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油氣沖天!美國科技股漲輸它!2024/04/08【老王不只三分鐘】 01:00 大宗商品原物料真的是多頭不止耶!我真的看見神了! 您也可以在以下頻道透過Podcast收聽【王老先聲】: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/xEpqZE Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/52DnlR KKBOX:https://reurl.cc/Q6aDDZ Google:https://reurl.cc/oxYXqD 您也有心酸血淚史想分享?歡迎E-mail到以下信箱: 王老先生有
Stock market today: Stocks slide after Fedspeak as oil surges, March jobs report on deck | 4/4/24
#stocks #inflation #YahooFinance #recession #bitcoin #Biden #Stockmarket #coronavirus #memestocks #Fed #YahooFinance #investing #stockmarket #crypto To get the latest market news check out finance.yahoo.com Stocks slumped on Thursday as oil hit its highest
Stock market today: Stocks cling to gains as Powell says rate cuts likely at 'some point' this year
#stocks #inflation #YahooFinance #recession #bitcoin #Biden #Stockmarket #coronavirus #memestocks #Fed #YahooFinance #investing #stockmarket #crypto To get the latest market news check out finance.yahoo.com US stocks were higher on Wednesday as Federal Res
S&P 500, Nasdaq edge higher after Powell says rate cuts coming 'at some point' this year
#stocks #inflation #YahooFinance #recession #bitcoin #Biden #Stockmarket #coronavirus #memestocks #Fed #YahooFinance #investing #stockmarket #crypto To get the latest market news check out finance.yahoo.com US stocks were little changed Wednesday as Federa
清明變盤!記憶體族群等解套?2024/04/02【老王不只三分鐘】 02:26 道瓊昨天長黑大跌,大家都擔心要開始回檔了嗎? 06:40 台股世界強,今天又創新高了,外資期貨又被軋了! 16:51 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 18:28 美光再創歷史新高,台灣的記憶體族群有機會跟上嗎? 04/02 本集談及個股有以下: 2330台積電、2301光寶科、2327國巨、2356英業達、1795美時、2486一詮、2634漢翔、 2408南亞科、2344華邦電、2337旺宏、3260威剛、4967十銓 浦惠投顧官
00940的選股邏輯!【王老先聲】#00940 #etf #本益比 #定期定額 #定期不定額 #shorts
您也可以在以下頻道透過Podcast收聽: Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/52DnlR Spotify:https://reurl.cc/xEpqZE KKBOX:https://reurl.cc/Q6aDDZ Google:https://reurl.cc/oxYXqD 您也有血淚史想分享?歡迎E-mail到以下信箱: 王老先生有快遞:oldwang@inclusion.com.tw #00940 #etf #本益比 #定期定額 #定期不定額 #shorts #老王不只三分
美股有多強?這紀錄十年首見!廣達挑戰300元?2024/03/29【老王不只三分鐘】 00:48 美股第一季漲幅驚人,費半狂漲17%,真的是2024大多頭啊! 11:27 台股的看法,董哥跟周二一樣不變嗎? 14:03 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 15:35 廣達跟您上週五預告的完全印證,已經大漲突破去年高點,我又看見神了! 03/29 本集談及個股有以下: 1319東陽、8033雷虎、8069元太、2367燿華、8112至上、1609大亞、2382廣達、3231緯創、 2376技嘉、4938和碩、2317
〝our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.〞 〝你的生命是有限的, 不...
