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特斯拉24Q1财报解析:成长的烦恼 #TSLA beyond EV
毕肯证券学院 www.beaconsi.org 客服: beacon.si@outlook.com 【特斯拉24Q1财报解析:成长的烦恼】盘后TSLA公布财报。由于缴车和生产数据已经提前明朗,市场Priced in了大部分利差消息,股价提前大幅下跌释放了部分风险。没有坏消息就是好消息,股价盘后反弹。哪些利好因素促使股价上涨?技术型态是否发生了改变?后市关注哪些关键价位?详情可参看Youtube链接:https://youtu.be/1jnr5E7maXc 或者微博视频@船老大美股日志 -大盘已经连续两天反弹
2024 BYD Seal Malaysian review - cheaper, better than Tesla Model 3?
The BYD Seal is China's answer to the Tesla Model 3. It's cheaper and faster, but is it the better electric sedan? Here's Hafriz Shah's full review of the sleek new EV. Want to sell your car to buy the BYD Seal? Use Carro with our link for the best price:
China defends its new energy exports, slams US 'overcapacity' accusations as economic bullying
China Daily: We noted that recently the US has kept hyping up the issue of China’s “overcapacity”. Do you have any further comment on the issue of “overcapacity”? Lin Jian: Blaming China for “overcapacity” is not new. Years ago, the US accused China of “ov
・スポンサー:INDUSTRIAL-X 各国でEVシフトの鈍化がみられる中、どのような政治介入がされているのか。 アメリカの対中規制を絡めて、EV動向を分かりやすく解説します! 【ものづくり太郎スポンサー】 ◆INDUSTRIAL-X https://manufacturing.industrial-x.jp/ ■ものづくり太郎へのお問い合わせ■ PR依頼、工場診断ご希望の方もお気軽にご連絡ください! ・Twitter:https://twitter.com/monozukuritarou ・メールアドレス
2025 Tesla Cybertruck AWD FIRST LOOK in Malaysia /// 無堅不摧,刀槍不入 ?
https://www.instagram.com/taichooyee/ #teslamalaysia #cybertruck #tesla #taichooyee #ev #supercharger #bev #teslacybertruck #cars #review #特斯拉 #马来西亚 #馬來西亞 #電動車
Tesla Cybertruck Battery Pack: Our First Impressions Under the Lid
Thanks to Wiegel for sponsoring today's video! Wiegel is the leading metal stamping source, providing mass-production metal stamping services such as progressive die high-speed stamping, progressive die heavy metal stamping, engineering support, in-house t
Why you need to buy a TESLA CYBERTRUCK
3 週前
 • 13 次觀看
We took a flight to Florida to test drive the brand new Tesla Cybertruck. The technology on this latest model is unbelievable. Thanks to HGrex Lux in Pompano Beach for allowing us to film. Check out their stock online. Follow me on Instagram @888mf4 Video
A serious Scooter problem!😳🫣@MarcTravels #male #maldives #scooter
Subscribe to my channel: @MarcTravels Support on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/marctravels Help out via PayPal https://bit.ly/ChargeEVE Buy me a coffee ☕️ https://ko-fi.com/marctravels Calimoto Navigation App for FREE: https://calimoto.app.link/marc_tra
主持人:唐湘龍 ╳ 陳鳳馨 主題:中國「新三樣」打垮美國最後自信! 節目直播時間:週二 14點 本集播出日期:2024.04.09 #東南西北龍鳳配 #唐湘龍 #陳鳳馨 @News98 @921ufonetwork ----- 訂閱【豐富】YouTube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/c/豐富 按讚【豐富】FB:https://www.facebook.com/RicherChannel
@ford delays EV SUV to allow the market to mature #shorts
