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DJI Osmo Pocket 3 TOP FEATURES in 60 Seconds!
6 個月前
 • 54 次觀看
The DJI Osmo Pocket 3 is the MOST practical vlogging camera out there, and here are the top features that you need to know. Thanks DJI for sponsoring this video! #DJIOsmoPocket3 #VloggingCamera #PocketCamera
【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】中秋節!光孝路!燈籠街!人氣王!飲夜茶4.2 折!蝦餃12元!超抵食!燒鵝35元!客似雲來!最貼地!不得了!西華路市場買菜!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#中秋節 #廣州 #guangzhou 餐廳名稱:樂陶軒廣式茶大樓 餐廳地址:廣州市越秀區海珠北路11-15號2層 GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/Y7x5hr3JqsdM3jhY8 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/0c/xbp 餐廳消費:豉油皇炒麵 ¥9.60,樂陶軒蝦餃皇 ¥12,鮮肉雞湯小籠包 ¥9.6,懷舊果汁豬扒 ¥43,深井燒鵝 ¥35 ———————————— 更多精彩影片推薦: ★南沙最大海鮮市場買海鮮★ https:
Nikon Zf - A Classic Design with Modern Features
8 個月前
 • 78 次觀看
Nikon just dropped the Zf, their classic designed camera with Z series camera features. A 24.5MP full frame sensor, subject recognition AF, IBIS, and more, the Nikon Zf is worth your attention! Learn more at B&H: https://bhpho.to/3RsEtSa Order the Nikon Zf
GoPro HERO12 Black | First Look With Ryan Ditch
8 個月前
 • 48 次觀看
Hang out with professional photographer and content creator Ryan Ditch as he takes a first look at the all-new GoPro HERO12 Black. From improved battery life, to stabilization and HDR upgrades, see how Ryan puts it to the test on the beaches of San Diego.
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】美食天堂!西华路!街边美食!20元美食攻略!蛋挞!煎饺!沙湾双皮奶!本地市场买菜!巨满足!必逛!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou #streetfood
#街边美食 #guangzhou #streetfood 餐厅名称:沙湾甜品食馆(西华店) 餐厅地址:广州市越秀区西华路第一津33号101铺 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/nHuhyHNqcFoNZxf98 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/e1/bD1 餐厅消费:驰名双皮奶¥12,龟苓膏¥11 ———————————— 餐厅名称:诚成煎饺(西华路店) 餐厅地址:广州市越秀区西华路464号 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】市场美食!街头美食!粥粉面老店!牛肉肠粉13元!传统艇仔粥14元!最传统!正宗!本地市场买菜!当地人最爱!贴地美食!慢生活!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#广州 #guangzhou #市场 餐厅名称:华盛小食店 餐厅地址:广州市荔湾区东三街2号 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/02/_qyh 餐厅消费:艇仔粥¥14,牛肉肠粉¥13 ———————————— 更多精彩视频推荐: ★南沙最大海鲜市场买海鲜★ https://youtu.be/11Ag64RUY08 ★顺德本地人首推海鲜火锅★ https://youtu.be/IAQI_uk_3-A ★国庆假期北京路实况★ https://youtu.be/0s8aWcoZy
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】老字号粥店!牛肉粥!消费14元!高第街实况!香港签注攻略!平民食法!只能搭台!当地人最爱!慢生活!街拍!路边美食!巨满足!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#慢生活 #路边美食 #广州 餐厅名称:熊记鸡粥(同福中路店) 餐厅地址:广州市海珠区同福中路416号 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/uGR27GSrELFF4Zps5 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/30/SKD 餐厅消费:牛肉粥¥11,油炸鬼¥3 ———————————— 更多精彩视频推荐: ★南沙最大海鲜市场买海鲜★ https://youtu.be/11Ag64RUY08 ★顺德本地人首推海鲜火锅★ https://youtu.be
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】一定要试!最值得推荐!!广州荔湾湖饮早茶!二人消费55元!点心!美味!抵食!全是当地人!性价比之王!非常隐蔽!慢生活!烧鹅!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#慢生活 #点心 #广州 餐厅名称:西关世家 餐厅地址:广州市荔湾区龙津西路155号 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/Km8XEouPwus4nJyJA BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/3e/aS6J 餐厅消费:牛腩猪肠粉¥21,牛肉布拉肠粉¥15,桂花蒸米糕¥8 ———————————— 荔枝湾(英语:Lychee Bay)是一个河涌,位于广东省广州市荔湾区西关泮塘一带,有二千多年的历史,历史上是有名消夏游乐地,素有小秦淮之称,荔湾区因此而
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】美食一日游!最高人气!黄鳝煲仔饭!坐满本地人!50元一煲!天花板!食足一日!玩足一日!路边小食!食过最好!值得一试!顺德!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#顺德 #美食 #路边小食 餐厅名称:红星光发煲仔饭(文海店) 餐厅地址:佛山市顺德区文海西路7号 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/CHsaB7LykiCKPF5E8 BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/e5/Gin 餐厅消费:生鱼煲仔饭¥50,黄鳝煲仔饭¥45 ———————————— 更多精彩视频推荐: ★南沙最大海鲜市场买海鲜★ https://youtu.be/11Ag64RUY08 ★顺德本地人首推海鲜火锅★ https://youtu
