
1 天內
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1 年內
Magnum Saves Higgins from an Early Grave | Magnum P.I. | NBC
Magnum (Jay Hernandez) and TC (Stephen Hill) find Higgins (Perdita Weeks) and Rick (Zachary Knighton) in a hostage situation, and some quick thinking turns the tables on their assailants. Watch Magnum P.I. Sundays at 9/8c on NBC and streaming on Peacock. #
I have news! It’s about Noa…
1 年前
 • 51 次觀看
Noa! We accompanied her to see the ophthalmologist… and she is looking absolutely wonderful! Her foster loves her dearly and, as she is also a veterinarian, not even her tiny problems go untreated. Noa is really a force of nature! She is like us… she never
I have news! It’s about Noa…
1 年前
 • 49 次觀看
Noa! We accompanied her to see the ophthalmologist… and she is looking absolutely wonderful! Her foster loves her dearly and, as she is also a veterinarian, not even her tiny problems go untreated. Noa is really a force of nature! She is like us… she never
Drone footage shows olive field split in HALF by huge fault line after Southern Turkey earthquakes
The Sun newspaper brings you the latest breaking news videos and explainers from the UK and around the world Become a Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: http://www.thesun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebo
▌土耳其搜救隊傳來好消息 「瓦礫堆中挖出16嬰」皆無傷 👉 https://t.co/gHJpPeU4yq (示意圖非當事嬰兒/達志影像提供)
▌土耳其搜救隊傳來好消息 「瓦礫堆中挖出16嬰」皆無傷👉 https://t.co/gHJpPeU4yq(示意圖非當事嬰兒/達志影像提供)#FTV圖文 #土耳其強震 #嬰兒 #救援 #TurkeySyriaEarthquake #Turkey #rescue pic.twitter.com/y1muJ3byCM— 民視新聞 FTV Taiwan NEWS (@FTV_News_Taiwan) February 9, 2023
921大地震土耳其第一個來台救援! 網喊:換我們幫忙了|小編推新聞20230207
祈禱不要再有傷亡,天佑土耳其🥺〈#停不下來編〉 #土耳其 #地震 #救援 更多相關新聞嚨底家👇 「AKUT救援會」曾派17人援救921 台網友湧入臉書打氣:天佑土耳其 https://ctsnews.page.link/yzRRz 🟡一鍵訂閱華視新聞YOUTUBE頻道 https://pse.is/CTS_YT 🔴華視新聞24小時LIVE直播 https://pse.is/CTSNewsLive - 🔔加Line收快訊 http://pse.is/CTS_Line 📱用APP滑新聞 https://cts.
International teams arrive in Turkey as search for survivors continues following earthquakes
International rescue missions have rushed to Turkey and Syria after one of the most powerful earthquakes to hit the region in at least a century left more than 4,800 people dead, thousands injured and an unknown number trapped in the rubble. Subscribe to G
“是寵物,更是家人!”陪伴了13年的狗狗被人惡意投毒,主人哭得撕心裂肺,看得淚流.....#狗狗 #寵物 #淚崩 #流淚 #動物 #情感 #動物保護法 #西高地白梗
“是寵物,更是家人!”陪伴了13年的狗狗被人惡意投毒,主人哭得撕心裂肺,看得淚流..... 如果你喜歡我的頻道,歡迎你的訂閱,謝謝! #暖心 #溫暖 #正能量 #正義 #救援 #幫助 #善良 #可愛 #溫情 #情感 #感動 #感人 #淚目 #淚崩 #故事 #感人故事 #暖聞 #驚喜 #朋友 #夥伴 #友誼
Boden’s Fed Up with the Tension Between Severide and Kidd | NBC’s Chicago Fire
Boden (Eamonn Walker) gives Severide (Taylor Kinney) and Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) a stern talking to when the tension between them starts impacting the workplace. Watch One Chicago Wednesdays starting at 8/7c on NBC and streaming on Peacock. » Subscr
