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Onion Man | 洋蔥七大義氣故事!半夜想不開跳河,朋友飛奔救援!
七個朋友義氣相挺的故事,朋友願意為你做到甚麼程度? 一起來看看 —— 感謝本篇乾爹《征服之海:海盜榮耀》 現在就去下載 艇一波:https://mothmpre.onelink.me/3BgG/wini4mqv 專屬禮包碼:ONIONMAN2024 下載後一定要輸入換虛寶唷!!! 浪再大 我艇你!!! 《征服之海:海盜榮耀》 正式上市 由我偶像動力火車代言的超高品質海盜遊戲 海盜船就是你的主城,可以隨時移動、打海怪、幫助朋友戰鬥 不用在固定地點駐守"艇"爆朋友 豐富的開放世界玩法,可建造、經營自己的船艙 也
Onion Man | 要簽生死切結書的遊戲?? 可隨便亂砸的屋子!擲鐵斧!彈跳屋! @JBao @huzi1989
洋蔥在美國體驗各種新奇遊戲 破壞屋、丟鐵斧、彈跳屋 每樣都刺激有趣 本篇感謝乾爹【Emma床墊】 除舊佈新換床季,最低55折起 折扣碼【 onionman10 】額外再享9折專屬優惠 立即下單 👉🏻 https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/ytonionmama 這次合作幫媽媽換了Hybrid獨立筒床墊 很有彈性的獨立筒床墊,再加上記憶枕讓睡眠品質有實質改善。 枕頭的設計,有三層但可以隨時抽取調整高度,找尋脖子最舒服的狀態著 床架還有一些置物欄,滑完手機可以直接放進去 抗擾動的獨立筒
Juno邀不同單位下月辦舞台劇音樂會 |主題曲預先推出冀觀眾先睹為快|HK E News 娛樂新聞報道
Juno邀不同單位下月辦舞台劇音樂會 |主題曲預先推出冀觀眾先睹為快|HK E News 娛樂新聞報道 Juno Mak 麥浚龍 2月會同 廿四味 MATTFORCE Mr. Scanner 仲有 王嘉儀 等喺亞博舉行一場集合電影、舞台劇同音樂於一身嘅演出,原來自3年前完成專輯之後,Juno就一直構想全新嘅演出方式,自舊年完成演唱會之後仲決定同唔同範疇嘅歌手一齊合作。 Juno指今次集合唔同歌手演出同過往風格大有不同,加上今次音樂會以電影劇本變奏而成,所以一首主題曲就應運而生,誕生《金榜題名》呢首歌,仲同觀
[KPOP IN PUBLIC] [ONE TAKE] SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) - "God of Music (음악의 신)" Dance Cover in Australia
Saying goodbye to 2023 with our last cover of the year, God of Music by Seventeen!! 🥳🥳 Hope your new year will be fun and energetic like this song, and we look forward to more exciting covers to come!! 🫶 Thank you to our friends Jenny from 9BIT, Audrey fro
에스쿱스 (S.COUPS) - 난 (Me)
4 個月前
 • 96 次觀看
에스쿱스 (S.COUPS) - 난 (Me) 작사: S.COUPS, BUMZU 작곡: S.COUPS, BUMZU 편곡: BUMZU, Ohway! #SCOUPS #에스쿱스 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #난 #ME
vernon's reaction after hoshi failed attempt to play kendama 😭😂🤣 #seventeen #vernon #hoshi
on december 30, 2023 it's Vernon kendama update. vernon just found out that there's a cup to hold the ball under the holder, so he play kendama again before tomorrow the kendama competition started. meanwhile hoshi trying to attempt to play kendama. 1st mo
#kpop #kpopidol #Joshua #joshuaseventeen #seventeenjoshua #joshuanovia #joshuagirlfriend #ChoMiYoung #miyoung #seventeenmingyu #seventeen #astro #jeonghanseventeen #scoupseventeen #junseventeen #joshuaseventeen Joshua, joshua novia, joshua dating, joshua g
joshua's facial expression when he has to choose a person to save in mafia game 😭 #GOING_SVT
joshua as a doctor in first "Don't Lie" (mafia game). The doctor will raise his head and pick one person to save. joshua is so confused and his facial expression that he is thinking about who to choose to save and then he choose vernon 😭😂🤣 shua's facial ex
♫ 행복은 바로 지금이야 ♫ Happiness is now! Stay tuned to the premiere on 5 Jan! 📆 幸福就是此時此刻!死守1月5日晚上的首播吧!📆 #NANATOURwithSEVENTEEN #羅羅旅行團_SEVENTEEN篇 Premieres 5 Jan | Every Fri 20:00 (GMT+8) Subtitles available: English, Chinese, BM, BI Regions available: Hong Kong,
[NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN] Official Trailer - EP1
4 個月前
 • 93 次觀看
[NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN] Official Trailer - EP1 Tour reservations are always welcome, but the itinerary is notified on the day!? Here is NANA TOUR opening celebration event! (but undisclosed to the customer🤭) PD Na, a 20-year veteran of travel entertainm
