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Silvergate Bank Collapse Crashes Crypto | Multiple Withdrawals Halted 🔥
The vast majority of crypto-friendly Silvergate Bank's (SI) industry clients have left or are leaving the company less than a day after it announced it would have to review its books with its auditors and warned of several headwinds. The bank's share price
1 年前
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0:00 比特幣跟美元指數DXY的關係 4:22 以太幣在交易所上的儲備大減 / Polygon ZeEVM 6:57 Circle USDC Binance BUSD CZ 9:19 SEC 11:31 香港 / 加密貨幣 12:45 Square Enix NFT / Polygon 13:22 薩爾瓦多 區塊鏈日報是一個週一到週五每天更新加密貨幣比特幣跟區塊鏈新聞的頻道,讓更多說中文的朋友們能獲得第一時間的資訊 每週會不定期加入一到兩集有關區塊鏈的介紹跟人物故事,也會有關於個人的投資策略跟心態分享 此
Why Blackrock & Circle Killed BUSD | Bitcoin Ahead CPI Data
Today let's talk about Bitcoin and what to expect with the CPI data release tommorrow. Also lets talk about why it was Circle and Blackrock who turned Paxos in and killed BUSD. Why though? 🟦Buy Bitcoin & Crypto with IRA/401k w/ItrustCapital ($100 Bonus) ht
Chiayi/嘉義市繁華街:繞行諸羅城門舊址&嘉義四大圓環地 Chiayi City Center(Zhuluoshan)從噴水圓環,通過文化路夜市出發/Taiwan Walking Tour台湾旅行
【4K】Chiayi City Walk/Walk around Chiayi City Center (Zhuluoshan) 嘉義市,人口約26萬左右,自古以來一直是台灣的重要城市,舊名「諸羅山」(Tirosen,源自平埔族洪雅族),因古城形狀如桃子,而又稱「桃城」。由於開發甚早,嘉義市有不少古蹟遺址,而「嘉義縣城」(原名諸羅縣城),更是台灣第一座興築的城池。這次從1931年活躍於甲子園的嘉義農林(KANO)王牌投手吳明捷雕像所在的「中央噴水圓環」處出發,通過文化路夜市最熱鬧的街角,然後繞著「嘉義縣城」
知識分享目的: 幫助精英釀啤酒,防止百姓吹泡泡,揭露騙子割韭菜。 加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUra3nG9Ib_e0T73gsf-lNA/join 收費合作項目: 1、區塊鏈與數字經濟授課。全球範圍。博士、碩士、本科、執業培訓等。 2、區塊鏈領域的各類諮詢、項目評審。一
最近哥收到很多私訊 有人急需現金跟那些詐騙顧問說要交易 這群財顧老師就各種裝死跟已讀 或是三折收回 阿不是未來趨勢? 阿不是要人貸款all in? 阿不是虛實整...
最近哥收到很多私訊 有人急需現金跟那些詐騙顧問說要交易 這群財顧老師就各種裝死跟已讀 或是三折收回 阿不是未來趨勢? 阿不是要人貸款all in? 阿不是虛實整合未來可期? 那麼好應該收回自己原價囤好囤滿啊 怎麼被問一問就要人家拿合約出來看呢? 詐騙就是詐騙 不會因為露個臉以後就洗白了 之後來一篇所有詐騙財顧老師的名冊好了
1 年前
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【NFTPete】FTX破產了,樹倒猢猻散!? #NFT #FTX #FTT #CZ #Eth #BTC #BAYC #無聊猴 #Metaverse #元宇宙 #Azuki #Doodles #Coolcats #Clonex #BAYC #MAYC #PUNKS #CloneX https://twitter.com/peterwang1127/status/1591086438279675904?s=20&t=0jVX2vAfaWizy
❌ SOLANA to $0 / FTT to $0 / BTC to $12k? / USDT & USDC Depeg next?
Will Solana go to zero together with the FTX token FTT? How low will bitcoin go? Was tether and circle exposed to FTX? Is USDT and USDC at the risk of depeging right now??? All of this and much more in this video! 💹 One-on-One Mentorship By Thom
I promise she knows the difference between a circle and a square😅 #shorts
#shorts I promise she knows the difference between a circle and a square😅 Welcome to the CHAMILY!!! And don’t forget to subscribe!!!
