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STUDIO VLOG #103 🔥 Black Friday Small Business Sales & Preparation ... TOP SECRET LAUNCH REVEAL 🤫🚀
Try Kittl Print now! https://kit.tl/XXL. Use code XXL to get $15 off and enjoy a month of Kittl Pro Plan! HAPPY ALMOST BLACK FRIDAY 2024. If you have a dream, an idea, or something you've been wanting to start for a while... JUST. START. Your chances of su
Elon Musk: More Huge Grok Updates; Tesla Stock poised for Gains; 7 Reasons for Optimism this Week
I looked as hard as I could for bad news about Tesla, $TSLA, the economy, or the stock market, and I didn't find any. Therefore, it could be a really good week. Not saying bad stuff can't happen, just looking good at this moment in time. CyberOpener bottle
Grok and Tesla Are Breaking the Internet; Brian White Adds Critical Insights Into The Grokian Future
Will Grok take over the entire universe or only the known portions? Will Grok provide new ways of research hitherto not even contemplated? These and more questions will not be answered on this video. We need to ask Grok, so come quickly. CyberOpener bottle
Elon Musk Grok Updates; 20 Tesla Stock Market Moving Catalysts; Top Gear Shooting Cybertruck Review
The Grok story is unfolding quickly. The Cybertruck story is going to lead for months. There's huge future activity with M3+, MY Juniper, Optimus, and more. A bunch of future announcements happening in the next few weeks are going to move $TSLA. CyberOpene
Elon Musk Intros Grok. Tesla Benefits at Least 10 Ways From X.ai New ChatGPT Competitor Grok
The Xsphere is filled with commentary on the unveiling of Grok, the new AI assistant that will soon be live on X.ai. Elon is all a twitter (hmm) about this new service, and I think it will be a huge boon for Tesla. CyberOpener bottle opener - $10 membershi
Businesses concerned over APEC security perimeter
6 個月前
 • 33 次觀看
The city of San Francisco's Office of Economic and Workforce Development says they're sending out people door-to-door to help spread information about security ahead of next month's APEC conference. The city is planning a large perimeter around the Moscone
PACKAGING ORDERS 📦 #crochet #amigurumi #crochetplushie #packagingorders
My little sister likes to help me package orders by picking out the stickers! I sell these crochet plushies on my website and have very limited stock atm!
APEC Summit tight security plans concern businesses in San Francisco SoMa District
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in San Francisco is about three weeks away and the security plan for the international event has small businesses concerned about how it will impact patrons and workers. https://abc7ne.ws/3tEw6c1 #apec #summit #
外国华为粉沸腾了 华为自家5G芯片 & 全球首创卫星电话功能 震惊全球! 华为"先锋计划" 突然开售Mate 60 Pro
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 华为突然开售高端手机Mate 60 pro, 加持的是华为自己的5G芯片, 还有全球首创的卫星电话功能, 震惊全球. ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email: GermanCheese@qq.com 我的频道 / Mein Kanal / My channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/
综合德媒: 重磅!德国大众7亿美元入股初创公司小鹏汽车XPeng 5%股份 用小鹏电动车技术 | 奥迪向上汽求助 生产高端电动车
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 德国多家媒体报道了德国百年老店德国大众汽车集团放下身段参股中国新创公司中国电动汽车制造商小鹏汽车的消息。相信知道小鹏汽车德德国人没几个。这样一报道,相当于德国媒体又免费帮小鹏打了广告。 这次德国大众花7亿美元参股小鹏汽车, 获得5%的股份。粗略计算,是不是意味着小鹏的股份价值达到了约1000亿人民币了呢 ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各
Tesla Stock $290 in the AM Cybertruck #1: Market Is Pivoting to Risk; Market News for the Week
In this video I lay out a case that the market is about to pivot and the result of that pivot could be really, really good news for $TSLA. I lay out the my analysis of the reporting that will affect the market and Tesla this week. Now Unique content - Patr
Tesla Cybertruck Breakthrough; Institutions Buying $TSLA; Elon Musk says: "Electricity Shortage"
Huge News on this Saturday edition. Cybertruck #1 paves the way for 1.7m more. Truflation almost to 2%. Institutions loading up on $TSLA. Will $TSLA keep the rally going this week? Now Unique content - Patreon.com/RandyKirk for my spreadsheets and early vi
CPI Inflation, Debt Ceiling Deadline and the State of Small Business | Market Takes
This week will be a major inflection point for the economy and I’ll explain what to watch for. Markets will be closely attuned to the latest inflation reading, with all eyes on CPI. But investors will also need to watch developments in Washington as a dead
对比 中国 & 德国媒体报道: 马克龙 & 冯德莱恩访华 | 同是国家电视台 差别太大了!
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 对同一件事的报道,德国媒体与中国媒体完全不同。同是国家电视台。 ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email: GermanCheese@qq.com 我的频道 / Mein Kanal / My channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GermanCheese (德国知事) https:/
德媒高度关注: 马克龙和冯德莱恩 联合访华 "中国没有给欧洲创造足够就业" 搁置中欧投资协定 合作 & 脱钩
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 法国总统马克龙和欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩已经到达中国。之前,冯德莱恩强调, 欧洲要用一个声音跟中国说话。在一次关于欧洲立场的公开会议中,她强调,中国正大力扩展军备,而且中国明确表示,在2050年中国要成为世界霸权, 所以对于欧中投资协议, 欧盟必须小心谨慎, 特别对于欧盟前往中国的投资要进行严格审查. ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私
Lawyer on WHY Asmongold & MoistCr1tikal are Wrong About Dark and Darker
#attorneylife #lawyer #attorney #lawfirm #patent #trademark #copyright #nft #legal #IP #googleads #marketing My name is Tony Guo. I am a Patent Attorney who specializes in Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and IP Law. I run 2 startups in Humble Texas which
德媒综合报道: 外国元首扎堆北京 (排队进京) 马克龙 & 冯德莱恩成双结对 桑切斯(西班牙) & 梅罗尼(意大利)紧随其后 卢拉(巴西)将率领大型商务团访华6天
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 这是欧洲媒体报道欧盟领导人主动访华,马克龙邀请欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩一起访华的主要原因。现在欧洲稍微放下身段, 主动前往北京,说明有求于中国。 ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email: GermanCheese@qq.com 我的频道 / Mein Kanal / My channel: https://www.y
金融地震! 硅谷银行倒闭 瑞信惨被收购 德银重挫 资本从西方大出逃 香港&新加坡成避风港? 中国润人回流资本
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 随着美国硅谷银行轰然倒下,接着, 另有美国两家银行也接连倒闭,迅速产生外溢效应,导致了瑞士的百年老店瑞士第二大银行瑞士信贷银行简称瑞信以30亿瑞士法郎惨被收购. ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email: GermanCheese@qq.com 我的频道 / Mein Kanal / My channel: http
德媒: 洪都拉斯与台湾外交关系告急 洪国望与中国(大陆)建交 | 聪明的德国网友告诉解决办法
❤——————————❤——————————❤ 目前还有14国承认"民主"的中华民国。 ❤——————————❤——————————❤ Contact me: 微信/WeChat: 914406306 (请说明来意,不要无头无脑的,本人没时间跟各位私聊 望谅!) email: GermanCheese@qq.com 我的频道 / Mein Kanal / My channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GermanCheese (德国知事) https://www.youtube