Ford (F) is delaying production of its EV SUV to 2027, allowing the market to mature. Yahoo Finance’s Brad Smith and Seana Smith discuss the report and what this means for Ford while the EV price war competition heats up. This segment is from April 4, 2024
【關鍵時刻下集】20240401 中國AI技術遭美全面封殺「習近平空有人才也沒用」!?參數全被「小粉紅資料庫扭曲」想進步也難!?|劉寶傑
(00:00:00) Part1:美國洪荒之力殺不死華為!? 淨利潤翻1.4倍回到制裁前…拜登急祭166頁新禁令!?【關鍵時刻】20240401-4 劉寶傑 黃世聰 吳子嘉 林廷輝 林裕豐 黃世聰 王瑞德 (00:33:36) Part2:狂賣小物曝柯文哲「深層恐懼」…還有魅力嗎? 吳子嘉:柯文哲「空洞」趕撈最後一票!【關鍵時刻】20240401-5 劉寶傑 張禹宣 吳子嘉 林裕豐 (00:47:25) Part3:把小草當「搖錢樹」?柯文哲為賺「銀彈」續賣周邊商品? 王:此時「不割草」尚待何時?!【關鍵時
持续输出,欢迎订阅: https://bit.ly/2TLNDK7 视频简介:这期视频谈谈我对小米SU7定价、策略、自动驾驶方面的一些看法和思考。欢迎留言。 Chapters章节 : 00:00 小米SU7定价 01:56 SU7的三个优势 09:28 SU7的三点劣势 13:55 一点展望 ______________________________________________________________________ 关于频道/WHO AM I: 我是老白,一名在深圳搬砖的BSP工程师。这是我
朋友在問電動車,現在都先推這台 → 2024 特斯拉 Model 3 煥新版到台灣:169.9萬元起,價格最低、配備增多、好像改到沒什麼好嫌了?!
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How China's BYD Is Taking On America!
1 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
China and BYD are making some major moves into the North American markets and the American government doesn't seem to happy about it. Last video: Chinese Tesla Bots Are HERE! https://youtu.be/zssbA_jGB8s ► Support the channel by becoming a member: https://
【第115回】Good Speed Vision LIVE|質問回答とフリートーク
【お詫び】 マイクの設定不備により、「49:39 ~ 50:15」(36秒間)の間、音声がありませんのでご了承ください。 🔽 チャプター ―――――――――――――――― 0:00:00 前座 0:39:11 質問コーナー 2:35:19 フリートーク 🔽 おススメ動画/再生リスト/サブチャンネル ―――――――――――――――― GS Backyard グッドスピード サブチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOeFPMLp4JQiTRVaDRNb8-w ――――
SmurfinWRX Test Drives CyberTruck: Will He Keep His Reservation?
Join us as former YouTube legend SmurfinWRX takes the highly anticipated Tesla CyberTruck for its first-ever test drive. As a reservation holder, SmurfinWRX has been eagerly awaiting this moment to experience firsthand what Elon Musk's groundbreaking creat
Tesla Cybertruck First Wash! 4,500 Miles Of Road Grime, Salt, & Bugs
Coleton shows Kyle the washing procedure for the stainless steel Tesla Cybertruck, For more information on having your car detailed check out www.cleardetailing.com or email me at coleton@outofspecstudios.com Find all of our Amazon must-haves here: https:/
Did Pete Buy a Cybertruck?? #tesla
1 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
An amazing Truck! #tesla #grubermotors #original #Shorts #teslatok #teslamodel3 #teslacheck #teslamodels #teslamodely #teslamodelx #maintain #maintenance #repair #mechanic #future #ev #electriccar #fy #fyp #fypシ #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #explore #e
今回は"日本軽の驚愕の性能"について取り上げています! 【おすすめ動画】 EU大激怒!欧州EVシフトが完全敗北の見苦しすぎる理由がついにバレる… https://youtu.be/yVrR83LN4M0 日本企業を切ったテスラの大失態でアメリカEV市場大混乱… https://youtu.be/Ytzqqtyzu_I #ゆっくり解説 #車 #ev