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7 個月前
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If you want to serialize a secret in a text format, encrypt it first, then, base64. #programming #security
भारतीय चिप चली अमेरिका | Apple iPhone 15 Pro to feature this ISRO technology NavIC satellite system
भारतीय चिप चली अमेरिका | Apple iPhone 15 Pro to feature this ISRO technology NavIC satellite system. However, it's beneath the surface where the true innovation of the iPhone 15 series comes to light. Apple has integrated precision dual-frequency GPS, incl
The Unity Drama (A Dev's Perspective)
8 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
Unity is a decent game engine. It's a bit rougher as a company. I'm scared to think about how this will affect the industry ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): http
Unity Is Doing What??? | Prime Reacts
8 個月前
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Recorded live on twitch, GET IN https://twitch.tv/ThePrimeagen Lana Lux!!!! she is the best https://twitch.tv/lana_lux https://twitter.com/wtfLanaLux Her Hot Take: https://youtu.be/pPrGGfbFQeI?si=hn8zlwkes88Rzn8l Please subscribe to her!!! Reviewed article
10 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
Get PayPal Honey for FREE today ▸ https://joinhoney.com/codebullet Honey finds coupons with one click. Thanks to Honey for sponsoring! MERCH ▸ https://www.codebulletshop.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/code_bullet Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CodeBull
OpenAI Embeddings and Vector Databases Crash Course
10 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
Embeddings and Vectors are a great way of storing and retrieving information for use with AI services. OpenAI provides a great embedding API to do this. Postman lets you make these with easy at https://www.postman.com/ (today's sponsor) In this video we wi
#ChatGPT #Worldcoin #AI 更多影片: 美債危機總整理! https://youtu.be/-xXbdQlgd3A 蘋果居然是世界上最大的銀行?! https://youtu.be/oR1lVBlDcr0 微軟AI Copilot 史上最強AI!不要問我為什麼跪著! https://youtu.be/1RDf-mn3mPY __ *Ledger冷錢包: https://shop.ledger.com/?r=57768e953ed3 *Bitget 『領取5005U』:https://pa
ヤマハ発動機 ジュニアプログラミング教室
ヤマハ発動機では、子供たちが、バーチャルの世界だけでなく、実物を手に取り試行錯誤する過程を経験する中で、“プログラミングでものを動かす楽しさ” を知ってもらう機会を、これからも提供してまいります。 ジュニアプログラミング教室の詳細はこちら https://global.yamaha-motor.com/jp/showroom/kids/junior-programming/
AMD's Hidden $100 Stable Diffusion Beast!
1 年前
 • 50 次觀看
Thanks to Gigabuster.EXE for his help! https://forum.level1techs.com/t/mi25-stable-diffusions-100-hidden-beast/194172/1 ********************************** Check us out online at the following places! https://bio.link/level1techs *IMPORTANT* Any email lacki
為什麼我不去接案公司?軟體工程師的分析與心得! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
軟體工程師的職涯道路選擇有很多種,從技術的前端、後端、Mobile 等等 公司的種類也會影響你在職涯當中 Domain Know How 的累積 人生很多時候是刪去法,先找到不喜歡的,勝過不知道怎麼選 所以我在能加入的眾多公司類型中,從職涯初期的規劃 就會刻意排掉接案公司,其中的原因就跟我一起來看看影片吧! 也歡迎底下留言理性討論囉! ScreenBar Halo 商品連結:https://benqurl.biz/3MG0NVI ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直
AutoGPT: An Interesting Autonomous GPT-4 Experiement #coding #programming #ai
Auto GPT-4 is an “autonomous GPT-4 experiment”, or in other words, just letting GPT-4 do whatever it wants by giving it access to things like the browser, code interpreters, and a lot of other things. Of course, you have to provide a basic description of t
🤯 GitHub gives us GPT-4 in CODE with Copilot X
GitHub just added a ton of new AI features to their offerings. Copilot-X is not just code hints anymore, but a whole suite of tools. 👀 *Gear I use:* https://www.amazon.com/shop/alexziskind ▶️ How to get Copilot FREE - https://youtu.be/Ybo1qq1ZcFE ▶️ github
AI 幫忙寫程式!? ChatGPT 會取代軟體工程師嗎? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
ChatGPT 能夠完成各式各樣的工作 連軟體工程師的守備範圍 程式碼也能透過 AI 快速產出 更不用說他還可以講解程式設計的細節給你知道 面對這一波 AI 強勢來襲 軟體工程師真的會逐漸沒落嗎? 在這支影片分享我的看法,一起來看看吧 (上片太久,結果現在出 ChatGPT-4 了 XD) ━━━━━ 相關連結 ━━━━━━━ ChatGPT 生活應用臉書社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2152027081656284 ChatGPT JB 越獄指令 https://g
GPT-4 : Napkin Developer
1 年前
 • 87 次觀看
GPT-4 is pretty impressive, especially with the new image parsing capabilities. That gap between AI and your job is closing, make sure to level up. #chatgpt #gpt4 #softwareengineer ▶️ coders won't SURVIVE in the new world - https://youtu.be/Y4jBxd_Rc4Q ▶️
1 年前
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An NES game that computes the digits of pi. Become a Patron - https://patreon.com/NesHacker Buy my t-shirt (Amazon Affiliate Link) - https://amzn.to/3ksOPmR Get the ROM - https://github.com/NesHacker/NesPi/raw/main/nes-pi.nes See the Code - https://github.
How I Coded An Entire Game Using ChatGPT
1 年前
 • 80 次觀看
For web hosting, go to https://www.hostinger.com/nick and enter the promo code NICKWHITE at checkout to get a FREE domain and an EXTRA 10% off. The game is live! - https://matchthatpokemon.com/ Try ChatGPT! - https://openai.com/ Preparing For Your Coding I
軟體工程師等級!! 你對應的哪一階? 應該要領多少薪水? 職涯成長框架解析!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
影片開頭的課程問卷連結,再麻煩各位幫忙填寫囉 http://bit.ly/3IqQEKj 自從接觸管理職之後 我更明白職涯等級規劃的重要性 也因為在這個位置學習挑戰這些事 必須得規劃團隊未來走向跟人員編排 目前我修改過後的版本在團隊內試行一陣子 基本上能夠給大家一個成長的方向跟等級認知 所以做了這支影片想分享給更多的軟體工程師 一起來看看影片 和我分享你自己在哪一個等級囉! == 影片中提及的連結 == Dropbox 職涯框架:https://dropbox.github.io/dbx-career-fr
The AI wars: Google vs Bing (ChatGPT)
1 年前
 • 25 次觀看
Discussing the latest events surrounding large language models, chatbots, and search engines with respect to Microsoft and Google. Neural Networks from Scratch book: https://nnfs.io Channel membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48g
Is the Beelink SEi12 i5-1240P the Queen Bee of Mini PCs?
https://www.bee-link.com/catalog/product/index?id=402 ********************************** Check us out online at the following places! https://bio.link/level1techs *IMPORTANT* Any email lacking “level1techs.com” should be ignored and immediately report