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【LIVE 直播】府中搞什麼鬼 萬聖節 2022 Halloween in New Taipei, Taiwan
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 『Walking in the Rain|雨中漫步系列』https:/
Product Announcement of Cinema Line FX30 | Sony | α [Subtitle available in 21 languages]
SUBTITLE: You can turn on subtitles by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of the video screen. Then, click the settings icon next to the CC icon and select from 21 different languages. "Leap into the world of filmmaking" Watch the announcement of Cine
基隆海洋老鷹嘉年華全記錄|4K HDR Dolby Vision|Taiwan, Keelung Carnival 2022
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Keelung Station 基隆車站 07:38 Keelung Carnival 2022 基隆海洋老鷹嘉年華 08:35 Lan Yang Samba Dance 蘭陽森巴藝術舞團 09:18 森巴坊打擊樂團 10:24 大壯觀願景發展協會 12:15 濁水溪藝術舞蹈團 12:27 六堵社區發展協會 13:38 武崙里水患自主防災隊 14:05 建德國小 14:25 新北市青山國中森巴鼓隊 14:58 五福社區發展協會 15:34 西定國小 15:55
【LIVE 直播】淡水漁人碼頭仲夏煙火秀實況|Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf Summer Fireworks Festival
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 『Walking in the Rain|雨中漫步系列』https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLabjOVgE
[LIVE 直播] 台北大稻埕情人節煙火實況|Taipei LIVE Exploring - Dadaocheng Valentine's Day Fireworks Show
00:00 Zhongshan Station 中山站 02:57 Xinzhongshan Linear Park 心中山線形公園 10:37 Minsheng W. Rd. 民生西路 11:53 Chifeng Street 赤峰街 14:40 Minsheng W. Rd. 民生西路 17:30 Shuanglian Market 雙連市場 19:46 Ningxia Road Night Market 寧夏夜市 25:46 Nanjing W. Rd. 南京西路(浴衣小姊姊) 34:28 Dihua
【台北大稻埕】夏日漫步情歌音樂市集,碼頭放閃|4K HDR|Taipei Summer Walk - Dadaocheng Wharf, Valentine’s Concert, Bazaar
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:12 Dihua Street 迪化街商圈 04:23 Yongle Square 永樂廣場 05:01 Dadaocheng Valentine’s Concert 大稻埕情歌音樂會 06:41 Dadaocheng Bazaar 大稻埕市集 10:39 Xiahai City God Temple 台北霞海城隍廟 15:41 Shiba Inu 柴柴 17:41 Dadaocheng
【台北內湖】737夜市/美食商圈|4K HDR|Taipei Night Walk - 737 Night Market, Neihu|Taiwan Street Food
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Gangqian Station 港墘站 03:43 Sec. 1, Neihu Rd. 內湖路一段 06:45 Ln. 737 Shopping Street|737巷商店街 08:07 Sec. 1, Neihu Rd. 內湖路一段 09:12 737 Night Market|737巷夜市美食商圈 11:29 Shiba Inu 柴柴 Time:2022/7/7 6:20PM Ma
【台北大安】東門站~南門市場|4K HDR|Daan District Walking Tour, Taipei|Dongmen Station to Nanmen Market
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Dongmen Station 東門站 03:42 Ln. 114, Sec. 2, Xinyi Rd. 信義路二段114巷 05:36 Sec. 2, Jinshan S. Rd. 金山南路二段 07:50 Ln. 86, Sec. 2, Xinyi Rd. 信義路二段86巷 14:24 Ln. 21, Aiguo E. Rd. 愛國東路21巷 17:13 Nanmen Market 南門市場 Time:2022/6/10 12:00PM Map:https:
信義區虎林市場/永春市場~松山區饒河夜市|4K HDR|Taipei Walk from Xinyi to Songshan|Traditional Market to Night Marke
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Yongchun Station 永春站 02:49 Hulin Street Market 虎林街市場 21:41 TaipeiFu Chenghuang Temple 台北府城隍廟 28:44 Songshan Market 松山市場 29:40 Raohe Street Night Market 饒河街夜市 39:26 Cute Dog 48:16 Rainbow Bridge 彩虹橋
【新北新店】搭捷運賞螢-和美山步道|4K HDR|Firefly Forest Walk, Bitan, New Taipei, Taiwan
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Xindian Station 新店站 04:45 Xindian Old Street 新店老街 08:15 Bitan Suspension Bridge 碧潭吊橋 14:01 Hemei Mountain Trail 和美山步道 Time:2022/4/23 6:00pm Map:https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=149BFUdn9EESdl2ByfUU2Y
【桃園大溪】大溪老街/木博館群/月眉古道|4K HDR|Taoyuan Walk - Daxi Old Street, Taiwan
三峽老街/祖師廟 假日盛況|4K HDR|Sanxia Old Street, New Taipei, Taiwan
古樸的三峽民權老街,長約260公尺,有一百多座古老街屋,巴洛克式立面牌樓為其建築特色,民權街口的「三角湧街」路名至今仍然可見。老街上還有豐富的美食,有金牛角、豬血糕及手工豆花等小吃,是我非常喜歡的老街之一。 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分
台北站前商圈/城中市場/沅陵街|4K HDR|Taipei Walk from Day to Night - from Taipei Main Station to Ximen Station
00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10Taipei Main Station 台北車站 17:14 Caesar Park Taipei 台北凱撒大飯店 20:06 Guanqian Rd. 館前路 33:34 Taipei Lantern Festival 台北燈節 城隍燈區 35:33 Taipei City Police Department 臺北市政府警察局 39:36 City God Temple of Tai
【台北捷運-文湖線】南港展覽館→動物園|4K HDR|Taipei MRT Ride from Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center to Taipei Zoo
00:00 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 南港展覽館 05:16 Nangang Software Park 南港軟體園區 07:15 Donghu 東湖 08:56 Huzhou 葫洲 11:28 Dahu Park 大湖公園 13:08 Neihu 內湖 14:59 Wende 文德 16:40 Gangqian 港墘 18:15 Xihu 西湖 20:35 Jiannan Rd. 劍南路 22:20 Taipei Songshan Airport 臺北松山機場 23
[LIVE] 台北跨年-西門町~信義區101煙火|Taipei New Year's Eve 2022|Ximending to Xinyi|Taipei 101 Fireworks
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 『Walking in the Rain|雨中漫步系列』https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLabjOVgE
Taipei Walk - Linjiang Street Night Market|臨江街夜市/通化夜市解封現況|Taiwanese Street Food|4K HDR|Dolby Vis
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Linjiang Street N
Taipei Walk - Jingmei Night Market|景美夜市解封現況|Taiwanese Street Food|4K HDR
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:10 Jingmei Station 景
Top 20 markets in the world, No.3 : Miaokou Night Market, Keelung, Taiwan|基隆廟口夜市入選世界第3大著名市集,人潮爆滿
基隆廟口夜市被Tatler Asia獲選為世界20大著名美食市集的第3名,果然名不虛傳,不畏疫情,熱鬧到翻,這人潮真的嚇到我了! Keelung Miaokou Night Market placed 3rd on a recent “20 Of The World’s Most Famous Food Markets” list compiled by Tatler Asia. Hello
Taipei Walk - Nanjichang Night Market|Taiwanese Street Food|南機場夜市解禁現況|4K HDR
Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel. Hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk! Thank you for watching. 我的朋友們,感謝您的觀看 喜歡的話,記得幫我按讚,訂閱,分享! 00:00 Intro 開場簡介 02:08 Nanjichang Night