
1 天內
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春分の日におすすめの、春野菜のおいしさを味わえる一品。スープも野菜のうまみがたっぷりです。 ●レシピはこちら https://hicbc.com/tv/kewpie/recipe/2024/240320.htm?ref=yt ----- 「3分クッキング」公式サイトはこちら https://hicbc.com/tv/kewpie/?ref=yt #肉加工品 #キャベツ #レタス #にんじん #煮もの #洋風料理
邱香果泄露加拿大病毒機密予中共 杜魯多堅拒調查|塞隻老鼠入米缸 渥太華混賬|趙安吉案仍作刑事調查嗎|加人寧花錢赴美醫病[香港人加書 EP350]20240308
聯合主持:何良懋、老鱷 本集節目評論的話題包括: 1)名副其實捉隻老鼠塞落米缸嘞!加拿大政府非常無能,長期監管不力,讓一對來自中國大陸的科學家夫婦,多年泄漏加方的病毒研究資訊和情報予中共! 瞞不住了——加拿大證實本國P4實驗室的科學家邱香果,持續地向中共泄露加國科研機密。 來自河北醫科大學的邱香果,在加拿大曾因研究出伊波拉病毒療法而聲譽卓著,但在2019年7月,她與丈夫成克定卻從任職的加拿大國家微生物實驗室(位於中部溫尼辟市)被驅離,後於2021年1月遭正式解僱。時隔四年多後,加拿大當局在今年2月底解密,證
Thanks for flying Air Canada, unless you're Zone 5!
2 個月前
 • 46 次觀看
You're lucky we even let you have a bag... Tuesdays at 8PM on CBC. Watch full episodes of 22 Minutes on CBC Gem: https://gem.cbc.ca/this-hour-has-22-minutes/s31?cmp=DM_CM_22YT 22 Minutes on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thishourhas22minutes 22 Minutes'
潘志生博士提反對意見夠專業 23條恐違香港人權法|聯合國專家曾指國安法不符UN國際公約|以法論法的局限在哪?[嘉賓專訪: 鄭文傑]20240304
首播:2024/03/04(周一),香港11pm 、倫敦3pm、溫哥華及美西7am PST、美東及多倫多10am EST 主持:何良懋 嘉賓:鄭文傑(Simon Cheng) 港共政權為《基本法》23條展開立法程序的公眾諮詢期,已於2月28日結束,究竟是不是如保安局局長鄧炳強所言,獲得了逾98%的人支持今次立法? 本集嘉賓專訪節目,邀請英國港僑協會創辦人鄭文傑(Simon Cheng),通過介紹在美國的潘志生博士所提交23條意見書論點,講述針對23條立法的「以法論法」方式利弊,以及用人權法角度結合普世價值體
港23條未立法先紮馬 反駁隊怒斥海外批評為抹黑|趙安吉詭異沉德州池底亡 惹美中諜戰疑雲|死者夫婿與中共軍工企業特殊關係受關注[袁何談天113]20240222
直播:02/22(周四),香港11pm 、溫哥華及美西7am PST、美東及多倫多10am EST 聯合廣播: 廣傳媒+袁弓夷政經評論 主持:何良懋 嘉賓:袁弓夷 本集節目主題: 香港23條未立法先紮馬,海外多項批評紛被港府反駁隊怒斥為抹黑,究竟是否有理據能服眾? 前美國勞工部長趙小蘭胞妹趙安吉,2月11日被發現詭異地沉德州鄉郊池底不治,死因暫未詳,而誰是第一個報警求者現更是諱莫如深,家屬訃告也非常低調和簡略,似乎頗有難言之隱。 事發逾一星期後,又惹來美中諜戰疑雲。死者生前曾擔任北京的中國銀行(BOC)獨立
Why is Ukraine on the defensive? #shorts
2 個月前
 • 8 次觀看
CBC’s Briar Stewart breaks down Ukraine's position against Russia two years into the war. #Russia #Ukraine #Worldnews
Launch of the CBC/Radio-Canada National Indigenous Strategy
On February 5, 2024, we launched the CBC/Radio-Canada National Indigenous Strategy - Strengthening Relations, Walking together - at a gathering in Winnipeg, located on Treaty 1 Territory, on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis and home to many Inu
Aid for Gaza in jeopardy with UNRWA funding cuts
3 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Several countries, including Canada, have cut funding to the United Nations relief program for Palestinians after accusations that some workers had links to the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel. The reduced funding is expected to make aid in Gaza more precarious.
How easy is it to duplicate an Ontario licence plate?
