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GPT 5 around the corner? Claude 3 uses Multi-Agents & BEATS GPT 4
Claude 3 is a family of AI models from Anthropic, an AI company backed by Amazon and Google. The family includes three models: Claude 3 Opus: The most intelligent model, with the best performance on complex tasks Claude 3 Sonnet: A balance between speed an
AI跑太快!人工智慧生成式影片 讓動畫師攝影師怕丟工作 OpenAI曾被嘲笑天馬行空 現在無人敢小看 ChatGPT、Sora讓生活更方便還是挑戰人類生存能力?|全球聊天室 #鏡新聞
自從ChatGPT推出後,政界、業界、學術界無不在探討AI對人類生活的衝擊。現在OpenAI又搬出新法寶:Sora——人工智慧影像生成軟體。以假亂真的動態影像,有機會讓小公司也能無痛推出廣告,大成本廣告公司營運將受打擊。 #Sora #AI #人工智慧 #生成式AI #AGI #生成式影片 #殺手級應用 #AiPin #iPhone #OpenAI #微軟 #蘋果 (鏡新聞已上架86台,若無法收看,請洽詢當地系統台) -- 鏡新聞官方網站👉https://www.mnews.tw/ 鏡新聞Facebook👉
Claude 3: New AI model DESTROYS ChatGPT!
2 個月前
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Don't watch the AI Revolution from the sidelines. Be part of it. Act now and join us: https://www.skool.com/new-society Follow me on Twitter - https://x.com/DavidOndrej1 Please Subscribe. Anthropic just released Claude 3: the best AI model in the world, su
戴爾飆漲31%!AI伺服器訂單爆熱 超微再創天價 MI300X客戶追單 台積電力拚7百元 股王世芯入列台灣50|主播陳韋如|【非凡Morning Call】20240304|非凡財經新聞
(00:00)輝達B100呼之欲出 塞爆台積電3.4奈米製程! (02:03)華爾街再破記錄! 那指創新高.費半漲逾4% (04:17)風向球GTC將登場! 黃仁勳望秀出殺手級晶片 (07:20)黃仁勳談"通用人工智慧" AGI有望5年內出現 (09:46)美銀喊美超微目標1040 水冷散熱伺服器降成本 (10:56)橋水基金創辦人達里歐:美股泡沫似乎不大 (11:47)那指續創史高 小摩CEO背書:AI並非一時炒作 (12:21)又爆雷!紐約社區銀行虧損飆10倍 CEO走人 (12:56)鮑爾將赴國會聽證
NEW AI MODEL: Google is going Open-Source now?!
2 個月前
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Don't watch the AI Revolution from the sidelines. Be part of it. Act now and join us: https://www.skool.com/new-society Follow me on Twitter - https://x.com/DavidOndrej1 Please Subscribe. Try Perplexity Labs: https://labs.perplexity.ai/ Google just release
【錢線百分百】20240205完整版(上集)《雲端大廠捎來喜訊 AI伺服器龍年行大運 開春選股必殺技! 四大族群"漲"得美!》│非凡財經新聞│
00:00 雲端大廠捎來喜訊 AI伺服器龍年行大運 19:33 開春選股必殺技! 四大族群"漲"得美! 38:21 美銀.小摩卻拉警報?! 美股2024還能衝嗎? 非凡新聞台、台視財經台【錢線百分百】週一~週五 晚間21點(首播) 晚間12點半(重播) #20240205錢線影片#李冠嶔#張林忠#李其展#黃紫東 更多內容 敬請鎖定 【非凡新聞台】【非凡商業台】 錢線百分百粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/ustv.money100 非凡電視台粉絲團 https://www.faceb
FIGURE 01 AI Robot Update w/ OpenAI + Microsoft Shocks Tech World (THEMIS HUMANOID DEMO)
OpenAI and Microsoft's $500 million investment in Figure AI propels the development of the Figure 1 humanoid robot, a cutting-edge machine known for its exceptional dexterity and capacity to handle significant payloads, challenging Tesla's Optimus in the r
Tesla: Tough 2024 But EPIC Decade Ahead
3 個月前
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Tesla Analyst Just DESTROYED Wall St (and it’s glorious)
► Join Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/solvingthemoneyproblem ► FREE 1 Yr Supply of Vitamin D + 5 AG1 Travel Packs https://drinkAG1.com/SMR ► Subscribe on X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevenmarkryan ► UNLOCK 300+ Exclusive Videos: https://www.patreon.co
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AI News: Incredible AI Phone & AGI is Coming!
3 個月前
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Here's all the AI news you probably missed this week. Thanks to TubeBuddy for sponsoring! Check out their AI Title Generator here: https://www.tubebuddy.com/tools/title-generator/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=mw_yt_titlegenerator Discov
Apple Vision Pro: The $3,600 Revolution in Tech & VR!
Episode 009: Roberto (https://www.instagram.com/rpnickson) and Kallaway (https://www.instagram.com/kanekallaway) explore quality vs quantity, aspirational role models, where to put effort, personal brand, obsession years, the Apple Vision Pro, and more! Li
Meta's NEW Fairy AI Tech Just Did THIS (5 PART BREAKDOWN, 27 SECONDS, 1000 SAMPLES)
Introducing Meta's Fairy, a revolutionary AI video editing tool with 5 key components including advanced text prompts and cross-frame attention, plus discover Rabbit's R1 AI device and OpenAI's GPT Store and ChatGPT for Teams, expanding AI possibilities in
比亞迪BYD明顯產能過剩?美聯儲減息3次已足夠?2024年需要關注的10件事︱譚新強世界ZOOM︱Sun Channel︱20240106
00:00 片頭 00:48 節目開始 03:59 比亞迪 BYD (#1211)銷量超Tesla,但明顯產能過剩? 11:30 小心高才計劃前功盡廢? 14:54 台灣大選藍白配失敗 18:01 美國總統大選:2位老人家之爭 26:08 印度/印尼選舉亦值得留意! 31:34 俄烏加沙戰爭不幸持續 37:49 哈佛校長被迫辭,大學生就會支持以色列? 43:31 美聯儲減息3次已足夠? 46:12 AI會急促前進,還是遇阻? 48:36 減碳排放要靠電動車? 55:25 2024大流行病毒再現? -----
Alter 3 has just been unveiled by the University of Tokyo and its powered by GPT-4, capable of human-like activities and interpreting verbal instructions. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich developed a self-aware robot with proprioception, e
【李自然说】人类未来50年 科技发展大预测
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Did Gemini just dethrone GPT4? My first thoughts on Google DeepMind vs OpenAI and their future
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Gemini is Here! (And It's Better Than GPT-4?)
5 個月前
 • 44 次觀看
Let's talk about the latest announcement from Google and Deepmind - Gemini 1.0 Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord Community: https://futuretoo