
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
GenX Stories
1 個月前
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GenX Stories GenX Stories is a podcast about how the so-called “Lost Generation” found itself at midlife. Join hosts Eve, Lori, Chris & Courtney every other Wednesday for a fun and frank discussion about what made us and what’s next. We all have a GenX sto
The Radio Vagabond
2 個月前
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The Radio Vagabond Palle Bo is a long time radioproducer who has sold his house, car and all of his furniture so he could travel around the world. He has an ambition to visit every country in the world and you can join his trip in this podcast. Come along
從0到1 媒體人x斜槓(柚子貍&安妮動物園)
2 個月前
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從0到1 媒體人x斜槓(柚子貍&安妮動物園) 從0到1, 聊寵物溝通/聊塔羅密碼/聊潛意識投射/聊聲音優化 無所不聊, 媒體人的斜槓人生,願跟粉絲一起成長,彼此陪伴. 柚子貍 心靈捕手&生命教練所https://www.facebook.com/shomanto 柚子貍 寵物溝通 https://www.facebook.com/lovelifebea 柚子貍 塔羅密碼 https://reurl.cc/R6d3Z9 畢希琳 潛意識投射生命教練 https://reurl.cc/Q7pKro 畢希琳 聲音優
Mandy… so far…
2 個月前
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Mandy… so far… Previously “🦋 The Spirituality Cocoon 🦋” Now it’s just a mess of everything that is me, Mandy… so far… I tell my crazy life stories, from being a woman in STEM, working single mom, drug addicted alcoholic, beauty school dropout, Air Force ve
大姐不跑三點半 - 24h 營業中
2 個月前
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大姐不跑三點半 - 24h 營業中 不知道什麼是三點半? 恭喜你很幸福,沒品嚐過箇中苦澀。 我是跑過三點半的Selena 陳珮甄, 分享我踩過的雷,做你人生闖關攻略。 - S1主題 ➡ 協助你第一次轉職就上手🤘 S2開始講 👻職場鬼故事👻 邀請在職場上看到鬼的各位倖存者, 聊他們怎麼撐過去 繼續好好活著、活出自己的新生活與希望😎 職場上見鬼是過程, 人生中哪能不遇上幾個人渣(欸) 讓見鬼無數的姐 跟你分享內藏雞湯(?)的鬼故事 用別人的鬼故事療癒你: 最慘的不是只有你(拍肩) - 有什麼問題想問Selena
[#42]YO智事務所|律師也迷信?為什麼錄音室總是出問題 | 法客電台 BY 法律白話文運動 Plain Law Radio
【本集節目由 Zenyum 綻雅贊助播出】 💡Zenyum 要帶來隱形牙套,給予有需求的你! —— 🦷 隱形牙套可以讓你不怕不美觀,讓大家難以察覺你有戴牙套! Zenyum 綻雅希望讓牙齒矯正成為人人都可以負擔的產品,是市面上唯一能夠做到均一價無隱藏收費的隱形牙套品牌,提供最高12期分期零利率,每日最低只需要 200 元!全台超過160位國考認證牙醫師合作,為每位用戶設計個人專屬治療計畫! Zenyum的產品只分為兩種價格,分別為 72,000 (輕矯正)及 120,000 (全口矯正),另外只有需支付給診
1 個月前
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Culpable Explore unsettled true crime cases where culpability has yet to be established. Host Dennis Cooper covers new cases in Culpable: Case Review. In season one, Dennis explored the case of Christian Andreacchio, whose death in 2014 was ruled a suicide
2 個月前
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香蕉芭莎 Banana Bazaar
2 個月前
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香蕉芭莎 Banana Bazaar 这是一档纯主观、不严谨、不负责的节目。 三人行,必有一个脸臭的,一个嘴欠的,和一个爱上价值的。 来跟我们三个玩一会,在插科打诨扯闲篇里听听北美生活中的奇闻逸事、酸甜苦辣。也许会有你没听到过的故事,也许会有你没见到过的风景。蕉蕉、嗅嗅、菲茨威廉,用声音诚挚欢迎你的到来。 总之,生活是个笑话,你别哭着听它。 联系方式:bananathisway@gmail.com 小红书:香蕉芭莎 Banana Bazaar https://podcastle.ai/show/banana
2 個月前
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忽左忽右中国版 【此RSS Feed由喜马拉雅托管,建议您搜索订阅《忽左忽右》独立RSS Feed】 苹果播客2019年度最佳播客 这是一档JustPod旗下的沙龙访谈类播客节目,每周更新,试图为中文播客听众提供更多高质量的内容。JustPod是一家专注数字音频内容的初创企业,已陆续推出多档原创及品牌播客节目,包括《忽左忽右》《创业内幕》《贝望录》《转折点》。 节目主持:程衍樑,杨一 新浪微博: @忽左忽右leftright https://www.ximalaya.com/album/12817863 您
2 個月前