《幫幫龍家族1艾奇小隊》E14 我也想當英雄_ I Want To Be A Hero | 兒童卡通動畫 | 恐龍 | 早教 | 安全教育 | Toys | Robot Dino | GOGODINO
✿ 《幫幫龍家族1艾奇小隊》全集觀看 | Full Episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRJYKuercVpksxnEsMw00hRC8WS4I0tx #GOGODINO #幫幫龍出動 #dinosaurs
颱風來襲,老鷹突發狂撞車窗,男人嚇壞打開後,下秒老鷹的反應惹人吃驚...... |#老鷹 #動物 #颱風
歡迎訂閱 👉👉 https://bit.ly/37EfXsj 男人剛踏上無人島,一個奇怪生物突然襲來,他看清後臉色大變...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYunKnOwEBU 受虐獅虎熊獲救後相伴15年,當獅子和老虎相繼去世了,熊的反應惹無數人淚崩....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Rescued fish carried in bags from Berlin's giant AquaDom hotel after aquarium explosion
Rescued fish were carried from the AquaDom hotel in Berlin after an aquarium containing 1,500 exotic species exploded. This footage shows the scene as the salvaged fish were carried in bags from the wreck as crews worked to clear the wreck. Two people we
母獅躺地狂哭3天,攝影師好奇上前,隨後這一幕卻讓他淚流滿面...|#不可思議 #奇跡 #震撼 #獅子 #救援 #動物 #重逢 #暖心 #感動 #感人 #奇聞 #新聞 #驚人 #哭
歡迎訂閱 👉👉 https://bit.ly/37EfXsj 狗狗把豹子當兒子養大,多年後再次相見,獵豹的反應惹人淚崩... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA1vrp4bZgE 老虎突襲!猛撲攻擊嚇呆旁人!沒想到下秒竟秒變乖巧大貓撒嬌討摸! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itpX1SZHSxY 野
大家好!這裡是愛寵大作戰,我將帶領大家走進溫暖治愈的小動物的世界,關愛小動物,讓我們一起來發現這些小傢伙給我們帶來的超多驚喜吧~ 往期精彩: 小狐狸在農場被救,成天和狗狗膩在一起竟成為朋友,跨越物種的友誼讓人感動落淚#跨越物種#小狐狸#友誼#溫暖治愈 https://yout
暴雪封山!飢餓瘦熊膽怯進店討食,老闆見狀竟做意外之舉!|#動物 #救援 #驚險 #刺激 #暖心 #震撼 #不可思議 #感人故事 #奇跡 #感動 #新聞 #反應 #驚人 #真實故事 #鏡頭
歡迎訂閱 👉👉 https://bit.ly/37EfXsj 烏鴉坐火車看恩人!不料錢不夠當場傻眼,隨後為買票牠竟做了這件事! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCf30kr2jFM 3年後再見養子!男人橫跨地球與獅子再續「父子情」!沒想到獅子秒認激動爆哭:終於見到你! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze5-ZN3EH9o 老虎看小貓咪不順眼,跳起來按著打!沒想到卻反被...委屈畫面流出網笑翻! https://www.youtube.com
狗狗連續三月對寵物醫院狂吠,主人不解查看監控,背後原因超乎眾人想象!#奇跡 #反轉 #意想不到 #不可思議 #心靈脈衝
歡迎訂閱,一個有溫度的頻道! 👉👉 https://bit.ly/3F4N6Zj 推薦觀看 ⬇️ 收養的狗狗喜歡「偷」東西,被主人教訓仍不悔改,背後的真相卻讓眾人落淚.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyynDMzVsR0 家中狗狗懷孕,臨盆時竟生下一奇怪生物!專家:「千年難得一見!」 htt
PJ Masks in Real Life | The Mirror Masks | Pretend Play Super Heroes | PJ Masks Official
►Subscribe for more PJ Masks videos: http://bit.ly/2gsj5gv PJ Masks in Real Life | The Mirror Masks | Pretend Play Super Heroes | PJ Masks Official #Cartoons #LIVE #Superhero By day 6 year olds Connor, Amaya and Greg go to school like everyone e
企鵝替恩人上街買魚!原價砍半不夠還要買一送一,殺價超狠老闆秒傻眼!#動物 #奇跡 #不可思議 #震撼 #震驚 #驚人 #新聞 #鏡頭記錄 #企鵝 #真實故事 #野生動物 #救援 #買菜 #生活 #治愈
歡迎訂閱 👉👉 https://bit.ly/37EfXsj 黑熊緊跟3歲流浪男孩!隨後發生的事情震撼所有人! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zYH8KaDtyE 男人偶然救下瀕死花豹,當暴雨來襲時,他竟在家中看見這一幕! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0eHS2286ZI 世界上最大的貓!男
Woman Calls 911 After Being Stuck Upside Down at the Gym
An Ohio woman called 911 after being stuck upside down on a gym's inversion table. Christine Faulders went to work out with a friend at 3 a.m. when she got stuck upside down. She called for her friend but he could not hear her. After hanging upside down