【5分鐘零成本交互!】潛力項目Layer Zero空投機會!a16z、FTX、Coinbase、幣安Lab等投資,零成本交互Circle USDC手把手教學埋伏空投!
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Crypto News: ETH Merge Risks, Terra LUNA, BUSD vs. USDC & More!!
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Chiayi City | 嘉義文化路夜市晚餐現況!快速行走篇!Wenhua Road Night Market (dinner time) 嘉義市 | 台灣 台湾 Taiwan 대만 臺灣
【4K】Chiayi City Walk/之前拍過嘉義市知名的文化路夜市傍晚六點的現況,這次來看看晚上七點過後,天色已黑,攤商就定位,顧客備好胃的晚餐時段。有別於上次慢慢行走、細細看,這次就用比較快的步伐,快速瀏覽感受!我們從阿姨滄桑的歌聲開始走吧! Chiayi Wenhua Road Night Market (dinner time):Walk along Chiayi City Wenhua Road/COVID-19 alert level 2 in Taiwan/台灣 台湾 Taiwan Wal
Chiayi/嘉義車站周邊繁華街 Chiayi Station Commercial District 中山路→中正路:嘉義駅往中央七彩噴水池、中央第一商場、西市場/台灣 Taiwan 台湾旅行
【4K】Chiayi City Walk/散步嘉義車站周邊商圈繁華街!從嘉義火車站出發,走向中山路,再漫步前往並繞行知名地標「嘉義圓環-中央噴水池」(KANO王牌投手吳明捷雕像正改造中),最後穿過嘉義文化路夜市、中央第一商場、西市場,來到有許多老建築的中正路,一路欣賞回嘉義火車站。 Chiayi Station (嘉義駅) Commercial District:Zhongshan Rd. and Zhongzheng Road/COVID-19 alert level 2 in Taiwan/台灣 台湾
Chiayi/嘉義文化路夜市傍晚現況!Chiayi Wenhua Road Night Market/漸漸熱鬧起來的嘉義市中央噴水圓環周邊/台灣 台湾旅行 Taiwan Walking Tour
【4K】Chiayi City Walk/來看看嘉義市知名文化路夜市平日晚餐開始前的現況吧!晚上六點多,天色還未黑,許多攤商已設好攤,有些攤販正在準備中,公園裡的卡拉OK小演唱會也設定好麥克風了!可以感受到「中央噴水圓環」周邊商圈,漸漸要熱鬧起來了!從一開始學生居多的商圈,到天色暗了之後,上班族的漸漸出現,或許也能了解嘉義民眾的日常。( 可惜的是噴水圓環正因活動改造中吧?!無法一探KANO嘉農王牌吳明捷的英姿 ) Chiayi Wenhua Road Night Market:Walk along Chia
Ultimate Mini Games Battle
2 年前
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First to 4 wins... WINS! ► Come see us on tour! http://dudeperfect.com/tour/ ► Thanks for subscribing! - http://bit.ly/SubDudePerfect Music: "Get Together" by Yes Yes No Maybe ► Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_hp-AiNQUuo ► Stream "Get Tog
This feels WRONG - Sony Linkbuds
2 年前
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Get $25 off all pairs of Vessi Footwear with offer code shortcircuit at https://www.vessi.com/shortcircuit Sony Linkbuds might sound like they're your run-of-the-mill earbuds, but the shape alone is pretty unique. The circle shape or donut shape goes in
2 年前
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#Shorts​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #YouTubeShorts​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #5MCSHORTS​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #SHORTVIDEO​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #SHORTSINDIA​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Standing in front of board and wondering
GameStop, AMC and r/WallStreetBets: Reddit's Impact on Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Decentral
GameStop (GME) and AMC stock prices ROCKET As Reddit Battles Melvin Capital Hedge Fund and Wall Street | What Reddit Tells Us About Decentralization | Why Bitcoin and Crypto Overlap with Wall Street Bets and Reddit | Altcoin and Crypto Updates