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LE SSERAFIM 接受《WIRED》自動輸入訪談並回答網路上搜尋次數最多的有關她們的問題。LE SSERAFIM 健身菜單大公開?哪位成員擁有他們的無畏時代? Yunjin、Sakura、Kazuha 和 Enchae 回答了所有這些問題以及更多! #LESSERAFIM #韓團 #鄉民大哉問 【VOGUE QUIZ】大S&具俊曄夫妻、搭檔默契考驗會過關嗎? ► http://bit.ly/3g9Xatr 【人生歌單】蔡依林、青峰等歌王歌后人生必聽歌單 ► https://smarturl.it/d5
選舉也跟數學有關?《俄羅斯方塊》是幾何訓練工具?有新的形狀出現?數學家回答幾何學問題!|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
數學家喬丹·艾倫伯格回答了網路上有關幾何的熱門問題。新形狀如何不斷被發現?我們在現實生活中什麼地方使用畢式定理?一根吸管上有幾個洞?艾倫伯格回答了上述這些問題以及更多更多關於幾何學的問題! 喬丹·艾倫伯格的書《Shape》可以在亞馬遜等通路購買到喔~ Timecode 00:00 intro 00:10 誰創造出幾何學? 00:48 有新的形狀才剛被發現? 01:22 四維超立方體(宇宙魔方)是真的東西? 02:14 真的有四個維度還是只是虛構的? 02:34 如果代數是對結構的研究 那幾何是什麼? 02:
從頭到腳算給你聽!生物學博士幫你預習熟齡來的那一天,了解人體各部位會如何變化|科普長知識|GQ Taiwan
傑弗瑞‧萊特曼 (Jeffrey Laitman) 博士於本集的科普長知識中深入剖析我們的器官和身體部位,介紹從頭到腳如何衰老。從聽力和脫髮到皮膚下垂和關節惡化,萊特曼博士強調了老化對人體的影響以及我們可以採取哪些措施。 譯者:Bryan #科普長知識 #年齡 #器官 【更多熱門主題推薦】 【刺青旅行】瘦子、Josh Lin分享自身刺青背後故事 ► http://bit.ly/3EAQHRy 【明星10件私物】周湯豪、周興哲等明星10樣必備小物 ► http://bit.ly/3GiT78M 【明星的經典角
LE SSERAFIM Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED | REACTION
twitter: https://twitter.com/adreylol instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adreeeyy/ patreon: https://www.patreon.com/adreyyy Adrey reacts to # # # tags: adrey,reactor,adrey reaction,kpop,react,reaction,adrey reacts,le sserafim,wired,content,LE SSERAFIM An
LE SSERAFIM Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
LE SSERAFIM take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the internet's most searched questions about themselves. Did fate bring them together as a group? What did the LE SSERAFIM workout consist of? Which member owned their Fearless era? Yunjin, Sakur
I was wrong... GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Review
6 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Review GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Wireless Pro Controller for Switch/Lite/OLED, Hall Effect Controller (No Drifting) for Windows PC, macOS, Steam Deck, Android & iOS https://amzn.to/3MAGVCF Thanks if you use my Amazon affiliate link :) 🟣
為什麼《航海王》這麼受歡迎?選索隆正解🏴‍☠️ #GQ電影 #onepiece #航海王
Netflix《航海王》演員回答50個熱搜問題 ► https://youtu.be/fUgUEKL6PIQ
索隆vs.香吉士誰比較強? #GQ電影 #onepiece #航海王
Netflix《航海王》演員回答50個熱搜問題 ► https://youtu.be/fUgUEKL6PIQ
《奧本海默》三位一體核試驗在現實中怎麼進行的?核武歷史學家解電影中的原子彈試爆場景|科普長知識|GQ Taiwan
今天,核武歷史學家 Alex Wellerstein 解析了克里斯多福·諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)2023 年最新電影《奧本海默》背後的科學原理。 電影的靈感來源於哪些歷史時刻——這些場景的準確性如何? 看ㄎ原子專家如何解析《奧本海默》的科學內容。 譯者:Dutch 徐定遠 SAG-AFTRA members are currently on strike; as part of the strike, union actors are not promoting their film an
Margot Robbie's Most Popular Questions, Answered
10 個月前
 • 69 次觀看
