
1 天內
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1 年內
Kountry Wayne Explains Why Tyler Perry Is Richer Than Will Smith & All Rappers | CLUB SHAY SHAY
Kountry Wayne explains why Tyler Perry is richer than Will Smith & all rappers “Why Tyler Perry got more money than rappers? … Cuz he seen the value of feeding his people… They can say what they want to about Tyler. Tyler got more money than Will Smith, an
[對談] 💎真人羅家聰:美股即將踏入「長期牛市」!! 🪬2024 上半年避險為先 BItcoin調整完再升!! (中文字幕)#bitcoin #比特幣 @RagaFinance
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La Poké Ball est l’objet le plus emblématique, capable de faire tenir des créatures à la puissance démesurée dans ta poche. Et même des humains ! Bon ça, c’est que dans les pubs où Sacha attrape n’importe quoi. Pas canon ! Transformation en énergie, en don
OpenAI despide a su director ejecutivo Sam Altman, creador de ChatGPT | AFP
Sam Altman ha sido destituido como director ejecutivo de OpenAI, la compañía que lanzó hace un año la plataforma de inteligencia artificial ChatGPT, después de que el consejo de administración le retirara su confianza por considerar "que no siempre ha sido
The economic cost of the Optus outage | The Business | ABC News
After cyber hack exposed the personal details of millions of Australians last year, Optus would have hoped it was a on path to regaining its reputation. But a massive outage that knocked out services across Australia has left businesses struggling and cust
清华大学主任吴建平:掌握互联网的核心技术是中国成为互联网强国的关键!| 开讲啦 The Voice
【欢迎订阅开讲啦 The Voice】https://bit.ly/3Qesh4G ■□更多精彩■□ 《开讲啦》The Voice 2023 每周一晚19:00更新中 http://bit.ly/3K7Ul8q 《开讲啦》The Voice 精编版 https://bit.ly/3TO2rWM 《开讲啦》最热视频TOP15 https://bit.ly/3vwT6aT 《开讲啦》The Voice 2022年度合辑 https://bit.ly/3WYY5N6 《开讲啦》The Voice 2021年度合辑
結婚現場丈母娘逼新郎喝洗腳水,新郎直接暴走……The mother-in-law forced the groom to drink foot wash, the groom went berserk
結婚現場丈母娘逼新郎喝洗腳水,新郎直接暴走……At the wedding scene, the mother-in-law forced the groom to drink foot wash, and the groom went berserk…… #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmak
【GlobalXpress】#人工智能 驅動未來:#AI 領域投資趨勢與機遇Global X ETFs Hong Kong
AI在我們的日常生活中扮演著越來越重要的角色。無論是智能家居的 #照明系統 還是 #保安系統,或是 #汽車自動駕駛技術 ,AI都在不斷地滲透和改善著我們的 #生活品質 。香港市場對AI表現出了特別濃厚的興趣,例如#CHATGPT 和#UBER 等應用程式的普及。 近期,內地公司也紛紛推出了類似CHATGPT的應用程式,比如#百度 的#文心一言 。這些應用程式的出現進一步證明了人們對AI的需求和對其潛在價值的認可。 AI在香港的投資市場中的影響也日益顯現。投資者對AI領域的關注度不斷上升,他們看好AI技術在未
公公重病住院,兒媳攜新郎執意到醫院給公公行禮!Bride insist on going to the hospital to salute groom's father!
公公重病住院,兒媳攜新郎執意到醫院給公公行禮!Groom's father is seriously ill and hospitalized. Bride insist on going to the hospital to salute groom's father!#wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #m
婚禮現場主持人讓新人父母互相擁抱,沒想到……這個爸爸也太調皮了!The host asked the newlyweds' parents to hug each other, but……
婚禮現場主持人讓新人父母互相擁抱,沒想到……這個爸爸也太調皮了!The host at the wedding asked the newlyweds' parents to hug each other, but unexpectedly... this father is too mischievous! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #si
Huawei Mate X5 Unboxing & 5G Network Speed Test
8 個月前
 • 59 次觀看
The Huawei #matex5 real phone is so hard to get started with. The screen is divided into three versions. Confirmed #5G +Kirin chip! Huawei Mate X5 Collector's Edition Internet Speed ​​Test, Huawei Mate X5 first unboxing #network speed test
兩人洞房花燭夜,新娘說自己不是姑娘了,新郎的做法簡直絕了!The bride said she was no longer a girl, groom's behavior was amazing!
兩人洞房花燭夜,新娘說自己不是姑娘了,新郎的做法簡直絕了!On the wedding night of the two, the bride said she was no longer a girl, and the groom's behavior was absolutely amazing! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #
VAZARAM STARFIELD E FORAM PRESOS #starfield #hamletpng #internet #pngtuber
VAZARAM STARFIELD E FORAM PRESOS #starfield #hamletpng #internet #pngtuber #shorts #hamletpng CANAL PRINCIPAL: youtube.com/@HamletARL 🐦 - hamletarl 📷 - hamletarl Plus Ultra.
[香港首間] ⚓️ Hashkey Exchange 正式啟航 ! 🚀 保險 出入金 審計 通通有齊 | KYC攻略 |李奧優惠登記額外 20 HSK |OKX曼城冠軍🏆獎盃活動 (中文字幕製作中)
Hashkey Slogan: 買幣更方便,存幣更放心。 李奧盲盒額外20HSK Code:udk77 (需登記Hashkey 並完成KYC) 登記Hashkey:https://bit.ly/3PdsIMH OKX 香港足球週:https://www.okx.com/hk/activities/okx-football-week-hong-kong-man-city 登記OKX:www.okx.com/join/2729857 WallStreet Meme:https://longshort.care/
【 現場直擊 】📸 Hashkey Exchange 啟航典禮 ✨香港首間持牌虛擬貨幣交易所✨了解 登記優惠 出入金 保險 #bitcoin #比特幣 #加密貨幣
Hashkey 係第一間攞到香港虛擬資產交易所牌照嘅交易所,今日開始佢哋會正式開放散戶登記,並會舉行一個隆重嘅啟航儀式,絕對係香港幣圈一大里程碑! 李奧有幸受邀出席並會在YouTube獨家線上直播有關盛事,同大家一齊睇下有咩著數、點樣出入金、有冇保險等等香港散戶最關心既答案。 《李奧X Hashkey HSK盲盒 Whitelist》 入李奧Whitelist 可額外得到 HSK 盲盒一個: https://forms.gle/oSGaJaDhd6WoBn5D6 數量有限, 搶左先算! 買幣更方便,存幣更放
新娘在婚禮現場直接播放新郎和伴娘偷情視頻,暴打新郎伴娘!The bride directly played a adultery video of the groom and bridesmaid!
新娘不哭不鬧,在婚禮現場直接播放新郎和伴娘偷情視頻!The bride directly played a adultery video of the groom and bridesmaid at the wedding! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmaker #star #tea #l
Fallece ‘Cheems’, el perrito más famoso de Internet que conquistó con sus memes y stickers
‘Cheems’, el perrito más famoso de Internet falleció la mañana del viernes tras una cirugía que le practicaron por el cáncer que sufría. Su dueña anunció la muerte del canino con una emotiva despedida. ¡Recuerda seguirnos en todas nuestras redes sociales p
10 個月前
 • 29 次觀看
Canal principal: https://www.youtube.com/c/Pongamosloapruebaoficial Diseño del baner del canal realizado por: https://www.youtube.com/richiqg
For the Male Audience
11 個月前
 • 23 次觀看
Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtRR26au_ck/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D #shorts