A growing number of Ontario drivers are receiving surprise charges because their licence plate was lost, stolen or duplicated. A CBC Toronto investigation has revealed fake licence plates are fooling toll cameras and police, leaving innocent drivers on the
UN chief pleads to restore UNRWA funding, high car theft numbers in Canada | The World This Weekend
United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres is calling for funding to be restored to its humanitarian agency in Gaza after the key donors, including Canada, froze funding over allegations that some UNRWA staff took part in attacks on Israel last year
UNRWA fires several staffers over allegations of involvement in Oct. 7 Hamas attacks
The UN’s relief agency for Palestinians has fired several employees that Israel alleges were involved in the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas attacks. The UN's secretary-general is "horrified" by the news and has ordered an investigation. #News #WorldNews #cbcnews Watc
港垃圾徵費再延至8月實施|高官傲慢無知 售不可降解膠袋予市民|以環保之名行破壞生態之實 可持續瀕危|為何不取經加拿大[廣傳懋論]20240121
主持:何良懋 首播:2024/01/21(星期日),香港10pm、溫哥華及美西6am PST,多倫多及美東9am EST 香港垃圾徵費新政策近日飽受輿論抨擊,不僅市民莫知所從,就是問責高官和立法會議員的政策解說,經常互相矛盾。 香港環境局局長謝展寰1月19日宣布,原定4月1日實施的垃圾徵費措施,押後4個月至8月才開始執行。 可是公眾對立法原意大都一頭霧水,官員公開解說實施方式時又一塌糊塗,市民無所適從。凡是這種動員全民參與城市環保的新舉措,實在非常需要基層主動民眾的積極支持和配合。現在特區卻瀰漫官僚主義作風
柳俊江之死或折射傳媒從業員心理壓力|未見遺書 再多猜測枉然|泛國安化正在毒化新聞環境不利精神健康[廣傳懋論]20240107
主持:何良懋 首播:2024/01/07(星期日),香港10pm、溫哥華及美西6am PST,多倫多及美東9am EST 香港無線電視前新聞主播柳俊江疑在家燒炭自殺身亡,終年42歲,可說英年早逝,各方惋惜,並引發多種尋短原因的猜測。當局未有發現柳的遺書。綽號「柳爺」的他於2020年離婚,與前妻育有一子一女。2021年,柳俊江公開他與洋名Grace的麥姓女子拍拖消息。 柳俊江最廣為人知的畫面,是2019年元朗7.21恐襲事件中,他趕赴現場擬協助救援市民卻被不明身分白衣人,用籐條打至血流披面的驚悚照片。翌年,他
Boeing 737 Max 9 planes grounded in U.S., India's first solar mission | The World This Weekend
U.S. officials on Saturday ordered the immediate grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max jetliners, one day after an Alaska Airlines plane suffered a blowout that left a gaping hole in the side of the fuselage. And, Aditya-L1 satellite, the first solar mission launc
Alaska Airlines grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after mid-air panel blowout
Alaska Airlines has grounded all Boeing 737 Max 9 planes after a window and a chunk of fuselage blew out on one of the jets in mid-air shortly after takeoff. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: http://bit.ly/1RreYWS Connect with CBC News Online
特備-鄭文傑歡迎鍾翰林抵英申庇護|籲海外港人多揭港共鎮壓真相|寄語離散港人參與香港議會選舉|迎2024巨變年 香港峰會HK Summit改名HK Symposium[嘉賓專訪]
首播:2023/12/29(周五),溫哥華7pm PST,多倫多10pm EST;香港12/30周六11am 主持:何良懋 嘉賓:鄭文傑 本集特備節目的嘉賓是英國港僑協會創辦人鄭文傑。 鄭文傑表示,在英港人社區將會協助剛平安抵英申政治庇護的前香港動源召集人鍾翰林。 從鍾翰林在社交媒體所披露獲釋後遭國安長期監控的內情,和較早時抵加拿大的前眾志副秘書長周庭所述港警國安處逼迫手法,可見中共正在把大陸箝制異見者的那套方式搬到香港。鄭文傑認為亟需揭露這些違反普世價值的惡行,讓全世界從中認清特區淪陷實況。 2024年國
How customers and retailers are feeling about Boxing Day
More Canadians have been deal-hunting this holiday season than in recent years, according to survey data. Analysts say tough economic times mean many buyers have smaller budgets and many retailers are feeling the squeeze. Connect with CBC Vancouver online:
Shoppers eager for Boxing Day sales to counter high cost of living
Inflation and the high cost of living had many shoppers eager for Boxing Day deals, especially with another year of economic uncertainty expected. #Shopping #Canada #CBCNews Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET Subscribe to The Nat
Matthew Perry died of 'acute effects' of ketamine
5 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
An autopsy report shows that actor Matthew Perry died of 'acute effects' of ketamine. Perry — who struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for decades — was found dead at his home in October. Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET S