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연준의 비공식 대변인은 무엇을 숨기고 있을까? (FOMC 프리뷰)
#나스닥 #파월 #FOMC 인스타 https://www.instagram.com/dante_dante_kim/ 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/mynameisdj
Thousands Feared Dead in Libya From Storm, Heavy Flooding | WSJ News
Thousands of people were feared dead after heavy flooding from Mediterranean storm Daniel caused widespread flooding in Libya, senior officials said Monday. Photo: The Press Office of the Prime Minister of the Eastern Libyan Government/AFP/Getty Images #ws
Fed Chair Powell Speaks at Jackson Hole Symposium | WSJ
Watch live coverage of remarks from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell at the Kansas City Fed’s Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium. #Fed #Powell #WSJ
Why the Federal Reserve Controls So Much of the Economy | WSJ
The Federal Reserve is central to the U.S. economy today, and it’s controlled by just 12 people. Its monetary policies can lower inflation or even spark a recession. The central bank says it’s dedicated to achieving its goals set by Congress to maximize em
How Nvidia's AI Strategy Fueled Its $1 Trillion Valuation | WSJ
Thanks to AI, chip maker Nvidia broke into the exclusive club of companies, like Apple and Microsoft, that have a $1 trillion market cap. Nvidia’s chips power generative AI like OpenAI’s ChatGPT by being able to do lots of complex computations simultaneous
I Tried Apple’s Vision Pro Headset: A Hands-on Reaction | WSJ
Apple’s Vision Pro headset combines virtual reality and augmented reality for the price of $3,500. The mixed-reality headset is the tech company’s first major new product in a decade and does not include controllers as your eyes are the cursor and your fin
Will Apple’s Headset Be as Disruptive as the iPod, iPhone or Apple Watch? | WSJ
Apple is expected to announce a mixed-reality headset in 2023. Thanks to the iPhone, Apple has a massive 2-billion-person installed base, but convincing customers to purchase a pricey headset could be a challenge. When the tech company released the iPod an
How Tucker Carlson’s Vulgar Messages Helped Seal His Fox News Exit | WSJ
Tucker Carlson, Fox News’s most-watched prime-time host, called a senior network executive the c-word in a redacted message, and reservations had been mounting about risks Carlson presented for the network ahead of his ouster Monday. WSJ takes a look at ho
Starship Explosion Video: Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch | WSJ
SpaceX’s massive Starship rocket exploded minutes after it cleared the launch pad during a flight test Thursday. Elon Musk had said the test posed steep challenges and risks. Photo: SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #WSJ
Elon Musk's Starship Just Exploded: What's Next for SpaceX?
The launch – and subsequent explosion – of Elon Musk’s Starship is actually just the very beginning of the spacecraft’s long road to carrying humans to different planets. So what’s next for the most powerful rocket ever built? I explore what’s next for Spa
How Hong Kong is forever changed
1 年前
 • 59 次觀看
Subscribe ► YouTube.com/Uptin | Hong Kong was handed from British rule to Beijing in 1997. Under the agreement, Hong Kong would remain a semi-autonomous special region of China for 50 years. But things are happening faster. Up Your Knowledge! ► Subscribe:
【頭條開講】華為手錶上太空啦!中美又掐架了!SSN AUKUS 是渣男把妹術?陸官媒:根本騙局!美俄黑海撞機!拉中國入局開戰?20230315完整版@HeadlinesTalk
主持人 #周玉琴 前駐紐西蘭大使 #介文汲 時事評論員 #謝寒冰 前立法委員 #蔡正元 時事評論員 #朱凱翔 立法委員 #李貴敏 1.直接衝突 撞機開戰! 中國入局? 俄羅斯打甚麼算盤? 白宮譴責魯莽! 2.小兵逃大陸! 是欠錢仔! 陳玉珍曝二膽失聯士兵向陸方表示不想回來! 3.SSN AUKUS 後續吵不完! 中國暗指 美國渣男把妹術! 澳洲沉淪不自知! 4.貪婪的高層! 先賣先落袋! WSJ:矽谷銀行倒閉前 CEO/CFO大量賣股! 5.比利時政府部門禁用Tik Tok抖音 陸方:無理打壓有損營商環境信
State of Inflation and Recession Fears: The Latest PPI and Retail Sales Reports | Market Takes
Fears about the U.S. economy have increased in recent days, and the latest retail sales and inflation data will play a major role in how the Federal Reserve steers the U.S. economy. Ahead of the next Fed meeting, we’ll unpack the producer price index and U
How Silicon Valley Bank Collapsed | Tech News Briefing | WSJ
Silicon Valley Bank shut down suddenly on Friday. The lender’s customer base was made up of many startups and venture-capital firms, particularly in the tech sector. WSJ finance editor Charles Forelle joins host Julie Chang to explain the bank’s downfall.
