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I Bought a FAKE PS5 for $34!
1 年前
 • 108 次觀看
I bought a Fake PS5 for $34! Finding PS5 stock can be really hard, and also expensive! But what about trying out a fake PlayStation from Wish? This is the GS5, the GameStation 5 that is an emulator for old 8 Bit games! MY FAVOURITE SOFTWARE 💻
Quick Resume DO PS5 - PS5 VS XBOX 😎#SHORTS
1 年前
 • 137 次觀看
quem tem o melhor quick resume ====================AJUDE O CANAL==================== O conteúdo desse vídeo te ajudou? Considere fazer uma pequena doação para ajudar a manter o canal ativo ^^ CHAVE PIX: 79999280164 E SEJA MUITO BEM VINDO #
Окончена. Зачем Sony купила Bungie. Полный расклад
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"Stalker 2 ТОЧНО выйдет на PS5!" | Сонибои в ОТЧАЯНИИ | "Halo Infinite - ПОЗОР Xb
После презентации Xbox на E3 многие фанаты PS5 ушли в подполье, лелея мысль о том что Sony нанесет ответный удар своей презентацией в Июле. Stalker 2, Ha
PS5 vs Xbox Series X - The Showdown
3 年前
 • 29 次觀看
PS5 or Xbox Series X... Which next gen game console will you choose? The Sony PlayStation 5 receives a completely new look while the Microsoft Xbox Series X aims to keep things simple. These new consoles are capable of playing games in 4K at up to 120fps.