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. - 你的努力值得所有的好運♡ - 文|jimmy.s #幾米 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writing - 📍幸福O8頂...
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. - 希望自己不要在還沒跨過去之前就陣亡了🥲 - 文|#羽生結弦 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writing - 📍高雄忘記...
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. - 來來往往那麼多次 是那天有點灰有點霧的天空 才覺得好襯臺灣時報的這個舊招牌♡ - 文|iamcoin #角子 圖|astronaut_travel 字...
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. - 願我們都能在生命中逐漸茁壯逐漸強大 - 文|him_ella0618 #陳嘉樺 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writi...
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. - 你的好值得留給懂你的人 - 文|iamcoin #角子 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writing - 📍高雄50樓長...
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. - 在外奔波的日常工作中 每一個偶然發現的景都是我的小確幸‎(✿˘˘✿) - 文|lessonsfrommovies 圖|astronaut_travel ...
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. - 慢慢讓自己在認真的生活裡去蕪存菁 - 文|alvin701 #艾爾文 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writing - ...
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. - 希望這裡能成為大家黑夜裡的一盞微光 - 文|astronaut_travel 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writi...
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. - 期望這樣投入的生活能讓自己更喜愛往後的日子 - 文|o_bei_write 圖|astronaut_travel 字|#grace_w_writin...
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【泰國旅行vlog 12】清邁翟道翟/高質週末市集JingJai Market/ 超乾淨的熟食區 #真心農夫市集 #mikeyuen #泰國旅行 #清邁 #JingJai #jjmarket
這天去了一個氣質週末市集叫JingJai Farmer's Market,由早上7時開始至下午2時,像清邁翟道翟一樣,有咖啡/ 文青手作雜貨 / 新鮮農產品 / 還有很重要的熟食市場! 整潔得令人驚訝。 【泰國旅行vlog 12】清邁翟道翟/必去的週末市集JingJai Market #真心農夫市集 #mikeyuen #泰
【泰國旅行vlog 11】清邁的畢生難忘海南雞飯/白色大帳幕$380晚Glamping/ Fleur Cafe & Eatery #MikeYuen #泰國旅遊 #清邁 #露營
在清邁Doi Mon Cham的第二天,昨晚住在Phu Doi homestay的小木屋,這天搬到更可愛的Bell帳幕繼續Glamping(豪華露營),吃過Phu Doi Homestay的早餐後在山區吃了一個令我畢生難忘的深山隱世海南雞飯,後來司機大哥帶了我們去一家很法式的Fleur Cafe & Eatery。 去了Doi Mon
Why You Should Skip the iPhone 14...
1 年前
 • 106 次觀看
iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are here. Which one should you buy? iPhone 14 Latercase - https://latercase.com/iphone | iPhone 14 Pro Latercase - https://latercase.com/iphone Sponsored by Henson. Use code "unboxtherapy" to get 100 blad
今日の夕方の富士山 初めて見る富士山に感動🥹💕
今日の夕方の富士山初めて見る富士山に感動🥹💕#絶景をありがとう #富士山#夕景#爆焼け#絶景#JAL637 #iPhone13ProMax pic.twitter.com/Q2we08Pohj— manasuki (@fje_lg) September 16, 2022
iOS 16 yüklemeden önce bilmeniz gereken 10 madde! Yükleyip gösterdik!
Apple, haziran ayında düzenlediği WWDC 22 etkinliğinde akıllı telefonları, tabletleri, saatleri ve bilgisayarları için geliştirdiği işletim sistemlerinin yeni sürümlerini detaylı bir şekilde gösterdi. Geçtiğimiz hafta ise yeni iPhone,
iPhone 14 eSIM Controversy Explained
1 年前
 • 167 次觀看
Apple iPhone 14 eSIM is here. Some people are angry. Exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ https://NordVPN.com/unboxtherapy It's risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee FOLLOW ME IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - http://twitter.com/u
iPhone 13 Pro Max Vs iPhone 14 Pro Max Review of Specs!
Should I BUY a iPhone 14 Pro Max or stick or even get an 13 Pro Max? Well in Todays iPhone 13 Pro Max Vs iPhone 14 Pro max Review of Specs I am going to help you decide on what model is best for you based on paper specs in this iPhone 14 Pro Max vs
iPhone14、iPhone14 Max、iPhone14 Pro、iPhone14 Pro Max即將發表,發表前iPhone13、iPhone13 mini、iPhone13 Pro、iPhone13 Pro Max降價一波更划算?iPhone12 iPhone12Pro iPhone12 Pro max、iPhone11 iPhone11pro系列現在還值得買嗎 本影片參考傑昇通信通路*2022/08
库克这次真的急了!iPhone 14 这三大神级功能,苹果已经通过秋季发布会邀请函悄悄“官宣”了 ……【JeffreyTech】
#iphone14 #iphone14pro #iphone14max 欢迎订阅https://bit.ly/3qvN2w0 这次 iPhone 14 选在了 9 月 7 日,又提前两周发了邀请函,可以说是例外中的例外,破天荒的头一回 ,按照惯例来解析一下这一次的媒体邀请函,这份邀请函中可能暗含着新一代iPhone14中的三大功能…… 0:0
Great Lucky... Found a lot of New Apple iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Mini & iPad in Landfill Near the City
Great Lucky... Found a lot of New Apple iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Mini & iPad in Landfill Near the City #iphone13 #restoration 1. Restoring Broken Phone Found From street rubbish / Restore iphone6 cracked https://youtu.be/AfIAHQsq7Ms 2. Wonderful Day😍,