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BigBooks par Audrey Vernon
6 個月前
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6 個月前
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四季沙龙 yina是《人人都是播客》的作者。《四季沙龙》是yina的声音创作实验专辑,分享关于创作、播客、AIGC、音乐、心理、阅读、个人发展等相关内容。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/41230460 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 从MBTI到大五人格,和捌师傅的人格心理漫谈 主持人:捌匹马,《活捉捌师傅》主理人主要话题:- I人与E人的初次碰面,与捌师傅的缘起- 我从何时起开始接触心理学- mbti、人格心理学、大五人格- 为什么要学心理学?对人生有什么帮助?- 市面上出现的各
Movie Night
6 個月前
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Movie Night Cue the popcorn and dim the lights for "Movie Night," the podcast where cinema meets friendly banter. Join us as we chat about the latest blockbusters, timeless classics, and hidden indie gems. Whether it’s a deep dive or a light-hearted look,
The New Yorker: The Writer's Voice - New Fiction from The New Yorker
The New Yorker: The Writer's Voice - New Fiction from The New Yorker New Yorker fiction writers read their stories. https://the-new-yorker-the-writers-voice-new-fiction-from-the-ne.simplecast.com Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Sheila Heti Read
6 個月前
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說不完的故事 和孩子一起讀書,是當媽媽後最愉快的事之一,因為愛看書,我們有說不完的故事,做不完的夢。 讀書不需要有任何目的,不是為了更理解考卷內容,也不是為了更好的學習成績,而是因為喜歡看書。 看書,讓我們很快樂,歡迎你加入我們。 ====== 如果想和我們聯絡,分享聽後感,有話想對澄澄燦燦說,介紹更多好書給我們, 歡迎到Facebook追蹤、留言:https://www.facebook.com/shuting.chen.5811 或是來信:clitier927@gmail.com -- Hosting
Rich英文朗读 小王子 最好听
6 個月前
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Rich英文朗读 小王子 最好听 The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944). The novella is both the most-re
Amazing Spider-Talk: A Spider-Man Podcast
6 個月前
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Amazing Spider-Talk: A Spider-Man Podcast Two fans and collectors (Dan Gvozden and Mark Ginocchio) discuss and celebrate the past, present, and future of Spider-Man comic books, films, video games, and toys. https://amazingspidertalk.com/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The A
6 個月前
 • 73 次觀看
細田昌志の時空旅行RADIO 「沢村忠に真空を飛ばせた男」で第43回講談社本田靖春ノンフィクション賞を受賞したノンフィクション作家 細田昌志によるトーク番組! 時空を超えて、当時の事件、世相を、細田昌志がナビゲーターとなって、解説&検証していきます。 https://audee.jp/program/show/100000288 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 伊藤雅奈子さん後編!極私的クラッシュギャルズのバイブル&レジェンド名試合ベスト5発表・・・ ノンフィクション作家 細田昌志が 毎回添乗員を迎えて過去にタイム
The New Yorker: Fiction
6 個月前
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The New Yorker: Fiction A monthly reading and conversation with the New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman. https://the-new-yorker-fiction-4473086b.simplecast.com Wed, 1 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Margaret Atwood Reads Mavis Gallant, Live Marg
6 個月前
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TERRAESCRIBIENTE TERRAESCRIBIENTE: Relatos e Historias de Terra y de otros Mundos. http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-terraescribiente_sq_f1747547_1.html 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 T308 - EL ASEDIO DE TERRA LIBRO 6: HALCON DE GUERRA - Voz Natural - Audio 2/2 - Novela Warhammer
M. Ait Ali Poetry Readings
6 個月前
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M. Ait Ali Poetry Readings New and revisited poems, written and performed by the Moroccan poet M. Ait Ali. This podcast serves as a lightning rod—diverting sorrows into a more soothing ground of disillusion and acceptance by allowing listeners into foreign
Lost Ladies of Lit
6 個月前
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Lost Ladies of Lit A book podcast hosted by writing partners Amy Helmes and Kim Askew. Guests include biographers, journalists, authors, and cultural historians discussing lost classics by women writers. https://lostladiesoflit.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Christine de
The New Yorker: Poetry
7 個月前
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The New Yorker: Poetry Readings and conversation with The New Yorker's poetry editor, Kevin Young. https://www.wnyc.org/shows/new-yorker-poetry Wed, 18 Oct 2023 20:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Evie Shockley Reads Rita Dove Evie Shockley joins Kevin Young to rea
7 個月前
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名人書房 閱讀就像是漫步在別人的思想與靈魂當中, 進入他們的生命故事裡, 看見閱讀帶來改變的力量。 冠德玉山教育基金會創辦人馬玉山深信「閱讀是改變生命的力量」,而閱讀正是汲取知識、拓展視野的重要途徑。 基金會致力於「推動閱讀、建築教育」,自2018年起獨立製作《名人書房》閱讀節目,由資深主播詹慶齡擔任主持人,在漫漫的引言互動中,邀訪跨界名人侃侃而談對生命的感知、閱讀經驗的分享與追夢的過程。 -------------- 【受訪來賓】 2019第一季:許芳宜、曾文誠、姚謙、王偉忠、徐薇x大成、江坤俊、郎祖筠、
Tsa Sesotho
7 個月前
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Tsa Sesotho Tsa Sesotho ke kalana ea podcast bakeng sa bohle ba batlang ho ithuta le ho utluisisa, ba batlang ho tebisa tlotlo ntsoe ea bona, ho chorisa le ho nontša puo le ba batlang ho fumana kutluisiso e tebileng ea puo ea Sesotho. Tsa Sesotho ke kalana
7 個月前
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CEREBRO CEREBRO is a podcast about Marvel's Merry Mutants, the Uncanny X-Men, hosted by Connor Goldsmith. Each episode highlights one character. Tune in for a deep exploration of the 60-year history of this enduring, revolutionary franchise!www.cerebrocast
Anno 1024
7 個月前
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Anno 1024 Kva hende på Moster i 1024? Var det her Olav den heilage og hans biskop Grimkjell overtyda nordmenn om at kristendomen skulle vere den einaste tillate religionen i Noreg? Var det her dei grunnleggande reglane for kyrkje- og kongemakta blei debatt
Hoy Quiero Contarles
7 個月前
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Hoy Quiero Contarles Soy Anya Damirón, una escritora y cuentacuentos Dominicana, que ama descubrir libros divertidos para compartirlos con muchas familias y aprender de los mejores.Estoy siempre pendiente de las novedades que se publican en español y en in
晚读|四季冷暖,风轻云淡|中外短篇故事,睡前食用 助眠短文聚集地——分享我喜欢的文字、赞同的观点、难忘的故事,音频后期从简处理,专辑不作商业用途。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/36345206 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 假期|阿斐 有热闹的鸟鸣和安静的阳光有莫扎特的音乐和杜甫的诗 有木质的茶几和布艺的沙发 有杯中的红茶和散放的巧克力 有炉上的菇菌汤充盈满屋的人间烟火 有脑海里的思想酝酿千年的天马行空有看不见的朋友和看得见的妻子有可触的异乡和不可触的出生地有四季青的爱和四月花的