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SA Today with Jennie Lenman
1 年前
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SA Today with Jennie Lenman Join journalist Jennie Lenman as she explores the great state of South Australia; from its food and wine, to its events, attractions, sports, politics and real estate. https://audioboom.com/channels/4819258-sa-today-with-jennie-
Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey
5 個月前
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Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey Matt Mira and Doree Shafrir spent two and a half years, a lot of money, and nearly 100 episodes of this podcast trying to get pregnant through IVF. Now that they're actually pregnant, welcome to Season
Not Skinny But Not Fat
1 年前
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Not Skinny But Not Fatamanda hirsch Amanda Hirsch, @notskinnybutnotfat on Instagram, shares her hot takes on entertainment news, celebrities & pop culture, and interviews your faves! http://notskinnybutnotfat.libsyn.com/website Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0
Food Heaven Podcast
2 年前
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Food Heaven Podcastwendy lopezjessica jones Join BFF’s and registered dietitian nutritionists Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones as they talk to different health & nutrition experts about how we can live healthier, more balanced lives. Each week they deep dive
It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast
2 天前
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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that covers news and information on Pokémon GO, the Pokémon anime, and the video games (such as Pokemon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet, as well as, Pokémon UNITE and Masters
The Bellas Podcast
1 年前
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The Bellas Podcast Sisters, mothers, WWE Hall of Fame Inductees, TV personalities, best-selling authors, and entrepreneurs; Nikki and Brie Bella pick up the mics to give you uncensored access to their lives like never before. Welcome to The Bellas Podcast
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- | Fm yokohama 84.7(FMヨコハマ)
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- 洋楽、K-POPの新曲、ヒット曲、最新アルバムの紹介、そして80年代、90年代の名盤など、音楽ファンに届けるプログラム「Radio HITS Radio」。番組DJ今泉圭姫子が、来日アーティスト、海外とリモートで繋いでのインタビューは、番組の人気コーナーとなっている。その貴重なインタビューをPodcastプログラムとしてお届けします。 【番組概要】毎週木曜日26:30〜放送中「Radio HITS Radio」DJ 今泉圭姫子 https:/
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs In "The Downfall Of Diddy," Tony Brueski, renowned host of the Hidden Killers Podcast and True Crime Today, delves into the tumultuous saga of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs, a figure whose life of
Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe
6 個月後
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Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe Get ready for a gripping true-crime podcast that delves deep into the mysterious disappearance of Ana Walshe, a devoted mother who vanished without a trace. We'll leave no stone unturned as we talk to investig
Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series
2 個月後
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Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series What if we told you everything you know about the world is wrong? What if we told you that all the things you believe to be impossible are in fact very much possible? Reality is not what you think it is. It is so
中國長期以來憂慮成真! | 美媒驚爆!美國有"任意門"可隨時癱瘓ASML機台!【頭條開講】精華版 @HeadlinesTalk
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最新動作電影【#亡命機劫】正式預告 全能歐爸 #河正宇 化身最狂副機長英勇對抗敵人 真人真事改編,生死一瞬間的終極任務! 實力派華麗演員陣容 #河正宇 #呂珍九 #成東鎰 #蔡秀彬 【亡命機劫】6月21日(週五)與韓同步上映 訂閱索尼影業YT頻道開啟🔔掌握最新預告首播 👉http://youtube.com/c/sonypicturestw
歡迎訂閱,每日更新不一樣的美食✌✌✌ 三款无油蒸面饼配方大公开 | 柔软劲道不粘连 鸡蛋面饼新吃法 | 不蒸不烙秒上桌,孩子抢著吃 玉米别只煮着吃 | 这做法一次做3斤,全家人都说香 三款无油蒸面饼配方大公开 ,柔软劲道不粘连,【麗麗廚房】,面饼的做法,面饼料理,面饼食譜,鸡蛋面饼新吃法,不蒸不烙秒上桌,孩子抢著吃,玉米别只煮着吃,这做法一次做3斤,鸡蛋面饼料理,鸡蛋面饼食譜, cooking,food,Recipe 更多精彩視頻看這裡 ❤️ ❤️ 👇👇 記得按下鏈結訂閱我的頻道 👉 https://reu
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感謝黃仁勳.台積電! 賴清德宣示將投入建置超級電腦 打造台灣AI島 允諾政府有三大工作 黃仁勳超挺台 謝金河分析"化解來自中國壓力"│記者 許芷瑄 林楷均│【新聞一把抓】20240604│三立新聞台
#三立新聞 #三立LIVE新聞 ➲從台灣看見世界的故事 https://www.youtube.com/@SETBorderlessWorld ➲新台派上線 https://www.youtube.com/@NewTaiwanonline ➲新台灣加油 https://www.youtube.com/@NewTaiwan ➲前進新台灣 https://www.youtube.com/@SETTaiwanGo ➲驚爆新聞線 https://www.youtube.com/@SEThotlinenews ➲台灣
立法院第11屆第1會期第16次會議 併案審查再生醫療法草案【CNEWS】20240604
❗招募匯員中❗成為匯長、匯董幫小編加雞腿🍗🍗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciBAhIME9MQEmGbBPnh44g/join CNEWS匯流新聞網記者 李文成、王聿瀠、陳巧紜、林佑威/台北報導 #卓榮泰 #再生醫療法 #立法院 ➤CNEWS匯流新聞網:https://reurl.cc/qd35LD ➤訂閱CNEWS YT頻道:https://user107568.psee.io/5f58pp ➤按讚CNEWS FB:https://reurl.cc/20vZLa
每年每位過敏性疾病患者的直接成本為 1,800 – 6,600 歐元
HEAD 登記中心擁有近 800 名患者,旨在評估歐洲境內過敏性疾病對經濟和社會帶來的影響。 西班牙瓦倫西亞, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 根據 EAACI 推廣的歐洲 HEAD 登記中心所收集數據而得出的研究結果,如果我們只考慮醫療帶來的直接成本,每年每位過敏性疾病患者的成本是 1,823 – 6,656 歐元,而 EAACI 正於瓦倫西亞會展中心(Feria de Valencia)舉行會議至 6 月 3 日(星期一)。 EAACI 研究與推廣委員會(ROC)主席
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一、停擺的世界 全球大停電危機 全台大停電陷黑暗 紅綠燈停擺.各地釀災情 將致大停電? 氣象署發6年最強"磁暴特報" 漲聲響起! 全台電費漲荷包縮 衝擊百工百業 二、重電概念股看勢漲 股價業績攀新高 重電四雄崛起 強韌電網+美基礎建設法案 支持核電延役 科技大老童子賢開第一槍 周偉航:核電在台灣已成"神學".跟著感覺走? 三、大缺電的世界 蓋核廠真能解套 生人勿近! 核廢能怎處理? 防護失靈成隱憂 先進國家蓋核電廠 法成歐洲電力出口龍頭 德廢核後果難承擔 反對黨倒戈急喊復核 主持人:呂捷 #黃仁勳 #仁寶
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