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Pfizer CEO: New COVID-19 vaccine that covers Omicron ‘will be ready in March'
#COVID19 #coronavirusvaccine #Pfizer Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla joins Yahoo Finance’s Anjalee Khemlani to discuss the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine that will include protection against Omicron, vaccine production, and the outlook for an Omicron-speci
COVID-19: Will existing vaccines protect against the omicron variant?
Infectious diseases specialists Dr. Isaac Bogoch and Dr. Susy Hota discuss whether existing COVID-19 vaccines will help protect people against the omicron variant and if people should change their behaviour. Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-
Gravitas: Was Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine trial "compromised"?
Was Pfizer's Wuhan Virus vaccine trial compromised? A whistleblower who worked for the company hired to run the trial spotted several lapses. She was allegedly fired after she sent a complaint to US FDA. Palki Sharma brings you a report. #Pfixer #Vacc
今日快訊:厄瓜多爾一監獄爆發騷亂 造成24死48傷 | 西班牙河中出現「溺水少女臉」 一浮一沉凝視行經人群 | 岸田文雄當選日本自民黨總裁 | 最新全球抗疫榜: 加拿大排名升至第9位 | 粵語新聞
今日快訊:厄瓜多爾一監獄爆發騷亂 造成24死48傷 | 西班牙河中出現「溺水少女臉」 一浮一沉凝視行經人群 | 岸田文雄當選日本自民黨總裁 | 最新全球抗疫榜: 加拿大排名升至第9位 | 粵語新聞 🔥國際新聞🔥 (厄瓜多爾一監獄爆發騷亂 造成24死48傷) 綜合外媒報道,當地時間28日,厄瓜多爾一所監獄發生騷亂,造成至少24名囚犯死亡,另有48人受傷。這是厄瓜多爾國家監獄系統2021年發生的第三起致命騷亂。 據報導,這監獄騷亂事件發生在瓜亞斯省。近幾個月來,各幫派為爭奪監獄控制權發生了血腥戰鬥。監獄在一份聲
Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom | NYT Opinion
In the video above, Alexander Stockton, a producer on the Opinion Video team, explores two of the main reasons the number of Covid cases is soaring once again in the United States: vaccine hesitancy and refusal. “It’s hard to watch the pandemic drag o
Moderna delays and COVAX doses add to Canada’s vaccine rollercoaster
There is renewed uncertainty around delivery dates and amounts of Moderna vaccines for Canada. While Ottawa has secured more AstraZeneca doses, some criticize the plan to draw supplies from the COVAX vaccine-sharing initiative. Watch The National live
Should Canada receive vaccines from COVAX? | At Issue
The At Issue panel discusses the political consequences of Canada receiving vaccines from the global COVAX fund. Plus, Canada becomes the first country to list the Proud Boys as a terror organization. But was it a political decision? Watch The Nationa
「平鎮某醫院」被定調院內感染 多位民眾收通知...急赴院篩檢
訂閱新聞雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2FOmiBe 📢加入頻道會員:https://bit.ly/3cvq3Z2 部桃至少「9人陰轉陽」!四採才確診 醫看案例驚恐:潛伏期變了 https://youtu.be/-6rTK-yDgCQ ★ 更多新聞節目推薦 Watch More★ 《譚兵讀武》:https://bit.ly/3bty9Sd 《1949漂泊到台灣 -