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Running Android apps on Linux: It's very close, but...
Download the State of Enterprise Linux Security Management Report here: https://tuxcare.org/ponemon_report Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly podcast, vote on t
Elon to open source Twitter, PopOS 22.04, and Ubuntu says no to Flatpak - Linux and open source
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I
Easily moving Linux installs
2 年前
 • 370 次觀看
Are you tired of having to reset all your app settings on a new install? Using a simple tool you will never have to reconfig your app settings again. Also adding new apps and programs are extremely simple and intuitive. Stop wasting your time and start us
There will NEVER be a year of the Linux desktop, but...
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I
Razer makes a Linux laptop, Duck Duck Go Browser, and Ubuntu 22.04 - Linux and Open Source News
Install the Startpage Privacy protection extension for free: https://add.startpage.com/en/protection/?campaign=4&source=aff Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly pod
Ubuntu 22.04 Review: It's GOOD again! + Kubuntu, Xubuntu, MATE, Budgie...
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I
How To Be A Linux User
2 年前
 • 284 次觀看
When you are new to a group, sometimes it's hard to fit in. New-to-Linux users often find that it is hard for them to fit in with longtime Linux users. So here are some tips on how you can start acting like a longtime Linux user...so you can fit in. MUS
Switch to these open source apps if you're stuck on Windows or Mac OS!
Download Safing's Portmaster, or subscribe to the SPN, and take control of your network traffic: https://safing.io/portmaster Get your Linux desktop or laptop here: https://slimbook.es/en/ Video credits: GIMP: Davies Media Design: https://www.youtube.
You Don't Choose Your Linux Distro. It Chooses You!
The one question that every Linux user asks when beginning their Linux journey is: "Which Linux distro should I choose?" In my opinion, you don't really choose a distro. The distro chooses you! WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? 💰 Patreon: https://ww
NFT是啥東西?|數位時代再革命!|@華視三國演議|#范疇 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|20220219
一件摸不著的NFT數位圖檔,竟可賣到700多萬美元?全球2021年NFT平台的交易總額竟然逼近400億美元?NFT 究竟是啥東西?它的魅力究竟何在?這只是一場同溫層的小眾經濟?還是數位金融時代的另一場大革命?不怕你不懂,就怕你不聽,請來聽聽跨界思考家范疇對他所謂”數位獨一品
工程師參加技術會議都在做些什麼? 第一個在地上打滾的演講者! MOPCON 2020 | conference | lightning talk | 工程師 Nic
這也是我第一次參加論壇形式的演講分享,感謝 MOPCON 邀約這次的主題「從開源專案的社會參與到建立第一筆產品收入」並且很榮幸能夠和「好想工作室 Howard」 及 「六角學院 乾太」同台分享 參加工程師技術會議就像是出遠門去充電,認識不同的人,也可以藉由議題分享學習到很多東西,甚至只要能獲得一個靈感,絕對都是成長上的養分 拍攝這支影片的目的,除了記錄自己的回憶,也希望和每一位工程師分享,希望大家未來都可以踴躍參加技術會議!! 在這個過程,透過交流可以增進自己的人脈和知識,甚至好的工作有時候就會這樣互相介紹
PotPlayer內建補幀、SVP、BFRC補幀效果對比 (要先看potplayer的教學喔
因為有網友再詢問這些補幀軟體的對比差異 我簡單弄了個小影片 分別使用了雙格影格(potplayer內建)、SVP、BFRC 大家可以慢慢觀看 基本上效果排列 優至劣是 BFRC→SVP→雙重影格 但BFRC跟SVP是各有優劣 SVP的偽影比較多,但會盡量每個影格都做補差格 流暢度基本上是一致的,支援性比較好,甚至能補到120fps以上,收費 BFRC在複雜場景補插效果會降低,但偽影就會比較不明顯 流暢度有不一致的情形、只支援AMD顯卡、官方說過不會有技術更新了,免費 參考參考 (國民老婆有版權刪除了=w=)
避廣告, 一鍵補幀, 增加畫面流暢度, 解決聲音大小聲問題!!PotPlayer 電腦必備播放器
PotPlayer是免費的播放軟體中 功能最多、花樣最多的軟體了😂😂😂 支援硬體解碼、多聲道多格式、串流播放 一鍵補差格、聲音標準化,超詳細的自訂功能 裡面一堆我也看不懂的奇妙設定選項🤣 避免被安裝廣告軟體,安裝過程要認真看喔😀 總之電腦必備的播放器,何況還免費來著!! 別再使用內建的media player了😱😱😱 感謝Ryan靖元 空幹王影片︰ https://youtu.be/ldaID6X-ap4 ---------------------------------------------------