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光頭老師教室最驚悚時刻! 一聲命令讓敵人Boss瞬間分身成4倍?! 包迪老師萬聖節特殊劇情! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
一年一度的萬聖節又再來臨啦! 光頭老師的教室一樣要舉辦派對來慶祝慶祝呢!! 但老師把要裝飾的南瓜燈弄不見了,需要我們去找!! 結果...我去找的時候他卻在後面打我?! 一邊追一邊打! 甚至還命令跳繩,讓跳繩直接變為4倍數來追我!! 這萬聖節驚喜也太恐怖了吧!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://goo.gl/k5ySNC ▶最新精華播放清單☛https://goo.gl/H9z7cd Baldi's Basics 原版遊戲:https://mystman12.itch.io/bald
Max Took The HIDE AND SEEK Challenge Too Far 👮 Airport Challenge With @MaxsPuppyDogOfficial
"Hide And Seek, BUT with Xray: Max's Incredible Airpost Challenge" offers an exhilarating twist to the classic game of hide and seek. Get ready for an epic game of hide and seek unlike any other. Max and Xray take their usual hide and seek game to new heig
Extreme Doll Makeover! || Barbie Comes to Life, DIY Clothes & Shoes by Zoom Go!
Your search for doll makeover ideas and funny situations ends here, folks! This crafty lady is giving us some amazing doll transformation ideas. With these barbie makeover ideas, this ugly doll is now pretty! Plus, we get to catch some funny moments too! S
Maddie Jannie & Friends Run Their Own Pizza Drive Thru Restaurant: Creative and Fun Pretend Play
In this video, we see Maddie, Jannie, Lyndon, Eric, and Charlotte having a blast with their pizza drive-thru restaurant toy. The toy comes complete with a miniature restaurant setup, complete with a drive-thru window, order counter, and a small pizza oven.
玩具觀光工廠驚嚇之旅〖Poppy Playtime ep.1〗遊戲實況精華|什麼意思|
非常感謝我們的不好意思(對就是你們觀眾的名稱)-容流 把我們的遊戲實況剪輯成精華影片! 追逐戰太刺激了 可以好好回味 請大家一起謝謝他! ((也歡迎大家幫我們剪實況 ((誤? 快點追蹤我😤: 謙IG📸https://www.instagram.com/da_chien_huang/ 儒IG📸https://www.instagram.com/peng_yan_ru/ 謙FB📖 https://www.facebook.com/HuangDaChien/ 儒FB📖https://www.facebook.co
Haarsh Ne Golla Ke Liye Laya Bada Gift | Bharti Ka Khana | Bharti Singh | Haarsh Limbachiyaa
Hi Doston, Iss vlog mein Papa aur bete ki masti khatam hi nai hoti hai❤️ Also mene itne dino baad Haarsh ke liye khana banaya, kya lagta hai aapko Haarsh mere khane ki tareef karega ki nahi? Jaanne ke liye dekho pura video! Dekho full video aur maze karo.
Playtime for Young Kea Birds | Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth
For these young Kea birds, there is always time to play. This apparently carefree behaviour helps establish long-lasting relationships between the youngsters, and even diffuses tension. Meet the animals inhabiting our fragile frozen worlds. ❄️ #FrozenPlane
老師直接騎在胖學生身上!? 最誇張籃球對決! 玩到老師臉黑黑!! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
新年期間不去拜年,反而跑去找老師PK籃球!? 老師還一口氣玩8顆籃球?!! 但...老師的籃球技術太爛啦!! 玩到後面直接臉黑黑,想要衝過來打人啦!! 打球變打人!! 而且老師他還直接騎在其他學生身上!? 把他們當做坐騎一樣騎過來了?!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https:/
光頭老師把學生的聖誕禮物搞沒了?? 聖誕老人被針對?! 學生的反擊!! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
