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The NELKBOYS on the Business of Happy Dad, NFTs, and Signing Athletes! | FULL SEND PODCAST
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lEFhgPq9gcYU9MSXkALiZ SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://youtube.com/channel/UChPuCAEXg7iYkVNjQY1NGYg?sub_confirmation=1 LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/full-se
Pranking the most hated guy in NELK!
2 年前
 • 249 次觀看
CHECK OUT OUR NFT DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/FullSendNFT VISIT: https://fullsend.com MORE NELK VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLklwWZTPxmdLSLMeZTNOE0M1tklluO6sZ JOIN OUR TELEGRAM https://t.me/NelkChat SUBSCRI
Gary Vee Explains How He Made $90 Million on NFTs & Why They’ll Change the World | FULL SEND
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/3kMkflhZIpTNUZWju7Js2w This week, the boys sit down with entrepreneur Gary Vee and John Shahidi in NYC. Gary explains how he made his money, NFT's for beginners and how they will change the world
Every high school kid in Netflix shows
2 年前
 • 97 次觀看
hollywood casting a real high school student: nah. hollywood casting a 32 year old man with a drinking problem to play a high schooler: YES. - dude's will have a full chin strap + two families and will still be playing on the JV football team lmaoooo. - s
『絕代雙Q』|日本樂高樂園超級大|抱著Kyle玩LEGOLAND Japan|雙QVlog
合作邀約⬇︎ qqfamily0617@gmail.com 最近草莓季真的有很多草莓的商品,有去日本旅遊的人都可以去嘗試看看呦~ #日本超商 #草莓季限定 #必吃必買 -------------------- 訂閱我們的youtube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/c/絕代雙Q/ 宗岳的Instagram:【oo
The After Party | Official Trailer | Netflix
5 年前
 • 55 次觀看
When an aspiring rapper goes viral for all the wrong reasons, he thinks his career is over. But when his best friend gets them into a wild NYC after party, he gets one more chance to make the impossible happen. The After Party premieres on 8/24, only on Ne
《嘻哈派對夜》| 正式預告 | Netflix
5 年前
 • 41 次觀看
心懷壯志的說唱歌手弄巧成拙,成為笑柄,因此在網路爆紅,他以為自己的事業從此陷入谷底。然而,他的好朋友帶他參加了一場狂放的紐約深夜派對,讓他竟然有機會鹹魚翻身。《嘻哈派對夜》將在 8 月 24 日上線,Netflix 獨家。