咽還原張誌家「最後身影」 進電梯前一度踉蹌 @ChinaTimes
支持小編剪片剪到天亮❤️ : http://bit.ly/3DXfVYY 前職棒球星張誌家1月1日在大陸猝逝,其骨灰4日在媽媽和大姊護送下返台,暫厝台中生命禮儀所,家人擇定12日辦告別式。其兄姊不捨表示,張的大姊指出,從警方提供的錄影畫面看,弟弟(張誌家)跨年夜和友人一起吃宵夜時,已很不舒服,席間友人還叫他去看醫師,張回「不用,老毛病了!」回到宿舍進電梯前還一度踉蹌,也留下最後身影。 【相關影音】 https://www.youtube.com/live/s3kad5iIu4U #中時新聞網 #張誌家 #猝
【地才養成術】後悔沒有早點知道!原來有效加薪該這樣做?職場上這些話不要講!5點職場菜鳥必懂的事| 姊妹淘 babyou.me
#職場 #菜鳥 #加薪 千雁大學時就在電視台打工,經過各種努力才有機會一畢業就轉正職,後來更被其他電視台和廣告公司挖角,從菜鳥時期一路成長也一路犯錯,她也整理了5個菜鳥應該知道的撇步給大家!如果再回到過去,這些錯誤真的不要再犯~ 節目分為上下兩集,記得每週五晚上9點,鎖定精彩內容唷! 姊妹們想看什麼影音?記得留言和我們說喔! 更多精彩內容,請鎖定姊妹淘 https://www.babyou.me
前職棒球星張誌家43歲猝逝! 媽媽、姊姊親曝生前「生活狀況」 @ChinaTimes
支持小編剪片剪到天亮❤️ : http://bit.ly/3DXfVYY 【相關影音】 https://www.youtube.com/live/s3kad5iIu4U #中時新聞網 #張誌家 #猝死 #心肌梗塞 #職棒 #投手 #台中 #老家 #家屬 #媽媽 #姐姐 #妻子 #視訊 #血壓 #習慣 #酒精 #壘球 #高爾夫 #生活 #狀況 #血壓 #回診 #痛哭 #訝異 00:00 張誌家媽媽回應張誌家生前生活狀況 01:04 張誌家姊姊回應張誌家生前生活狀況 中時新聞網FB粉絲專頁👉http://bit
泰國觀光局看好高爾夫旅遊持續暢旺 考艾-成最新亮點
每年有超過70萬人次飛往泰國打高爾夫球,並持續增加中。 圖:shutterstock/來源 【旅奇傳媒/編輯部報導】泰國球場一直以來都是打高球的熱門選擇,世界各地到泰國打高爾夫球的遊客,對於在泰國各獨特球場的揮桿經驗從來沒有失望過,因為球場多、品質佳,價格也相對合理,每年有超過70萬人次飛往微笑國度,並持續增加中,使其成為世界知名的高球旅遊景點,周邊 SPA、購物、歷史景點、多采多姿的夜生活美食、人民友善親切以及頂級住宿等優勢加持下,使得球迷一而再、再而三的不斷回訪。 泰國全境擁有超過300座高爾夫球場,且
Big Foot Disc Golf Podcast
4 個月前
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Big Foot Disc Golf Podcast All Disc Golf All The Time! Our unique perspective and unique guests are going to provide some sweet content for you as we follow all things disc golf from industry news, the Disc Golf Pro Tour, the PDGA, and beyond. We appreciat
A.V. Macan Podcast
4 個月前
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A.V. Macan Podcast Arthur Vernon Macan was a Champion Golfer, a World War I veteran and most notably a celebrated golf course architect. Macan is credited with designing numerous golf courses in the Pacific Northwest and is arguably the most important pers
Duck Hook Golf
4 個月前
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Duck Hook Golf A podcast that covers the game of golf. We will touch on everything from the PGA Tour to golf architecture and travel. Our goal is to provide a little bit of entertainment and have some fun covering the game we all enjoy. https://duckhook.co
蔡尚樺打高爾夫弄壞攝影機?必比登台菜綿密芋頭料理!林美秀懂吃被誇:行家!【#一起吃飯吧】20231207 EP20 PART2|台中🍚|林美秀 黃豪平 蔡尚樺
完整版點下去👉https://youtu.be/FZNC84Q45X0 主持人:林美秀、黃豪平 來賓:蔡尚樺 主題地點:台中 跟著學霸 台中橫著走 跟林美秀、黃豪平「一起吃飯吧」!跟著豪平的主播同學、台中友人蔡尚樺遊台中,來到最最熱鬧的一中街,領著兩位主持人重遊高中的”青春回憶路”吃吃喝喝,三人換裝體驗最新潮的拍貼機,一起重返17歲!慕名而來的隱藏大排隊拉麵店,市場內繞大半圈找不到!在地人尚樺還得靠在地人帶路?!吃拉麵進門前要喊通關密語究竟是甚麼回事?尚樺閨密驚喜現身,意外說出兩人學生時曾喜歡上同一個男生的
Beef's Golf Club
4 個月前
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Beef's Golf Club How do you become a member of the world's greatest golf club? We're glad you asked. Welcome to Beef's Golf Club, a place where anyone can get involved. Whether you are an experienced golfer, a total amateur, or you just want to give it a g
The Tour Experience
4 個月前
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The Tour Experience A podcast featuring top golf industry guests, golf equipment discussion, and anything golf-related! https://txg.ca 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Episode 12: The Return of Tiger In the latest instalment of "The Tour Experience," Ian and Mikey get excited
"侯友宜根本是趙少康傀儡!" 侯稱要趙參與外交.兩岸 范世平大酸"那到底要侯幹嘛" 談趙拋恢復服貿協議痛批: 只是想幫中國解決失業問題|鄭弘儀主持|【鄭知道了 PART2】20231127|三立新聞台
*周間🔥三立新聞2200-2400 ➲追蹤鄭知道了粉絲團:http://bit.ly/SETzhengknows 【#政發生】政論用聽的 【google PODCAST】https://ppt.cc/fCcXTx 【APPLE PODCAST】https://ppt.cc/fJhTLx 【MixerBox Player】https://mbapp.io/iNEWS ➲ iNEWS 最正新聞直播 https://bit.ly/2CuH7lZ ➲ 訂閱 iNEWS 最正新聞台 https://goo.gl/Sq