@Scott Jund

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Get THE RATM Bass Tone! #scottsbasslessons #sbl #basslesson #rageagainstthemachine
The self-titled debut Rage Against the Machine album has a soft spot in the hearts of many bass players, partly due to Tim Commerford's killer tone & playing. Fancy trying to emulate the sound? In this clip, Scott & Ian break down how you can get close! 🤘🏻
Quickfire phrasing exercise ⏳🔥 w/ Michael League #scottsbasslessons #sbl #basslesson #michaelleague
More short, sweet soloing tips from @michaelleagueplaysmusic 🔥 A great exercise to add into your practice routine. Take a conscious approach towards coming up with phrases in order to spark some creativity! ✨ This clip is taken from the latest SBL course,
Three Way RACE for the WIN on the St. John's River - Bassmaster Elite 2024 (FINALS) - UFB S4 E20
We all made the cut! HOUSE CUT! Matt and Canterbury are both in the Top 10 and have a chance to make a run at this thing! 🧢 SMC MERCH 👕 - https://bit.ly/SMCMERCH Crescent Fish Camp: https://bit.ly/CrescentFishCamp Unfinished Family Business Season 4 Episod
世界七大奇蹟!2 歲寶寶看到墨西哥馬雅金字塔的反應|超美地下岩洞游泳|奇琴伊察 Chichen itza |豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
來到墨西哥,當然要順便把七大奇蹟之一的「奇琴伊察」金字塔蒐集起來!在繪本或是教具上偶爾會看到金字塔,這次能帶 Cheyne 來親眼看看真正的金字塔,實在是有點感動啊嗚嗚。 本集影片感謝 Surfshark VPN 的支持!Surfshark VPN 讓我們可以想去哪個國家就任意切換 IP 位置,VPN 也可以隱藏我們在網路上的行蹤,保護我們資訊安全避免帳號密碼遭到外洩。當然除了這個之外,很多購物網站因此也都會有限定地區才有的獨家優惠,甚至是很多訂閱制的服務也有好幾倍的價差,這時候就可以透過 Surfshar
Tesla's CEO Just Had a Mental Breakdown and the Company is Going Under
Tesla car review. Tesla's CEO Announcement Sends Shockwaves Through the Car Industry, DIY and car review with Scotty Kilmer. Buying a Tesla electric car. Are Tesla cars worth it? Buying a new Tesla. Buying a used Tesla Model 3. Should I buy a Tesla. Are Te
Raymond Holliwell - The Law Of Attraction
4 週前
 • 22 次觀看
"The Law of mental attraction acts along the same lines as the law of gravity; it is as definite and as accurate. You have heard the Law expressed in such statements as “Birds of a feather flock together” or “Like attracts like” or “Things equal to the sam
If You Want a Car That Will Last 500,000 Miles, Buy This
Toyota Corolla review. The Best Engine Ever Made (Do Not Buy Anything Else), DIY and car review with Scotty Kilmer. Are Toyota Corolla any good? New Toyota Corolla. Everything you need to know about the new Toyota Corolla. Best engines to buy. Should I buy
兩歲孩子看自己的出生影片!沒想到竟然是這個反應?|豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
我常常在想,看自己的出生影片到底會是什麼感覺啊?為了要帶 Cheyne 進產房,我們想讓 Cheyne 瞭解生產的過程、做好心理準備,決定陪她一起,第一次看自己的出生影片。 到底 Cheyne 會有什麼反應呢? 此非付費合作影片。 __________ \加入我們,一起探險/ Instagram|https://www.instagram.com/piggyteammates/ Facebook|https://www.facebook.com/piggyteammates/ 生活頻道|https://ww
帶寶寶回診!黃疸好了嗎?新手二寶爸媽二打一 vlog|豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
本來以為第二胎會輕鬆很多,但是一出生就碰到新生兒呼吸陣喘、黃疸需要照光的情況,對 Chesley 跟身為爸媽的我們都是好大的挑戰。還好呼吸狀況在醫師、護理師的照顧下已經康復了,黃疸的部分則是需要回醫院複診。這一胎因為沒有住月中,又有一個大寶需要照顧,連回診都要抓緊時間趕快溜出來,深刻感受到兩個孩子的生活真的不容易啊! 此非付費合作影片。 __________ \加入我們,一起探險/ Instagram|https://www.instagram.com/piggyteammates/ Facebook|ht
雙寶家庭的日常|豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
1 個月前
 • 40 次觀看
為了照顧孩子,爸媽自己總是隨便坐就好😢 我們在家都是坐在地上陪孩子吃飯、讀書、玩玩具,偶爾能放鬆休息的時候也是亂坐一通,以為隨便坐就能放鬆,但反而經常愈坐愈累,現在年紀大了真的撐不住⋯⋯ 爸媽們,真的 #不要再隨便坐!這段時間使用 #Style #日本健康護脊椅,幫助我們維持良好姿勢,提供腰臀腿三點有效支撐,久坐下來非常有感能減輕腰背負擔,還能時時提醒自己養成正確坐姿習慣 Style 日本健康護脊椅👉🏻https://hengstyle.co/t/mV @styletaiwan2065 __________
兩歲小姊姊怎麼跟新生兒弟弟相處?新手二寶家庭的一天|豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
我們正式展開二寶的家庭生活啦!最多人會問的就是,到底大寶跟二寶之間的相處如何?會有行為倒退或是吃醋攻擊的行為嗎?很慶幸我們家目前都還沒有~希望兩個孩子可以繼續相親相愛🥺 弟弟出生終於可以開始搭配姊弟裝了!我們從學生時代就很喜歡買 lativ 的衣服,C/P值高、穿起來舒服,而且網購通常 1-2 天就會到貨。重點是 lativ 所有品項都通過檢測,卡通圖案也經過正版授權,不只穿得可愛,爸媽也可以放心,寶寶的衣服一下子就穿不下,每年換新衣服也不會太心疼! lativ 官網 🔗 https://lativ.tw/
媽媽待產中,爸爸女兒的小約會~第一次去兒童樂園|豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy
雖然每次一打一都很累,但是其實很珍惜可以跟孩子獨處的時光~ 本集影片再次感謝鯊魚爸爸支持!相信大家對 Surfshark VPN 都不陌生,VPN可以隱藏我們在網路上的行蹤,保護我們資訊安全避免帳號密碼遭到外洩。當然除了這個之外,很多購物網站因此也都會有限定地區才有的獨家優惠,甚至是很多訂閱制的服務也有好幾倍的價差,這時候就可以透過 Surfshark VPN 來幫我們聰明購物!Surfshark VPN 可以讓我們追劇更多選擇、跨國買東西更便宜,也可以保護資訊安全,推薦給大家! 我們的 Surfshark
How Reddit's IPO Will Impact the Market
1 個月前
 • 3 次觀看
Reddit shares quickly popped on the company's first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. What will a successful Reddit IPO mean for the larger market? Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway share their thoughts and predictions. #pivot #podcast #reddit
Was Elon Musk Bored in Don Lemon Interview?
1 個月前
 • 3 次觀看
Kara Swisher gives her a review of Don Lemon's interview with Elon Musk, saying "nobody got sandbagged," and notes that Elon appeared to be bored by the whole thing. #pivot #podcast #donlemon #elonmusk #shorts
SpaceX Orbit Largest Spacecraft In History also SpaceX Destroy Largest Spacecraft In History.
SpaceX's 3rd flight of Starship was spectacular, even though it's the first such flight without any explosions. It was also a step forward for the space company making it a success, but far from a complete success as both booster and Starship failed to con