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#腕時計 #moonswatch #missiontothemoonphase とんでもないことになりそうです。 3/26(火)販売。 ▼MISSION TO THE MOONPHASE(公式) https://www.swatch.com/ja-jp/bioceramic-moonswatch/mission-to-the-moonphase.html
【ムーンスウォッチ×スヌーピー】MISSION TO THE MOONPHASEへの初見リアクション【ヤバすぎコラボ】
#腕時計 #moonswatch #missiontothemoonphase やば。としか言えないですね……! ▼公式サイト「MISSION TO THE MOONPHASE」 https://www.swatch.com/ja-jp/bioceramic-moonswatch/mission-to-the-moonphase.html
SpaceX: Elon Musk's Starship rocket launches on third test flight
Elon Musk's SpaceX company has conducted a third test flight of the most powerful rocket ever built. The Starship cleared its launch pad in Texas, separated from its "Super Heavy Booster" and began coasting at an altitude of 145 miles. It was eventually de
SpaceX Starship: BIGGEST Rocket Burns Up In Atmosphere! Was It a Success?
Go to https://myradar.com/ to get the best-rated weather app there is for Android, iOS & Windows! Weather as you've never seen it before! Starship clears the tower for the third time! How did it go? Was it a success? Rocket Lab launches another mission! As
SpaceX's Starship rocket successfully blasts off | FULL LAUNCH
SpaceX has successfully launched Starship rocket on it's third test flight – the previous two ended in explosions. Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews Connect with CTV News: For live updates and latest headlines visi
AO VIVO: Terceiro lançamento do Starship, foguete lunar da SpaceX
Acompanhe ao vivo com o Mensageiro Sideral, com comentários do astrônomo Cassio Barbosa, o terceiro lançamento orbital do veículo Starship da SpaceX. A janela se abre às 9h (de Brasília) e perdura por 110 minutos. Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios
LIVE: SpaceX performs third test launch of Starship rocket | NBC News
Watch live coverage as SpaceX launches its mega rocket Starship in its third test from the Starbase launch site in Boca Chica, Texas. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more NBC video: http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC News Digit
SPACEX | What we learned from Starship rocket launch
CTV science and technology expert Dan Riskin breaks down the successful launch of SpaceX's Starship rocket and what the goals of the flight are. Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews Connect with CTV News: For live upd
SpaceX's Starship makes it to space, but is lost before splashdown
SpaceX's Starship mega-rocket launched from Texas on its third test flight on Thursday, reaching an altitude of 160 kilometres and achieving orbital velocity. But it broke up before its planned splashdown in the Indian Ocean. Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/n
Watch: SpaceX successfully launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 3rd test flight
