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Grok: Meet ChatGPT’s New Rival And Elon Musk’s Witty AI Chatbot with a Sense of Humour
Elon Musk has launched his own artificial intelligence chatbot called Grok, and it's unlike anything we've seen before. Grok is witty, rebellious, and has real-time access to information through Musk's social media platform, X. In this video, we explore Gr
🚀$XAI 代幣一日暴漲超 400%,竟與馬投顧有關? - 近日,一個名為 $XAI 的小幣曾在短短三小時內暴漲 424.194%,背後原因竟跟馬斯克的 xAI ...
🚀$XAI 代幣一日暴漲超 400%,竟與馬投顧有關? - 近日,一個名為 $XAI 的小幣曾在短短三小時內暴漲 424.194%,背後原因竟跟馬斯克的 xAI 公司最新動態有關?左滑輕鬆看看! - 👉🏻看完整文章,請見《加密城市》官網或APP(至首頁點擊🔗 🌟想知道更多幣圈的大小事,歡迎追蹤 cryptocitytw 以及官網
Grok Chatbot AI: What is It and How to Use It
6 個月前
 • 31 次觀看
#shorts Elon Musk has introduced a new AI chatbot named Grok, developed by his company xAI, as part of his venture into the AI landscape. Grok stands out from conventional AI due to its unique personality that incorporates humor and sarcasm. Join our YouTu
Elon Musk Just STUNNED The World: Grok Is Here & It’s Awesome
► Join Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/solvingthemoneyproblem ► FREE 1 Yr Supply of Vitamin D + 5 AG1 Travel Packs https://drinkAG1.com/SMR ► Subscribe on X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevenmarkryan ► UNLOCK 300+ Exclusive Videos: https://www.patreon.co
今回はニュースでも話題になったX(旧Twitter)のChatGPTのような生成AI「Grok(グロック)」についての話題になります。まだ日本人ユーザーは使えてる人はいないようですが、ウェイトリストに登録する事でいち早く使えるかも知れないので動画を参考に登録しときましょう。 ※動画で伝えてる通り現状はアメリカだけです。 ▼Grokに関してのページはこちら https://x.ai/ ーーコミュニティへの参加方法ーー ▼コミュニティ参加手順 1.YouTubeメンバーシップに参加 2.Discordサーバーに
Welcome Grok
6 個月前
 • 23 次觀看
#ai #elonmusk #grok Listen to the podcast here: https://link.chtbl.com/MBD Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mbdailyshow Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mbdailyshow/ Follow us on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@mbdailyshow Sign up
Elon Musk kreiert ChatGPT Konkurrent? Alle Infos zu "Grok" von x.AI
Tesla kreiert seine eigene AI, die ChatGPT in den Schatten stellt. Sie verfügt über die gesamte Datenbank von X / Twitter, und kann somit aktuelle Themen besser angehen. Darüber, und über andere Themen wie einen Cybertruck in Schwarz matter Folierung, und
Elon Musk unveils Grok, an AI chatbot with a ‘rebellious streak’
Elon Musk unveils Grok, an AI chatbot with a ‘rebellious streak’ #elonmusk #ai #chatbot #grok
xAI's Grok will make TESLA a TON of MONEY! Plus YOU Can Sign Up For Grok!
If you thought xAI's Grok was only going to help one of Elon Musk's companies--namely x--think again! Musk himself has pointed out how Tesla as well will benefit--and potentially make a lot of money--from Grok! Plus we find out more information about Grok,
Elon Musk's xAI Releases 'Grok' to Take On ChatGPT (AI News)
In AI news today, Elon Musk's xAI releases 'Grok' to take on ChatGPT. Rumours also spread of a new ChatGPT feature called 'GPTBuilder' or 'Magic Create', which might make it very easy to make money with ChatGPT. Links Grok waitlist https://grok.x.ai/ X Pre
How to Use Grok AI Without X Premium (Early Access)
6 個月前
 • 50 次觀看
Hey Guys! This video was created to show you how to use the NEW Grok AI By Elon Musk without purchasing an X Premium Plan Using Early Access. You can use this to Test the NEW Grok AI by the XAI Team... #twitter #elonmusk #twitterx
मस्क ने AI चैटबॉट 'ग्रोक' पेश किया! #elonmusk
#indianews #IndiaNewsBusiness #AIChatbot #TechNews #TechInnovation #xAITechnology #ElonMuskAI #xAIGrok #AIAssistants #ChatbotTechnology #AIInnovations #TechLaunch #ElonMusk #xAI #ArtificialIntelligence #Chatbot #Grok #AI #Technology #innovation स्टॉक मार्क
xAI GROKS IT!! Musk's xAI CHALLENGES ChatGPT For Best ChatBot!
Elon Musk founded xAI in April of 2023 and already they are bringing out Grok, their competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini and Meta's Llama! Grok looks to have some really fun features like sarcasm and up-to-the-minute news from Twitter/x, whi
🚀Can Bitcoin Hit $47K This Month?💰
6 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
#Bitcoin #ETH #Solana #L1s #L2s #Tesla #Debt #Stocks #november 👋 JOIN THE FAMILY: http://www.patreon.com/investanswers 📈 IA MODELS: http://www.investanswers.io 📬 IA NEWSLETTER: https://investanswers.substack.com 🪙 IA CRYPTO COMPENDIUM: http://www.investans
BREAKING: Elon Announces xAI ChatGPT Competitor Grok
Elon Musk has announced a new LLM from xAI that has way more attitude and snark than ChatGPT. Video created with HeyGen. The AI Breakdown helps you understand the most important news and discussions in AI. Subscribe to the podcast version of The AI Breakdo
What's Grok? Everything you need to know about XAI's chatbot.
What's Grok? Everything you need to know about XAI's chatbot. #grok #elonmusk #xAI #chatbot #grokchatbot #technews
Twitter : Changement de nom, la stratégie intéressante derrière le "x" d’Elon Musk 🚀
💡 La stratégie intéressante derrière le "x" d’Elon Musk. 🧠 Du lancement de x.com en 1999 à l'actuelle société X.ai, la lettre "X" a marqué l'empreinte d'Elon Musk dans le monde de la tech. 🤖 La fameuse lettre s'est retrouvée dans SpaceX, la Tesla Model X,
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「周杰倫概念股」巨星傳奇在香港掛牌大漲逾2成 周媽媽葉惠美財富1天暴增近21億台幣 公司與周杰倫關係深厚是最大賣點也是主要風險|鏡轉全球 #鏡新聞
「周杰倫概念股」巨星傳奇以每股4.25港元在香港掛牌,盤中飆漲近5成,終場仍大漲24%收5.26港元,周媽媽葉惠美財富1天暴增近21億台幣,公司除經營周杰倫相關IP與週邊商品,還囊括中國1/4防彈咖啡市場,但招股書指出,與周杰倫的關係也是主要風險。 美元指數下探14個月新低,即將失守100大關,日圓等非美貨幣瘋漲。市場押注,在美國CPI大幅回落之下,Fed打通膨已近尾聲,今年頂多再升息一碼,甚至不久將轉降息。 中國6月進出口減幅雙雙高於預期,出口年減12.4%,連2月負成長,衰退幅度3年多來最大,對歐美亞主