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Selab , flood in pakistan
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China's food crisis is exacerbated by world environment, covid-19, floods and corrupt offici
As food prices have been rising over the past few months and Beijing has been feeling the pinch, part of the action taken by the Chinese government has been a massive arrest of corrupt officials, large and small, in the food system. The question is, will
වැස්ස අඩුවූ පසු PCR වැඩිවෙයි - ඉදිරිදිනවල වැස්ස වැඩිවෙයි
#Weather #Landslides වැස්ස අඩුවූ පසු PCR වැඩිවෙයි - ඉදිරිදිනවල වැස්ස වැඩිවෙයි සම්පූර්ණ පුවත් විකාශය මෙතැනින් නරඹන්න - https://youtu.be/p433K468vTE Subscribe now : https://goo.g
喜馬拉雅山冰川斷裂釀洪災 至少150人罹難 救援畫面曝光|Himalayan glacier breaks in northern India
印度北部與中國西藏接壤的北阿坎德邦,7日驚傳境內喜馬拉雅山冰川斷裂,沖垮附近水力發電站壩堤,導致湍急洪水湧入山谷、沖走房舍,當地村民被迫緊急疏散撤離,至少150人失蹤或喪生。 【印北冰川斷裂 逾150失蹤或罹難】 https://bit.ly/2Z7XYTH #印度 #喜馬拉雅山 #冰川 #斷裂
More than 100 missing after glacier sweeps away dam in northern India - BBC News
A rescue operation is under way in northern India after part of a Himalayan glacier collapsed into a river, sweeping away a dam and causing huge floods. More than a hundred people are missing, many of them construction workers at a hydroelectric power pla