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★ 加入官方粉專掌握最新消息:https://goo.gl/QWs7k7 = 比遙遠更遙遠的距離就是【#愛上觸不到的你】FIVE FEET APART ;3月29日感動上映! 💖 浪漫催淚更勝【生命中的美好缺憾】! 💖【小查與寇弟的頂級生活】【河谷鎮】寇爾史普洛茲 魅力主演! #長大變魅力男神 #強烈建議戴耳機看預告 『比遙遠更遙遠的距離是,無法觸碰的愛情』 17歲史黛拉和威爾同為「囊狀纖維化症」患者,並在同一間醫院接受治療。性格完全相反的兩人一開始互看不順眼,卻在不知不覺之間深深愛上了彼此。但為了控制病情
3月29日【愛上觸不到的你】FIVE FEET APART 前導預告┃浪漫催淚更勝【生命中的美好缺憾】!
★ 加入官方粉專掌握最新消息:https://goo.gl/QWs7k7 = 比遙遠更遙遠的距離就是【#愛上觸不到的你】FIVE FEET APART 前導預告;3月29日感動上映! 💖 浪漫催淚更勝【生命中的美好缺憾】! 💖【小查與寇弟的頂級生活】【河谷鎮】寇爾史普洛茲 魅力主演! #長大變魅力男神 #強烈建議戴耳機看預告 『比遙遠更遙遠的距離是,無法觸碰的愛情』 17歲史黛拉和威爾同為「囊狀纖維化症」患者,並在同一間醫院接受治療。性格完全相反的兩人一開始互看不順眼,卻在不知不覺之間深深愛上了彼此。但為了
The Order: Season 1 | Trailer Resmi [HD] | Netflix
Sihir. Monster. Dan... ujian tengah semester? Di Belgrave University, Jack Morton si mahasiswa baru bergabung dengan komunitas legenda rahasia. Di sana, ia terikutkan dalam permainan berbahaya tentang kehidupan dan kematian. Saat Jack terlibat semakin dala
The Order: Season 1 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
Magic. Monsters. And....midterms? At Belgrave University, college freshman Jack Morton joins a fabled secret society where he's thrust into a dangerous game of life or death. As Jack goes deeper, he uncovers dark family secrets and an underground battle be
《莎賓娜的驚慄奇遇》第 2 部 | 前導預告 [HD] | Netflix
凡人,準備好了,我們親愛的女孩莎賓娜已完完全全變成女巫。她穿過闇夜之道,卻不願放開走在光明之道上的朋友。4 月 5 日,《莎賓娜的驚慄奇遇》繼續上路。
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Teaser Bagian 2 [HD] | Netflix
Bersiaplah, hai manusia. Sang gadis sekarang sudah benar-benar menjadi penyihir. Bergabunglah dengan Sabrina saat ia menyusuri Jalur Penyihir sambil terus mempertahankan teman-teman manusianya. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina berlanjut tanggal 5 April.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Part 2 Teaser [HD] | Netflix
Get ready, mortals. Our girl's gone full witch. Join Sabrina as she navigates the Path of Night while holding on tight to her friends who walk the Path of Light. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina continue on 5 April.
《莎賓娜的驚慄奇遇》| 正式預告 [HD] | Netflix
半人半巫的莎賓娜(Kiernan Shipka 飾)歡度 16 歲生日之際,卻得在兩個世界之間抉擇:她該選擇家人身處的女巫世界,還是朋友所在的人類世界?莎賓娜在她的兩位阿姨(Miranda Otto 及 Lucy Davis 飾)、愛貓賽勒姆,以及男友哈維·金寇(Ross Lynch 飾)陪伴下,將一同在神秘小鎮格林戴爾面對可怕的力量,並展開種種新的刺激冒險。這部陰森詭秘的精彩影集由《河谷鎮》監製團隊精心炮製,《莎賓娜的驚慄奇遇》將於 10 月 26 日首播,Netflix 獨家。
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Happy Birthday Teaser | Netflix
A witch's 16th birthday is very special. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina tells the story of Sabrina Spellman (Kiernan Shipka), a half-witch half-mortal teenage girl. She’s been waiting her whole life for her 16th birthday, but something wicked this way
《莎賓娜的顫慄冒險》| 前導預告:生日快樂 | Netflix
每個女巫的 16 歲生日都是非常特別的。 《莎賓娜的顫慄冒險》講述半人半巫的少女莎賓娜·斯貝爾曼(Kiernan Shipka 飾)的故事。她從有記憶開始就已經期待著她的 16 歲生日。但邪惡降臨,迫使她必須在光明之道和闇夜之道之間抉擇。這部精彩的 Netflix 原創影集由《河谷鎮》的製作團隊全力打造,即將於 10 月 26 日上線。
Riverdale Comic-Con Trailer | Rotten Tomatoes TV
► Watch more from Comic-Con 2018: http://bit.ly/2uu9dpo AND watch Your Opinion Sucks LIVE Saturday @ 5pm PST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MpqzsDdLk8 Check out the new Riverdale Comic-Con Trailer starring K.J. Apa! Let us know what you think
Riverdale Star Lili Reinhart's Guide to Fresh-Faced Makeup | Beauty Secrets | Vogue
Because Lili Reinhart says she "breaks out all the time whether filming or not," the rising Riverdale star shares her on-set beauty secrets to perfectly glowing skin. Filmed by Lucas Flores Piran Still haven’t subscribed to Vogue on YouTube? ►► http://bit.
Create Custom Profiles on Netflix
7 年前
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Customise your viewing experience by creating your own profile on Netflix. You’ll get recommendations based on the shows you watch, so you’ll never run out of things to binge on. Discover new shows to love at http://www.netflix.com/sg
Netflix Trial and Subscription
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When you subscribe to Netflix, your first 30 days are on us. Binge on as many shows and movies as you want. And if you like what you see, you can keep subscribing for as low as $7.99sgd/month. Sign up at http://www.netflix.com/sg and let the binge-watching
Enjoy Netflix Downloads
7 年前
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Did you know that you can watch your favourite shows offline? Just download them with the Netflix app. So even if your internet signal goes missing, your series and movies will be right where you left them. Head over to http://www.netflix.com/sg and subscr
Choose the Right Streaming Plan
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Netflix offers a variety of streaming plans that suit your needs. Pick your resolution type and add up to three more users who can watch at the same time as you. Change your plan anytime you want and watch from as many devices as you want.
Watch Netflix on Any Device
7 年前
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You can find the Netflix app on pretty much any device. That means you can enjoy your favourite shows right away, no additional gadgets needed. Get your binge on at http://www.netflix.com/sg today.