Barbie's Margot Robbie answers some of her most searched questions from the internet, including how she was discovered and how she's so good at American accents. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 Listen to the Get WIRED
機票在出發多久前買最划算?旅平險真的一定要買嗎?旅行達人回答「出國旅遊」問題|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
旅行專家兼里程點數網站「The Points Guy」創始人 Brian Kelly 回答了來自 Twitter 的旅行問題。 三大航空公司哪家更好——達美航空、聯合航空還是美國航空? 累積旅行里程數的最佳信用卡是什麼? 您應該提前多久預訂航班? Brian 回答了這些問題以及更多問題! 00:00 intro 00:13 美國航空「三巨頭」哪家比較優? 00:54 為什麼最近有這麼多航班被取消啊? 01:20 買機票是哪家網站最好? 01:55 為什麼現在還會有旅行社? 02:35 歐洲旅遊規劃 03:0
Steven Yeun & Ali Wong Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
Beef stars Ali Wong and Steven Yeun take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the internet's most searched questions about themselves. Where does Ali Wong get her glasses? When did Steven Yeun start working on The Walking Dead? Why is Ali always pre
ITZY Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
ITZY take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the internet's most searched questions about themselves. What does ITZY mean? Who joined ITZY first? What is their fanchant? Can they speak Japanese? How were they discovered? Yeji, Lia, Ryujin
The Biology Behind The Last of Us | WIRED
1 年前
 • 53 次觀看
The infection from HBO's The Last of Us is actually based on a real parasitic fungus. This fungus turns insects into zombies. The creators of the game and the show were inspired by zombie carpenter ants. WIRED spoke with Dr. Charissa de Bekker to talk
【ジェフ・ベック追悼】Jeff Beck/Blow-Up
ストーンズファンとしてこの曲での共演も忘れられません..Throwaway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl13bhdXGw4 好きな映画と音楽を語るチャンネル「ROCK 'N' CINEMA」毎週金or土曜夜配信! https://www.youtube.com/@ROCKNCINEMA #JeffBeck #ジェフベック #BlowU
Chess Pro Answers Questions From Twitter (ft. GothamChess) | Tech Support | WIRED
Levy Rozman answers the internet's burning questions about the game of chess. What's the best opening? How do you become a grandmaster? Was the Queen's Gambit an accurate show? What's the worst move you can make in chess? Is it harder to play with black pi
阿達一族《星期三》Jenna Ortega回答熱搜問題,為演星期三特別練大提琴! Autocomplete: Jenna Ortega|鄉民大哉問|GQ Taiwan
鄉民大哉問不定期更新!訂閱GQ開啟小鈴鐺 ► https://smarturl.it/1c37tu 《星期三》的珍娜·奧特嘉(Jenna Ortega)回答了網絡上搜索次數最多的關於她自己的問題。 她和 Gina Rodriguez 有關係嗎? 她是天秤座嗎? 她是素食主義者嗎? 她會唱歌嗎? 她會跳舞嗎?? Jenna 回
Googleマップを暗記する天才、GeoGuessrのトリックとは | WIRED.jp
一萬小時天才定律是真的嗎?麥當勞在小時候比較好吃?《異數》作者回答各種研究問題 Author Answers Research Questions|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
名人問答系列每週更新!訂閱GQ準時看片 ► https://smarturl.it/1c37tu 暢銷作家 Malcolm Gladwell 回答了網絡上搜索最多的研究問題。 如何避免“確認偏誤”? 一萬小時規則是真的嗎?維基百科是可靠來源嗎?在我們小時候麥當勞薯條更好吃嗎? Malcolm 回答了所有這些問題以及