〝our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.〞 〝你的生命是有限的, 不要浪費時間為別人而活。〞 - 史蒂夫·賈伯斯 ( Steve Jobs ) 〝From those to whom much is given, much is expected.〞 〝上天給你的越多, 你被賦予的期待就越大。〞 - 比爾·蓋茲 ( Bill Gates ) 〝Ideas don't come out fully form, the
Stock market today: US stocks pop after S&P 500's 3-day losing streak | March 27
US stocks rebounded Wednesday morning after several days of red closings, an unusual occurrence in the market's bullish start to 2024. The S&P 500 (^GSPC) the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) and the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC) all gai
慘?00940淨值破發!Apple深陷反壟斷風暴!2024/03/26【老王不只三分鐘】 01:10 APPLE最近好像多災多難,到底發生什麼事? 14:46 董哥,今天台股再創歷史新高了!但是開高走低還翻黑怎麼辦? 20:04 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 21:43 00940還沒上市,淨值就已經破發了,是不是現買現賠啊? 03/26 本集談及個股有以下: 3443創意、1612宏泰、1616億泰、5388中磊、1504東元、2371大同、00939統一台灣高息動能、2603長榮、5483中美晶、2404
Stock market today: Stocks pop as Wall Street looks to continue record-setting run | March 26
US stocks moved higher on Tuesday as markets looked to continue a record-setting run that has become the story on Wall Street during the first quarter of the year. The S&P 500 (^GSPC) rose nearly 0.3%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) edged hi
鴻海、廣達股價還是低估?AI伺服器財報大比拚!2024/03/22【老王不只三分鐘】 01:52 聯準會會議之後,美股又是連續二天大漲,S&P500又創歷史新高了! 11:13 董哥,外資在期貨的空單好像認輸了耶,是不是台股要噴了! 20:46 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 22:39 前二周鴻海大漲,這周輪到和碩,董哥要來聊聊AI伺服器嗎? 03/22 本集談及個股有以下: 2379瑞昱、2606裕民、3661世芯-KY、6285啟碁、5443均豪、5347世界、2376技嘉、2317鴻海、4938和碩、2
Rise Of The Ronin Is A Flawed Masterpiece (Review)
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This game will be talked about for the rest of the year. Subscribe to the WhatCulture Gaming Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts!! - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/75Wj1jpLKribbIZKTrf9aI - Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/wh
Dragons Dogma 2 is too hard #funny #gaming #dragonsdogma
#gaminghumor #princesspeach #videogames #gamer #womenofyoutube #dragonsdogma2 #xbox #nintendo #nintendoswitch
大宗商品原物料只是剛開始?2024/03/21【老王不只三分鐘】 00:53 董哥去年有預告看好大宗商品與原物料在今年看漲,除了黃金跟石油最近幾個月都漲上來,國際銅價也創下十個月新高了耶! 您也可以在以下頻道透過Podcast收聽【王老先聲】: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/xEpqZE Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/52DnlR KKBOX:https://reurl.cc/Q6aDDZ Google:https://reurl.cc/oxYXqD 您也
[🔴03/21 #당잠사] 🎙️3월 FOMC 기준금리 동결 | 美증시 사상 최고가📈 | 인텔, 반도체 보조금 26조원 | 美, 中반도체 제재 검토 | 마이크론, 어닝 서프라이즈⚡
#FOMC #파월 #점도표 #Fed #금리동결 #금리인하 #점도표 #PCE #엔비디아 #마이크론 #인텔 #반도체 #AI반도체 #나스닥 #미국채 #라가르드 #6월인하 #유가 #WTI #브렌트유 #전기차 #애플 #테슬라 ▷타임라인◁ 00:00 굿모닝한경글로벌마켓 00:56 3월 FOMC - 성명문, 점도표, 경제전망 - 제롬 파월 기자회견, 페드워치 16:37 마감 후 특징주 23:23 원자재 & ETF 28:48 이슈 브리핑 ○홍성진 한국경제 TV 앵커 ○
Stock market today: US stocks stall as Fed decision day arrives | March 20, 2024
#stocks #inflation #YahooFinance #recession #bitcoin #Biden #Stockmarket #coronavirus #memestocks #Fed #YahooFinance #investing #stockmarket #crypto To get the latest market news check out finance.yahoo.com US stocks were mixed in cautious trading on Wedne
00940我要吃豆腐!美股四巫日是終點嗎?2024/03/19【老王不只三分鐘】 01:22 昨晚是Nvidia的開發者大會,但是Nvidia為什麼卻是開高走低? 11:01 董哥,櫃買好像回來了,這兩天中小型股開始活過來了! 16:40 新單元!10秒鐘快問快答! 18:38 最近很多人在問,00940的成分股可以吃豆腐嗎? 03/19 本集談及個股有以下: 6753龍德造船、2449京元電子、2421建準、2353宏碁、2377微星、2308台達電、2603長榮、 6121新普、2404漢唐、2303聯
香港樓市害死人 [第1178集] 最近一手樓市活躍,賣出咗唔少單位,港地產商可以鬆一口氣。不過地產市道是否全面復甦呢?看來並不是這樣,蝕讓繼續出現,而且越蝕越金,馬亞木家族都勢危㗎!
本片內容 最近一手樓市活躍,賣出咗唔少單位,港地產商可以鬆一口氣。不過地產市道是否全面復甦呢?看來並不是這樣,蝕讓繼續出現,而且越蝕越金,馬亞木家族都勢危㗎! March 18, 2024 (Monday) 不倒翁投資網誌地址: https://econearth.blogspot.com/ Instagram: econ_earth