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【阿格力】兩百萬出頭賣你保時捷 Boxster,日本進口版,車里程少又保養佳。
#阿格力開車趣 #porsche #boxster #兩千中古車 🚗保時捷敞篷,報阿格力名字,聯繫兩千,再優惠 📱LINE ID:@2000car 📍地址:桃園市中壢區環中東路423號 🔔終於!終於試乘到保時捷 Boxster!阿格力今天跟好朋友兩千中古車商借了夢寐以求的 Boxster,帥氣的雙門敞篷跑車開起來究竟如何?會覺得羞恥嗎?到底在台灣開敞篷車是不是被抽智商稅?來聽聽阿格力怎麼說 ✔影片重點 00:00 今天試的是... 保時捷 Boxster! 05:04 上路試駕囉 12:55 賀成交? 14
有進步嗎?2024 Model 3 煥新版環島實測...電耗是?路感變了?操作好難?
@字幕錯誤 2:24 是 0.219 真的很開心特斯拉 Model 3這次有明顯的進步與改變, 更靠近比較高階的 Model S, 現在全台8個展間都可以賞實車了, 這台車很值得到展間感受一下。 JOWUA 特斯拉專業配件官方連結 https://bit.ly/3AUQarQ 老爸折扣碼有95折優惠:【daddy】 推薦一定要買的是: 1.CCS2車主充電必備組:J1772 一定用得到,TPC比較少一點。 2.中控收納組:可分層放東西,分類雜物也比較好清理。 3.扶手箱收納盒:可分層收放,充電線好整理。 4
2025 Tesla Cybertruck AWD FIRST LOOK in Malaysia /// 無堅不摧,刀槍不入 ?
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People React To Cybertruck Pulling A DeLorean At Car Show - TESBROS
We had the awesome opportunity to participate in Riverside Car Show in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Here are some behind the scenes reactions from seeing the truck for the first time in person. Subscribe if you love to see Tesla content! We mostly focus on help
【阿格力】保值神車LM 500h真實車主心得,居然缺晶片沒鑰匙?半導體高股息即將除息,00927受惠趨勢!
#阿格力開車趣 #Lexus #lm500h #lm350h #mpv #ETF #高股息 #00927 💰00927 群益半導體收益 4 月份即將配息 0.4 元,並在 4/18 除息 ✨本集影片由群益投信贊助播出 https://reurl.cc/prEE3a 🎢投資一定有風險,基金投資有賺有賠,申購前應詳閱公開說明書 🔔 LM 500h 不知不覺也開了兩個月,阿格力自己對這台車也累積的一些想法想跟大家分享。LM 500h 這台車有非常多電子功能,包含在車上的多媒體體驗、Ottoman按摩座椅與多項的控
特斯拉Model 3煥新版!4位Youtuber車主來點評!最吸引人的點居然是這個!
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(德媒) 小米电动汽车SU7:中国人终结了亨利.福特的时代 | 大众为何"屈尊"参股初创公司小鹏汽车 新生产工艺铝压铸的领军者 | 中国重新定义豪华汽车
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 3月29日,德国经济周刊报道了小米推出电动汽车SU7的消息: 小米汽车:中国人终结了亨利.福特的时代. 德国汽车专家杜登霍夫: 中国正在重新定义豪华汽车 德国电视二台的关于小鹏汽车登录德国的报道: 小鹏汽车极具创新精神,是新生产工艺铝压铸的领军者. 所以德国大众要与之合作。 ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email:
Model Y Owner Rates 2024 Tesla Model 3
1 個月前
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Model Y Owner Rates 2024 Tesla Model 3 ❀ my socials ❀ 📸 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/createdbyella 🎶 TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@createdbyellayt 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/CreatedbyElla 🛒 My Tech Setup - https://www.amazon.com/shop/creat
27萬全新 Model 3 RWD 好抵玩?重點有咩分別?呢個價位嘅無敵腳車?
5分鐘同大家快速睇下最平嘅 Tesla Model 3 後驅版有咩唔同 📢加入電動車討論群組 https://facebook.com/groups/hkevdiary 歡迎訂閱我的YouTube頻道及追蹤我的Social Media👇🏻 https://linktr.ee/samanthavlog 拍攝合作聯絡 📧 samanthavloghk @ gmail.com 或經以上Social Media PM🙏🏻 ➡️Tesla推薦連結 https://ts.la/samantha34964 重溫【新版Mo
@tesla reduces Model 3 and Model Y production at Giga Shanghai: Report #shorts
Tesla (TSLA) faces more headwinds in China as it reduces its EV production in its Shanghai factory, according to a report from Bloomberg. Yahoo Finance’s Pras Subramanian, Jared Blikre, and Seana Smith discuss the report of March 22, 2024. #yahoofinance #f
史上最平Tesla!27萬Tesla Model 3入門後驅版 280匹加速爽快無投訴!510km續航力夠用嗎? |Flat Out Review #FlatOut試車 #地板油
#Tesla #TeslaModel3 #Model3 #flatout試車 #地板油 #flatouthk #flatout 考吓大家,知唔知咩牌子嘅車係「車壇臭豆腐」? 冇錯,就係Tesla,事關啲人又要diu,又要買,十足臭豆腐咁。今集介紹嘅Model 3 後驅版仲要係史上最平「臭豆腐」,因為售價只係$270,200起!而且續航距離都有510公里,0-100km/h 6.1秒,最大馬力280匹,論牌面真係贏晒。 喺一換一政策調整完之後,Tesla居然仲可以賣到一部咁平嘅電動車,都咪話唔犀利,其他電動車
Обзор новой Tesla Model 3 2024 года: Лучшая бытовая техника в истории
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Five Reasons this NEW 2024 Tesla Model 3 Offers a LOT for Under *$40k*!
Subscribe to @CarConfections for more automotive content!
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How Elon Musk's Buddy Rode Tesla Shares To Become A Billionaire
Chance led investor Antonio Gracias to meet Musk and put money in Tesla early on. That–and his focus on problem-solving at the manufacturing level—has been key to his outsized success. Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/phoebeliu/2
2024 Tesla Model 3 -- Here's Everything that's NEW with this $39,000 EV KING!
Here's our First Look Review of the Refreshed 2024 Tesla Model 3 Highland! Looking to buy a Tesla Model 3 or any vehicle? Go to https://carconfections.com/new-car-quotes to learn about invoice pricing and get the BEST PRICE on vehicles in your local area!
Cybertruck Vinyl Foundation Badges - Easy DIY Install - TESBROS
The Foundation badges are pretty small, so we took time to find the right vinyl material that would make it easier to work with, measured the OEM Foundation badge to get the correct placement, and then made an easy vinyl guide so you can install it success
Tesla Cybertruck Range Increases by 10%
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Tesla Cybertruck Owner Review | 3 Months 6,000 Miles
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