Introducing vlog camera ZV-E1 | Sony
1 年前
 • 75 次觀看
Sony ZV-E1 is an interchangeable-lens vlog camera with a high-performance 35mm full-frame image sensor. Positioned at the top of Sony’s Vlog camera series, it gives creative vloggers who want to deliver the highest quality content all the advantages of Son
Learn about vlog camera ZV-E1 | Sony | α
1 年前
 • 128 次觀看
Sony ZV-E1 is an interchangeable-lens vlog camera with a high-performance 35mm full-frame image sensor. Positioned at the top of Sony’s Vlog camera series, it gives creative vloggers who want to deliver the highest quality content all the advantages of Son
SONY ZVE1 REVIEW | This Is Why I Sold My Sony A7SIII
GET $50 OFF MOTION ARRAY: https://geni.us/motion-array ALL MUSIC USED IS FROM ARTLIST: https://geni.us/bestmusic MY FINAL CUT PRO X COURSE: https://fcpx.academy PLUGINS USED https://geni.us/plessentials https://geni.us/best-plugin-ever MY INSTAGRAM: https:
Product Announcement Vlog camera ZV-E1 | Sony | α [Subtitle available in 21 languages]
SUBTITLE: You can turn on subtitles by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of the video screen. Then, click the settings icon next to the CC icon and select from 21 different languages. Watch the announcement of Vlog camera ZV-E1 Sony ZV-E1 is an interchang
【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】佛山最大海鲜餐厅!过千餐位!海鲜大餐!三人消费190元!平到你唔信!市场买菜!逛夜市美食!全场爆满网友激推!极受当地人喜欢!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#夜市 #海鲜 #市场 餐厅名称:滋味浓大排档(平西路店) 餐厅地址:广东省佛山市南海区夏平西路 GOOGLE MAP:https://goo.gl/maps/oTWusxWdav3Ez93DA BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/0b/CUc 餐厅消费:椰子汁¥29,猪仔包¥16,野山花甲¥19,椒盐羔鱿¥48,中生蚝半打¥46.80,炒石螺¥28,消费合计¥190 ———————————— 更多精彩视频推荐: ★南沙最大海鲜市场买海鲜★ https://youtu.be/
FROPACK3 is HERE with 15 all-new custom Lightroom presets!!! Check it out https://froknowsphoto.com/fropack3/ (40% OFF) This is a pREVIEW of the Canon EOS R8 and Canon EOS R50. This truly does change everything and is bad news for Sony and Niko
12 Reasons to Get the DJI Osmo Action 3 INSTEAD of the GoPro Hero 11 Black
DJI Osmo Action 3 and GoPro Hero 11 Black are contending for the title of best action camera, but there are 12 reasons why you should get the DJI instead of GoPro. DJI Osmo Action 3 Adventure Combo - https://geni.us/1AX2h DJI Osmo Action 3 Standar
SURPRISE! GoPro Hero 11 and DJI Osmo Action 3 are coming soon!
GoPro Hero 11 Black and DJI Osmo Action 3 action cameras are launching on the same day! Here are all of the leaks and rumors so far, including the specs on the NEW GoPro Hero 11 Mini, the successor to the discontinued GoPro Hero Session. If you're l
Nikon Z 30 - First Look at Nikon's Camera for Creators
Here is my first look and my experiences after spending couple of hours with Nikon Z 30. Check out Nikon Z 30 here: https://geni.us/nikonZ30 This video is sponsored by: Nikon Come say hi: 🐦 http://www.twitter.com/iPhonedo 📷 http://www.instagram.com/
Insta360 1-INCH 360 Camera w/ Leica Summicron Lens | The One RS Upgrade we've Been Waiting F
Get Insta360 1" - https://store.insta360.com/product/one_rs_1_inch_360?insrc=INR34JZ&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=KOL&utm_campaign=PotatoJet&utm_content=date202206281inch360launch Magnet Mount Thingy | 3 Footed Monster - https://www.3footedmonster.co