
1 天內
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SA Today with Jennie Lenman
1 年前
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SA Today with Jennie Lenman Join journalist Jennie Lenman as she explores the great state of South Australia; from its food and wine, to its events, attractions, sports, politics and real estate. https://audioboom.com/channels/4819258-sa-today-with-jennie-
Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey
5 個月前
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Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey Matt Mira and Doree Shafrir spent two and a half years, a lot of money, and nearly 100 episodes of this podcast trying to get pregnant through IVF. Now that they're actually pregnant, welcome to Season
Not Skinny But Not Fat
1 年前
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Not Skinny But Not Fatamanda hirsch Amanda Hirsch, @notskinnybutnotfat on Instagram, shares her hot takes on entertainment news, celebrities & pop culture, and interviews your faves! http://notskinnybutnotfat.libsyn.com/website Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0
Food Heaven Podcast
2 年前
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Food Heaven Podcastwendy lopezjessica jones Join BFF’s and registered dietitian nutritionists Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones as they talk to different health & nutrition experts about how we can live healthier, more balanced lives. Each week they deep dive
It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast
1 週前
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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that covers news and information on Pokémon GO, the Pokémon anime, and the video games (such as Pokemon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet, as well as, Pokémon UNITE and Masters
The Bellas Podcast
1 年前
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The Bellas Podcast Sisters, mothers, WWE Hall of Fame Inductees, TV personalities, best-selling authors, and entrepreneurs; Nikki and Brie Bella pick up the mics to give you uncensored access to their lives like never before. Welcome to The Bellas Podcast
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- | Fm yokohama 84.7(FMヨコハマ)
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- 洋楽、K-POPの新曲、ヒット曲、最新アルバムの紹介、そして80年代、90年代の名盤など、音楽ファンに届けるプログラム「Radio HITS Radio」。番組DJ今泉圭姫子が、来日アーティスト、海外とリモートで繋いでのインタビューは、番組の人気コーナーとなっている。その貴重なインタビューをPodcastプログラムとしてお届けします。 【番組概要】毎週木曜日26:30〜放送中「Radio HITS Radio」DJ 今泉圭姫子 https:/
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs In "The Downfall Of Diddy," Tony Brueski, renowned host of the Hidden Killers Podcast and True Crime Today, delves into the tumultuous saga of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs, a figure whose life of
Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe
6 個月後
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Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe Get ready for a gripping true-crime podcast that delves deep into the mysterious disappearance of Ana Walshe, a devoted mother who vanished without a trace. We'll leave no stone unturned as we talk to investig
Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series
2 個月後
 • 818 次觀看
Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series What if we told you everything you know about the world is wrong? What if we told you that all the things you believe to be impossible are in fact very much possible? Reality is not what you think it is. It is so
傳送門❤️ tina.031107 不標記你兄弟來看 你兄弟一定生氣❤🇹🇼 女神👉 qo_mo16 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ -
傳送門❤️ tina.031107 不標記你兄弟來看 你兄弟一定生氣❤🇹🇼 女神👉 qo_mo16 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ -
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris
6 天後
 • 24 次觀看
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical journalist who had a panic attack on live national television, which led him to try something he otherwise never would have considered: meditation. He went on to write the bestselling b
以色列千人上街籲讓人質回家 納坦雅胡發聲拒同意停火協議|20240602 公視晚間新聞
美國總統拜登5月31日表示,由以色列提出的3階段停火協議得到卡達與埃及支持,但以色列總理納坦雅胡卻在1日說,除非徹底殲滅哈馬斯,否則不會同意結束以哈戰爭。另外,有數以千計的以色列群眾,因為被哈瑪斯抓走的人質還沒辦法回家而走上街頭抗議,與警方爆發衝突。美國境內則是反對以哈戰爭活動還在持續中,連總統拜登都遭抗議民眾罵「可恥」。 詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/698076 - 由台灣公共電視新聞部製播,提供每日正確、即時的新聞內容及多元觀點。 ■
蘇姿丰今演講秀新晶片.NPU 廣達.仁寶等高層現身|華視新聞 20240603
超微執行長蘇姿丰,今(3)日以「高效能運算邁向AI時代」為題,現身computex開幕演講。除了神采奕奕跟大家用中文和英文打招呼,還在台上公開最新晶片和新款NPU,她還透露,AI晶片是超微現在第一優先項目。而廣達副董事長梁次震、仁寶總經理Anthony等科技界巨頭也齊聚台下聽演講,都說非常期待。 https://news.cts.com.tw/cts/general/202406/202406032332021.html 🔴華視新聞24小時LIVE直播 https://pse.is/CTSNewsLive
柯文哲預言「賴柯」政爭! 老柯嗆「柯昌心結」|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
民眾黨主席柯文哲預言,總統賴清德與民進黨團總召柯建銘將出現「民進黨版馬王政爭」,柯建銘則反嗆柯文哲,黨主席位置會被黃國昌取代,對此,黃國昌也回擊,這種潑糞發言,見縫插針可以停止了。 #柯文哲#賴清德#柯建銘 #TVBS新聞 #TVBS直播 #TVBS新聞網 ●TVBS新聞APP全新改版登場! 快來下載👉https://bit.ly/47n6SOm ●訂閱 T-Radio👉https://bit.ly/3vyzKVL ●加入【TVBS娛樂頭條】給你娛樂最大條👉 https://reurl.cc/pr6b7b
侯友宜慶黃埔百年 校友拱「選主席」|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
●TVBS新聞APP全新改版登場! 快來下載👉https://bit.ly/47n6SOm ●訂閱 T-Radio👉https://bit.ly/3vyzKVL ●加入【TVBS娛樂頭條】給你娛樂最大條👉 https://reurl.cc/pr6b7b ●訂閱【TVBS選新聞】您在乎的事 TVBS幫您選👉https://tvbs.pse.is/4qxn2r ●訂閱【TVBSNEWS】最新資訊馬上接收👉https://tvbs.pse.is/4q7gu2 ●按讚【TVBS新聞FB】帶您掌握即時新資訊👉http
【出場即炸場】JESSI ·《What Type of X (어떤X)》| WATERBOMB HONG KONG 2024 Day 2 #WaterBombHongKong #WaterBomb
【出場即炸場】JESSI ·《What Type of X (어떤X)》| WATERBOMB HONG KONG 2024 Day 2 | 2024/06/02 | #WaterBombHongKong #WaterBomb魔方全媒 娛樂全世界 MoreForms Media Entertains The World
🔴【LIVE直播】兩岸關係惡化如何因應?總統賴清德出席國際電腦展最新回應│中視新聞 20240604
###中視新聞 @中視新聞 收看中視新聞,請鎖定新聞台154。 訂閱中視新聞24小時直播頻道,最新最快消息不斷線唷~ https://bit.ly/3bF2VwV ⊕新 聞 焦 點⊕ 今日十大發燒新聞→http://bit.ly/3n9VlKg 政治最前線→http://bit.ly/3n9Vq0w 生活大小事→http://bit.ly/3b3x4mQ 社會大代誌→http://bit.ly/3b78gdJ 好料看這裡→https://bit.ly/3lf63Pq ⊕熱 門 節 目⊕ 庶民大頭家►http
孫安佐唱rap嗆聲 揚言25歲幹大事|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
#孫安佐#孫鵬#狄鶯 #TVBS新聞 #TVBS直播 #TVBS新聞網 ●TVBS新聞APP全新改版登場! 快來下載👉https://bit.ly/47n6SOm ●訂閱 T-Radio👉https://bit.ly/3vyzKVL ●加入【TVBS娛樂頭條】給你娛樂最大條👉 https://reurl.cc/pr6b7b ●訂閱【TVBS選新聞】您在乎的事 TVBS幫您選👉https://tvbs.pse.is/4qxn2r ●訂閱【TVBSNEWS】最新資訊馬上接收👉https://tvbs.pse.i