SpaceX's Super Heavy-Starship rocket appeared to launch according to plan on its third test flight Thursday morning from Boca Chica, Texas. Two previous test flights had ended with explosions. See the full launch. CBS News Streaming Network is the premier
SpaceX Notches Longest Starship Flight Before Losing Rocket
SpaceX launched its Starship rocket into space in a critical test, sending the colossal craft farther and faster than it had ever flown before it was lost while returning to Earth. The mission, which featured several key demonstrations of the craft’s capab
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?日本「探月小車」玩具商做的? 【57新聞王 精華篇】20240312
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?美中爭月球「日玩具商躍新勢力」? 鴻海「大漲爆天量」賺太空財?「珍珠號」劍指下一代通訊、電動車? 馬斯克最強火箭「第三次試飛」練太空點火?「最緊張的」是NASA? #衛星 #鴻海 #月球 #珍珠號 #電動車 #馬斯克 #火箭 #NASA #太空 #玩具商 #嫦娥 #天網 #密寶
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?日本「探月小車」玩具商做的? 【57新聞王 精華篇】20240312
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?美中爭月球「日玩具商躍新勢力」? 鴻海「大漲爆天量」賺太空財?「珍珠號」劍指下一代通訊、電動車? 馬斯克最強火箭「第三次試飛」練太空點火?「最緊張的」是NASA? #衛星 #鴻海 #月球 #珍珠號 #電動車 #馬斯克 #火箭 #NASA #太空 #玩具商 #嫦娥 #天網 #密寶 ※本節目與分析師所推介個股,無不當之財務利益關係,資料僅供參考,投資人應獨立判斷,審慎評估並自負投資風險。 這不是新聞 熱話題:https://www.youtube.com/c/這不是新聞 週一至週五2
習近平表情扭曲、怒目敲桌斥責趙樂際 脫序的中國兩會後河北大爆炸如戰場!?【關鍵時刻】20240313-1 劉寶傑 黃世聰 吳子嘉 黃暐瀚 林廷輝 姚惠珍 張禹宣
詭異!外媒漏網鏡頭「習近平喝茶後表情痛苦糾結」 兩會一連串不尋常透漏了… 河北今噴「巨大火球」夷平整棟樓 一連串詭異爆炸未平息將引爆「失控的中國」? 身體有恙?「十里挑擔不換肩」的習近平在兩會閉幕上竟現「皺眉緊閉雙眼」表情! 民怨衝著習近平而來?從江蘇到新華門再到河北燕郊今日大爆炸 背後有「詭」?! 中國內外遇死局?兩會傳一陣「敲桌聲」 竟是習近平怒目公開訓斥趙樂際3分鐘!? 政法單位張軍報告時李強打小報告? 習近平當眾「敲桌」教訓人大委員長趙樂際! 兩會剛閉幕北京近郊驚傳大爆炸 傳「內有招待所」建築物狂燒
【全集】「推背圖」預言習近平恐遇血光之災? 陸富豪成箭靶?鞋王將退市!-【57新聞王】20240312
00:00 男童6求救警訊被無視?「3證據」打臉兒福卸責…衛福部也是幫兇!? 10:28 低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?日本「探月小車」玩具商做的? 23:11 習近平簽「主席令」!40年首修「組織法」! 甩經濟爛攤、擴權擺優先? 35:25 「第一擊」定義模糊!CNN:台灣變得更危險!? 揭中科院極機密雷護計畫!? 拒家屬探視、無訪視紀錄…兒福講不清!還在拗!? 拿舊照充探訪照、「求救眼神」誆感冒…兒福呼嚨家屬沒在怕!? 鴻海「大漲爆天量」賺太空財?「珍珠號」劍指下一代通訊、電動車? 馬斯克最強火箭「第三次
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?日本「探月小車」玩具商做的?-【57新聞王 精華篇】20240312-2
低軌衛星戰新局「鴻海升空」?美中爭月球「日玩具商躍新勢力」? 鴻海「大漲爆天量」賺太空財?「珍珠號」劍指下一代通訊、電動車? 馬斯克最強火箭「第三次試飛」練太空點火?「最緊張的」是NASA? #衛星 #鴻海 #月球 #珍珠號 #電動車 #馬斯克 #火箭 #NASA #太空 #玩具商 #嫦娥 #天網 #密寶 ◆加入新聞王會員【新聞王祕聞全攻略】https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYo8FANgeH2ONA898HbzHKg/join 請敬請鎖定~東森財經新聞台57頻道~ 週一至
男童6求救警訊被無視?「3證據」打臉兒福卸責…衛福部也是幫兇!?@57newsking #shorts
全集:https://youtu.be/98lyeMDbOR8 #兒福聯盟 #衛福部 #保母 #衛星 #鴻海 #月球 #習近平 #富豪 #推背圖 #中科院 #共機 #漁船
【關鍵時刻全集】20240306 美日台技術「完美互補」AI算力6個月快10倍!?習近平推「國進民退」背道而馳超焦慮!?|劉寶傑
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LIVE! Space Crew 8 ISS Docking
1 個月前
 • 10 次觀看
LIVE! Space Crew 8 ISS Docking #SpaceX #Crew8 #NASA Join us for full LIVE coverage of Crew 8's arrival at the International Space Station . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- OUR MISSION: Our mission is to inform and inspire the explorers of t