wonwoo make fun of the smell of his breath to make hoshi laugh 😭😂🤣 #seventeen #wonwoo #hoshi
hoshi and wonwoo wearing a sweater paws. when wonwoo try warming hoshi's hands with his breath and then he smells it. after he smells it, he just covered his nose and it make hoshi laugh 😭😂🤣 wonwoo and his silliness or his stupid little jokes 😂🤣😭 #Olo_Its_
Ladadadada it's THE8😎 #seventeen #세븐틴 #kpop #svt #carat #캐럿 #the8 #xuminghao #going_seventeen #gose
Source : GOING SEVENTEEN 2017 Ep 02 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089747137428&mibextid=LQQJ4d Instagram : https://instagram.com/saythe13svt17name?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@saythe13sv
SEVENTEEN Jeonghan Goes On Hiatus, Wont Join 'Follow' Tour
On December 14, Pledis Entertainment announced on Weverse that Seventeen member Jeonghan will be taking a break to recover from an ankle surgery. ✦ Business Inquiries: officialkpopish@gmail.com ✦ Subscribe to this channel: https://rb.gy/gccfem ✦ Follow me
Onion Man | 玩娃娃機瘋到成為台主!卻遭受各種洗禮..地獄的一年 (二)
各種被檳榔菸蒂洗禮的一年QQ 爛命一條擋泥板限量發售:https://shopee.tw/onion_man?utm_content=4TGcFgpo67Via7Qb7VfP5GzuSRPV 【訂閱】及觀看洋蔥更多影片: https://goo.gl/ijP3Eb 工作合作:onionmanwork@gmail.com Onion Man 百萬追蹤粉絲團:goo.gl/Z5CSvw 最新阿文貼圖:https://reurl.cc/GxYjA 第一代阿文line貼圖:https://reurl.cc/Wrox
比SEVENTEEN還了解本人🫢最怕隊友開口┃猜人遊戲全場最佳┃梗解析之GOING在白色區域能做的所有事Everything Possible in the White Zone #2┃JOLO
#SEVENTEEN #GOING_SVT #GOING 00:00 開場 00:30 梗1:Black Eye呼啊啊啊啊 01:32 梗2:Min Byungkwan和 Kang Hosik 02:21 梗3:說話呀! 03:02 梗4:一個月內增加1893倍 03:54 梗5:出局也是musubi 04:32 梗6:宇宙工廠 05:27 梗7:有人掉下去了啊 06:20 解析〈尋找Vernon〉 06:57 解析〈尋找DK〉 本期GOING原影片➡️https://youtu.be/XHgJCzhh2Q
when the members tried to seungkwan's and woozi's high note 😭 #seventeen
so seungkwan casually nailed that high note in "Headliner", but then... hoshi and junhui are trying to seungkwan's high note. 5 minutes later... hoshi and seungkwan are trying to woozi's 5-octave high note in "God of Music" 😭 woozi's reaction tho~ 😂🤣 all o
dino is so happy to have 12 hyungs and can't imagine life without them 🥺😭❤️ #seventeen #dino
dino is the youngest of SEVENTEEN and he has 12 hyungs. so lee mujin asked dino that what is it like to have 12 hyungs. dino answered now he's happy to have 12 hyungs and can't imagine life without hsi 12 hyungs. he's 25 now & he saw 12 other hyungs 25th y
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 유네스코 청년포럼 '음악의 신' 스페셜 비디오 촬영 비하인드 (UNESCO Youth Forum Special Video Sketch)
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 유네스코 청년포럼 '음악의 신' 스페셜 비디오 촬영 비하인드 (UNESCO Youth Forum Special Video Sketch) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #INSIDE_SVT
wonwoo and mingyu are waiting seungkwan to sing his part, but he is not ready 😂🤣 #seventeen
so wonwoo and mingyu are waiting seungkwan to sing his part of "Together (English Version)", but it turns out.... seungkwan is still not ready because he is really hard to searching his part and he messed up. then mingyu just shoved his head like that 😭😂🤣