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[8k] Cyberpunk 2077 - 1 Hour of Rainy Night Time Walking - Path Tracing + Super-Population RTX 4090
Download the new ReShade and full mod list along with an installation guide here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/dubstepzz-23-94914003
I Bought the Vision Pro.. What Apple DIDN'T Tell You!
Apple's Vision Pro headset is FINALLY here but the reality is worse than we think when it comes to configuring and ordering the headset. Use our Vision Pro buyers guide to make the right choice and not to waste money! Vision Pro Case ➡ https://geni.us/6u9h
4 個月前
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《崩壞3rd》7.2版本「渡塵尋星」即將開啟!全新S級角色「浮生·渡塵之羽」登場! 主題活動「尋鳶漫錄」等全新活動來襲,符華和小識的旅途中,究竟會遇到什麼呢? 更有全新服裝,能量模具,愛因斯坦環磁機和三分結晶等獎勵在等著大家! 就讓我們進入v7.2休伯利安會客廳,瞭解更多精彩版本情報! 請不要錯過休伯利安會客廳專屬水晶兌換碼福利哦~ #崩壞3rd #符華 #渡塵尋星 #渡塵之羽 -----------------------------------------------------------------
符華「浮生·渡塵之羽」角色預告 —— 《崩壞3rd》
「滅盡妙離,方明本跡。 心作琉璃,愈煉愈明。 那延燒了數萬年的烈火,於此刻再度熾烈。 全新S級角色符華「浮生·渡塵之羽」即將於7.2版本與艦長相會,今天就請艦長跟隨本影片,對這位新角色進行初步的探索吧! 配音演員: 符華——Mace #崩壞3rd #符華 #渡塵之羽 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 立即免費下載《崩壞3rd》:https
這是眾人期盼已久的完美假期。 在飛往月球的豪華飛船聖芙蕾雅號上, 盡情享受這難得的放鬆旅途——本該如此。 神秘的黑影,突然的失重,消失的物品,全是漏洞的不在場證明…… 犯人,難道就在我們之中? 崩壞3rd全新特別動畫 「旅途危機!聖芙蕾雅號特別事件!」 2024年2月 火速啟程 #崩壞3rd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 立即免費下載
The Finals puts fun over everything else (Impressions & Opinions)
The Finals has what it takes to be a massive and popular FPS game. It combines some of my favorite elements of Battle Royale, destructible environments, hero shooters, and team-based combat. The finals gameplay Loop is fantastic and I'm really proud of Emb
How To Run Stable Diffusion WebUI on AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series Graphics
Did you know you can enable Stable Diffusion with Microsoft Olive under Automatic1111 to get a significant speedup via Microsoft DirectML on Windows? Microsoft and AMD have been working together to optimize the Olive path on AMD hardware, accelerated via t
AMD Radeon™ RX 7900M Graphics for Laptops - Gameplay Experience
Take your gaming experience to new heights with the top-of-the-range AMD Radeon™ RX 7900M graphics for laptops, wherever you go! Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and ultra-high frame rates - pushed to the maximum in games that support AMD FidelityFX™ S
AI Accelerated Content Creation on AMD Radeon RX Graphics
With the latest update to DaVinci Resolve 18.6, the AMD and Blackmagic Design engineering teams closely collaborated to enable an optimized machine learning pipeline for running AI workloads on AMD hardware, leading to a significant performance boost to se
AMD Presents: Advancing AI
5 個月前
 • 28 次觀看
Join us to discover how AMD and its partners are powering the future of AI. Learn more: https://www.amd.com/en/corporate/events/advancing-ai.html 00:11:24 Introduction 00:18:32 AMD Instinct™ MI300X Accelerators 00:24:52 Microsoft 00:29:30 AMD Instinct™ Pla
5 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
1.5部下半部的故事迎來終章,符華與格蕾修將要面對最終的敵人。 主題活動「繁星旅航:反擊戰」開啟,格蕾修在星球間旅行時遇到了什麼奇聞軼事呢? 積極參與活動還可獲得水晶、三分結晶、活動專屬勳章等獎勵。 就讓我們進入v7.1休伯利安會客廳,瞭解更多精彩版本情報! 請不要錯過休伯利安會客廳專屬水晶兌換碼福利哦~ #崩壞3rd #格蕾修 #天行繪星之卷 #絕地繪星 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
格蕾修「天行·繪星之卷」角色預告 ——《崩壞3rd》
「漫遊天際的少女,筆下在描繪什麼樣的星空呢? 她在宇宙間留下長長的腳印,而群星給予她絢麗的顏色。」 全新SP角色格蕾修「天行·繪星之卷」即將於7.1版本與艦長相會,今天就請艦長跟隨本片,對這位新角色進行初步的探索吧! 配音員: 格蕾修——紫苏九月 #崩壞3rd #格蕾修 #天行繪星之卷 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 立即免費下載《崩壞
Alan Wake 2 | PS5 - Xbox Series S/X - PC | Graphics Comparison | Analista de Bits
Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https:
AMD enables AI with PyTorch on select RDNA™ 3 GPUs with ROCm™ 5.7
Researchers and developers working with Machine Learning (ML) models and algorithms using PyTorch can now use AMD ROCm 5.7 on Ubuntu® Linux® to tap into the parallel computing power of the Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX and the Radeon™ PRO W7900 graphics cards which
iPhone 15 Pro | Pro Power | Apple
6 個月前
 • 36 次觀看
The next level of mobile gaming is here. Up to 20 percent faster GPU for the best graphics performance in an iPhone ever. Up to 2x faster Neural Engine. And industry-leading speed and efficiency. The A17 Pro chip on iPhone 15 Pro is a game changer. Literal
AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 Now Available
6 個月前
 • 52 次觀看
AMD FSR 3 delivers massive framerates in supported games using a combination of super resolution temporal upscaling and frame generation using AMD Fluid Motion Frames interpolation technology. #FSR 3 is now available in Forspoken by Square Enix and Immorta
6 個月前
 • 28 次觀看
1.5部下半部的故事繼續,符華與格蕾修將會有什麼遭遇? 主題活動「艦艦的牧場奇談」開啟,愜意的田園鄉村生活即將展開! 更有擴充補給卡,精準補給卡,自選禮盒等多種獎勵等著艦長哦~ 就讓我們進入v7.0休伯利安會客廳,瞭解更多精彩版本情報! 請不要錯過休伯利安會客廳專屬水晶兌換碼福利哦~ #崩壞3rd #月下 #月下誓約 #月下相續 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spider-Man 2 [PS5] vs Spider-Man Remastered [PS5] | Direct Comparison
Review code provided by Sony & Insomniac. A graphic comparison of the newly released Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5 to its 2020 predecessors: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Spider-Man Remastered [PS5] vs Spider-Man [PS
「月下誓約·予愛以心」角色預告 ——《崩壞3rd》
「紅月之下的吸血鬼,終於等來了翹首以盼的重逢。 漫長的等待讓她的姿態發生了改變,但不變的是那份熾熱的思念。」 全新S級角色「月下誓約·予愛以心」即將於7.0版本與艦長相會,今天就請艦長跟隨本片,對這位新角色進行初步的探索吧! 配音員: 月下——花玲 #崩壞3rd #月下 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 立即免費下載《崩壞3rd》:htt