
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
President Zelensky visits frontline as Ukraine reclaims more territory - BBC News
President Zelensky has made a surprise visit to territory recently freed by his army as Ukrainian forces extend their counteroffensive in towns in the eastern Donbas region. In the city of Izyum which has been reclaimed from Russian control he vowed to e
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Video shows Ukraine attack on key bridge used by Russia
CNN's Sam Kiley reports on Ukraine's counter-offensive to recapture Kherson in the southern part of the country. #CNN #News
Alexander Vindman breaks down Ukraine's counteroffensive operation
Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman walks through Ukraine's counteroffensive operation to retake Russian-held areas in the southern region of the country. #CNN #News
Ukraine’s artillery attacks Russian forces in south - BBC News
Six months after Russia invaded Ukraine it controls much of the east and south of the country. The war has become a slow and grinding battle for land, with long-range shelling playing a key part. Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Q
REKAMAN Detik-detik Sukhoi Rusia Tembak Pangkalan Militer Ukraina
https://medan.tribunnews.com/2022/03/08/rekaman-detik-detik-sukhoi-rusia-tembak-pangkalan-militer-ukraina-di-dekat-kherson TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM - Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia mengunggah rekaman pengoperasian pesawat Sukhoi SU-34 dalam operasi militer khu
See aftermath of battle over key bridge in Ukraine
CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports from Kherson Bridge in Ukraine following intense fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces for control of the key transportation link. #CNN #News