聖誕節終於又再來臨啦!! 果然晚上就會有聖誕老人偷偷來送禮物呢~ 但光頭老師在學校裝了超強警報!! 聖誕老人直接被老師給追著趕跑了?? 還被強迫寫作業??! 隔天學生拿不到禮物直接生氣,對老師展開報復?! 而且學生超強的啦!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://goo
🚆火车咔嚓咔嚓 库咔库咔🚆 | 大合集 | 儿童学习 | 儿歌童谣 | 英文ABC和123 | CoComelon 中文
JJ,TomTom和YoYo和爺爺一起在家玩並了解兒童火車!你能在火車上看到什麽?跟著CoComelon一起唱歌,學習“火車之歌” 点击订阅我们吧! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9oCMwabf-4jTTC3GN4hjew?sub_confirmation=1 CoComelon的主要目标是製作具有娱乐性和教育性的儿
光頭老師有音樂教室彩蛋啦! 解鎖最詭異的模式方法! 玩家被困在遊戲?! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered
再次回來到光頭老師的教室啦!! 這次要去破關老師的Demo教室並尋找彩蛋!! Demo教室非常的有趣! 回答作業都用機器與氣球,而且還有各種奇怪的天災發生啊! 水災, 煙霧, 甚至世界顛倒都可能啊!! 但最後還發現了超詭異的模式...紅衣人被困在遊戲內?! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂
你你你還有你,來陪我一起打遊戲,好麼? 🕹️🎮 Let's play video games together 🕹️🎮 Play is our brain’s f...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rainnie 詩詩 | Influencer | Cancer Survivor (@petite_rain)
【Poppy Playtime系列】原來Poppy根本沒上火車!?下一站PLAYCARE!😎居然可以看到火車翻覆的畫面🤣讓我們繼續把這遊戲玩壞!解密篇EP3!【恐怖遊戲】【至尊星】
好多小星星私訊我想看的第二章用控制台惡搞遊玩第三集來了! 喜歡這種腦洞大開的玩法別忘記幫影片留下喜歡,或許我會出更多唷! ★達到1500個喜歡,一起召喚下一集吧!★ 擁有正能量,天天都開星! 近期發片時間:不定時發片 (沒意外固定1.3.5的下午3:30,六日的8:30,有意外就
ALL FNAF 1 2 3 4 5 6 UCN SB All Jumpscares Simulator VS POPPY PLAYTIME *ALL JUMPSCARES*
All FNAF Jumpscares vs Poppy Playtime jumpscares. Use code IULITMX for 10% discount: https://store.poppyplaytime.com/?ref=IULITM POPPY PLAYTIME FULL PLAYLIST: https://bit.ly/3jxEpy2 Poppy Playtime Chapter 2: https://store.steampowered.com/
Jurassic World – “Snap Squad Attitudes” – Official Music Video | Mattel Action!
An all-new Squad of dinosaurs are back with ferocious attitudes! Sing along to our newest tune about 8 dinos including: T. Rex, Triceratops, Dimorphodon, Stegosaurs, Baryonyx and Velociraptor, but watch out because sometimes the tiniest dinosaurs have t
忘了慶祝光頭老師的生日讓他發飆!? 購買到詛咒娃娃變成SCP啦!! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
光頭老師的生日在4月1日,但是我們現在才想起來!! 讓老師一個人等了超久!!! 過去見老師結果...他超生氣!! 直接發飆想把我趕跑!!! 校長也直接氣到離校了!? 而且他們還被SCP詛咒了?! 購買了奇怪的東西導致全部人變SCP臉啦!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://go
光頭老師半夜在學校睡覺被抬?!! 成為小偷遇到夢遊跳繩王者!! ➤ 恐怖遊戲 ❥ Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
嘿嘿嘿~學校目前還在關閉中啊,因為我沒錢所以打算回來偷東西!! 但是老師居然在學校走廊睡覺了?!! 原本不理他結果...直接觸發警報啦!! 校長直接衝過來把老師抬起來追我?!! 跳繩還可以一邊睡覺一邊跳繩捆綁人?!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://goo.gl/k5ySNC
海洋公園全新活動:Chill Out @ The South! (ft. 張繼聰)
【有Wine有Dine有Show睇!】 張繼聰明目張膽 去Chill Out,真係唔怕老婆嬲?原來係去咗海洋公園全新夜間限定活動﹣「英國保誠呈獻︰Chill Out @ The South」!三大至Chill 主題包括「清酒嚐味祭」、「Chill爽啤酒音樂夜」及「星級美酒佳餚薈」,只須$168起,就可以歎盡超過100種國際美食及200款世界美酒! 仲有機會睇埋小塵埃、陳柏宇、黃劍文、趙學而、Dear Jane、連詩雅、駱振偉Thor、Nowhere Boys、Supper Moment、AGA江海迦、Rob
寰亞電影發行《5月天諾亞方舟3D》首映禮花絮(30秒版) 今日 震撼香港
寰亞電影官方Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/MediaAsia 寰亞電影官方新浪微博: http://weibo.com/mediaasia 寰亞電影官方騰訊微博: http://t.qq.com/mediaasia 寰亞電影官方Instagram: http://instagram.com/mediaasia 《5月天諾亞方舟3D》是耗時兩年、斥資台幣一億五千萬元製作的3D演唱會電影,不只跨越各大城市用3D拍攝演唱會現場,還有一架遙控空拍直升機航拍來呈現盛大場面。此