You Should Be WORRIED - Silvergate, Ethereum, and Altcoins in BIG Trouble! DAO Maker MKR pumping 🚀
The SEC is coming for crypto banks like Silvergate, altcoins are in trouble, and Bybit is suspending USD bank transfers coming soon! Avax sees mass inflows of BTC and DAO Maker is launching CryptoGPT. 🚀Find the most undervalued gems, up-to-date research, a
美1月核心PCE暴漲...Fed梅斯特:利率應在5%以上"一段時間" 美稱中恐軍援俄"致命武器" 華府擬投資控管!?|主播 李瀅瀅|【新聞午夜場】20230224|非凡新聞
(00:00)美1月核心PCE年增4.7%.月增0.6% 高於預期 (03:24)台海局勢受國際關注!WSJ:駐台美軍將增4倍 (05:42)晶片"美國製造"!拚2030前打造2座半導體聚落 (08:18)零件出包!鴻海轉投資Lordstown召回電動皮卡 #非凡新聞 #新聞午夜場 #美股 #通膨 #PCE #台海 #半導體 #Lordstown 更多內容 敬請鎖定 【非凡新聞台】【非凡商業台】 非凡電視台YouTube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/ustv 非凡電視台IG
習突宣重大勝利意在兩會? 爆李克強最後報告防甩鍋!?-汪潔民 徐俊相《57爆新聞》網路獨播版-2200 2023.02.20
00:00:00 民眾繳錢高官享用? 獨揭中國醫保「不能說的秘密」!? 00:10:10 美日韓「槍騎兵」領軍全面迎戰! 獨爆GUB-72直搗深處斬首金正恩! 00:21:15 最慘人禍釀化學汙染? 美火車出軌洩毒河水驚見恐怖彩虹? 00:33:15 陳宗彥案「一屍多命」? 爆酒店大亨涉光電案 綠2金童全中彈!? 中國「三白」革命連爆! 李克強最後報告防「被甩鍋」?! 死亡數差20倍? 習宣布防疫大勝利…「白髮革命」秒打臉! 民眾繳錢高官享用? 獨揭中國醫保「不能說的秘密」!? 公安布幕擋人阻「陳抗」? 爆
台馬「海纜」全斷曝國安危機! 爆鴻海衛星升空搶太空商機!?-康仁俊 黃暐瀚 黃揚明 徐俊相《57爆新聞》精選篇 網路獨播版-2100-2
台馬海底電纜全斷曝國安危機 爆鴻海衛星升空搶太空通訊商機!? 台馬電纜全斷NCC曝遭中國船勾斷! 爆美中科技戰從天上打到海底!? WSJ曝台灣95%數據靠海底電纜 一旦開戰被切斷恐為斷網孤島!? 美俄冷戰成竊密大作戰! 爆秘密竊聽海底電纜10年沒被發現!? 鴻海自製低軌衛星將升空 揭台灣不缺席太空戰場將年年發射!? 國家太空中心掛牌衝向宇宙! 30年來發射獵風者、福衛衛星!? 不怕被中國「斷訊」! SpaceX衛星服務有望抵台最快2023年啟動!? 資深媒體人 黃暐瀚 資深媒體人 康仁俊 資深媒體人 黃揚明