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哈哈日記 哈哈台的Podcast!由成員們共同主持,會聊節目幕後花絮,街訪辛酸血淚,或就我們自己閒聊,也可能邀受訪者回鍋,想聽我們聊什麼歡迎敲IG啦。 合作邀約 ► sales@porticomedia.com https://hahatai.firstory.io Fri, 13 Nov 2020 10:17:59 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #23|關於「性事」。約ㄆ遇乩童被要求拿香插,前列腺高潮的重點!在韓料餐廳做有夠出戲?蓋瑞GG很光滑。 【本集乾爹】 【紅犀牛】優惠傳送門:https://re
2 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
三步去哪裡 歡迎來到「三步去哪裡」 和你分享我們在助人工作學習與實踐歷程中的大小事 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/clb1s7qrf003c01x24jla3ko1 Tue, 29 Nov 2022 05:31:48 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 S5 EP5 驚!個案與社工發生強烈的身體吸引力|社工師考古題糾察隊2(上) 又來到社工師考古題糾察隊啦 這一集榮幸邀請到社工日常的小編汙汙和我們一起暢聊這一次的考古題 來看看
Before The Crowd B.T.C
2 個月前
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Before The Crowd B.T.C Before The Crowd is a podcast for young urban African adults that aims to provide a voice and a space for them to discuss and explore the various challenges and opportunities that come with navigating life.. Each episode delves into
Before The Crowd B.T.C
2 個月前
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Before The Crowd B.T.C Before The Crowd is a podcast for young urban African adults that aims to provide a voice and a space for them to discuss and explore the various challenges and opportunities that come with navigating life.. Each episode delves into
#12 政治歸YO智 |法白祝大家錢兔似錦,好運兔U | 法客電台 BY 法律白話文運動 Plain Law Radio
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckudnw7fn4tqg0870axzgirva (https://open.firstory.me/user/ckudnw7fn4tqg0870axzgirva) 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckudnw7fn4tqg0870axzgirva/comments (https://open.firstory.me/user/ckudnw7fn4tqg0870axz
Pink Taco Chronicles
2 個月前
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Pink Taco Chronicles Life experiences from a womans point of view Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kari-m4/support https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kari-m4 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Loving love Valentines is coming, and I love love. -
“You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast)
2 個月前
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“You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) In my everyday life I’m a writer and in my every-waking-second-of-my-life, I’m an adult with ADHD. I was diagnosed in my 30’s and did nothing about it and re-visited my diagnosis in my 40’s and am now with therapy, medicat
Anna Faris Is Unqualified
2 個月前
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Anna Faris Is Unqualified Relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types. New episodes every week! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. http://www.unqualified.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Kaitlyn Bristowe (Re-release) In this fl
Feel Good Friday
2 個月前
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Feel Good Friday Podcast about anything that comes to mind really. Movies, music, sports, food, the supernatural, nature, television, traveling, fashion, alcohol, history, love, parenting, animals, current events, education, private parts & so much more Su